13 Replies to “Enbridge Pipeline Hoax”

  1. When a group does something like this to terrify people in order to achieve a political goal the only name that fits them is terrorists.
    I predicted this a few years back. Like the Red Army Faction/Baader-Meinhof Group who started out as protesters, they eventually become frustrated at the lack of response to their protests and move on to direct action in order to force progress on their political goals.
    The zeitgeist is worse, what with the sense of entitlement coupled with the short tempered impatience of the new generation. They want it all and they want it now.

  2. Oz, agree with you about these individuals being terrorists. Thus, they would be covered by existing anti-terrorist legislation which means that their bank accounts could be seized, any individuals who contribute money to these terrorist organizations can be charged with supporting a terrorist group and the individuals involved in terrorist activities could be jailed indefinitely. Good luck in seeing that happen as the CINO’s seem to be determined to not offend their enemies.
    If Canada was a reasonable country, these terrorists would be involved in fatal “accidents” which could be arranged by similar underground counter-terrorist groups. In the case of religious extremists, there’s only one way to deal with them as there’s no reasoning with them. Any individual who threatens Western civilization is an enemy of the people and the SSS method is the best way of dealing with such extremists. The choice of 20/4/2013 for some “action” is curious as that’s also Hitler’s birthday. The environ-mental lunatics seem to be drawn to totalitarians as “earth day” is on Lenin’s birthday. In the case of attacks on a countries infrastructure, these should be viewed as acts of war and the perpetrators dealt with accordingly.

  3. Funnier and smarter than 99.9% of enviro stunts. It might bug me if they had said people’s water was at risk but they said ‘probably not at risk’. Amusing, and people will be annoyed by it discrediting the loons a little more.

  4. Enviros going mental? They’re mental to start with, it’s a qualification to join the movement.

  5. Years ago I warned the Alberta energy department this crap was going to happen, I said “while you clowns are watching “erections” , of your crosses of stupidity, aka windmills, the “Lizzy May Days” of the environMENTALists will be placing bombs on pipelines. These humanoids are unhinged and spoilt brats to boot, time to deal with them adult like.

  6. Let’s never lose sight of the fact these anti-pipeline crimes are funded by wealthy crony oligopolists who will profit by the pipeline not going though. These things are less about anti-development as they are anti-competition. This is the merging point for the wealthy oligarchs connected to the power structure and the anti-capitalist left. They are both ,essentially, anti free market. The left want no development and the crony oligarchs just want a few politically connected insiders to profit by killing competition through protest, legislation and policy – so they fund the left’s war on their competitors.
    These days behind every disruptive anti-progress event is a funding laundromat for the crony capitalist oligopoly. If the IRS and CCRA was as meticulous at tracing oligarch cash laundromats (foundations and institutes etc,) as they are squeezing a few more pennies out of Grandma this well funded anti-development lefty activism would stop.

  7. Why is anyone surprised at these antics?
    The Eco Greenie Fruits & Nutters have been lying, cheating, scamming and scheming about global warming, using fearmongering and hysteria based propaganda techniques to stampede the herd.
    We should be surprised they are not reverting to actual sabotage of pipelines. As the bloom fades from their AGW rose they will get ever more desperate to creat limelight where it doesn’t exist, more despondent over being ignored by sane people, less respected and heard in the public marketplace of ideas and crazy enough to go criminal to make up for the corrosion of their pagan religious, Gaia worshipping beliefs.
    They are sick Whackos, very, very sick and will no doubt convince themselves, because they are so righteous and good, that they can do or say anything to advance their cause.

  8. There was another item on Sun yesterday about the organic farming movement’s desire to reduce consumption, aka people, to match production instead of the opposite. It is an irresistible desire among environmental-cases to cull the herd, themselves not included of course. There is a tendency in humans to go batshit every 60-70 years or so and go about murdering people. The greens are just the latest iteration.

  9. I had a call yesterday from some twit doing a survey on environment which began by asking me if anyone smoked in my house or if we had any pets, I said my husband smokes cigars and we have two dogs and a cat and it was none of her business and hung up. It was all lies, we have no pets and my husband would never smoke a cigar in the house.

  10. Since pipelines are low-risk compared to other transportation methods, the militant watermelons will have to create a risk for pipelines – sabotage.
    Pipelines are too dangerous became they can’t be completely protected so someone (they) “could” sabotage them and damage “sensitive areas.” IOW they’re the risk of pipelines.
    As Dr. Ball states, the enviromentals assign themselves greater wisdom than others and proclaim they must enforce the new enviro/climate orthodoxy to save the world from stupid humans. If that means the end of capitalism (except in China) well, that’s the price we (you) have to pay. The fact that this guarantees them influence and wealth while comforming to Stalinist ideology is pure coincidence, of course.
    Maybe they could get their giant brains to work on why hundreds of $billions spent worldwide combating climate change hasn’t replaced any carbon fuel infrastructure or capacity. They’ll probably conclude that since it’s now clear since global temperatures are not rising they’ve been successful so the revolution must go even further, to assassinations and perhaps public executions if necessary.
    When the public finally rejects their totalitarian fantasies, then suicide bombings will be required. IOW these zealots will stop at nothing to destroy capitalism, because they’re marxists, they don’t care about the environment.

  11. I agree with Occam on who is behind this and the reason why. There is no shortage of useful idiots for them to use and to hide behind.
