Meet the Misandrists of Ryerson University’s Students’ Union Executive

Charles Adler has an interesting editorial about strange happenings at Ryerson University in Toronto. It’s a follow-up of this article:

[The Ryerson Students’ Union (RSU)] is afraid of three students–two of them women–starting a men’s issues group.
Despite the constant rhetoric about diversity, equity and inclusion, the RSU cannot tolerate ideologies that run counter to its own. The irony of this patronizing attitude towards campus freedom is hard to miss. It’s as if the spirit of closed-minded religious dogma has jumped into bed with modern political correctness to prevent blasphemy against RSU ideological orthodoxy.
The principle is this: if you challenge official narrative, you don’t have the right to speak. But this is supposed to be a university–a place where we learn and debate in an open environment; where those we disagree with are challenged, not with censorship, but with other ideas. To agree to disagree and to respectfully debate–this is true tolerance.

So no one forgets, let’s clearly remember the 5 anti-Canadian bigots who comprise the Students’ Union Executive. Expect them to be running as NDP candidates in a riding near you in the not too distant future!

15 Replies to “Meet the Misandrists of Ryerson University’s Students’ Union Executive”

  1. It’s a loooong list of grievances, but one rarely talked about which really infuriated me at University were scholarships that are explicitly for females only. One scholarship that would have been a slam dunk for me was worth about $20,000. Looking back on it, I should have self identified as gender female.

  2. Hell, you should have identified as a Transitional or a Hermaphrodite. You would have bagged it in an instant.

  3. Scanned the 5 anti-Canadian bigots. Todays fascist pigs are certainly more diverse than those of yesteryear but the message is the same – taking the jackboots to free speech.

  4. Marwa Hamad (VP) – Malcolm X relative speaks at Ryerson Marwa Hamad Ryersonian Staff…

  5. Ryerson: a stupid little school. Little, as in small in every sense.
    Ryerson is to education as North Korea is to Freedom.

  6. All radical gays or Muslims. Says it all. Ryerson the Detroit of education.
    The biggest bullies now hold power.
    People wonder why free speech is gone?
    When fascists under any other name rule expect any who oppose their ideology to be persecuted if not run off. These are not nice people ,but walking Dogmatists of the hard left. we all know what happens to folks who live in those Nations run by bullies under the cloak of toleration.

  7. What I see from the moonbats on the student council is a marked under-representation of white males. Thus, if I was at Ryerson I’d be starting a white pride group and working to smash moonbbat hegemony over the university power structure.

  8. Welcome back Revnant Dream!
    One of the strongest messages to come from REAL Women of Canada is the diminishing role of men and fathers, and the damage that is causing to our culture and society. Feminists don’t want to hear that.

  9. White males are allowed on student council as long as they’re openly gay or known left wing activists.

  10. Just a small note,Robert. You should list the execs of this commie club,so we don’t have to give that hate site hits.After all,it is legal,as it is public domain.

  11. Jamie “MacMaster” your school prejudice is showing.
    Long for the days of Ryerson High, pre-University status.

  12. “…”MacMaster” your school prejudice is showing…”
    Not a bit. I suspect that “Mac” (McMaster) is every bit as iniltrated with arseholes as is Ryerson.

  13. The Campus Left guard’s official policy of misandry is on display for all (who have escaped their requisite moral lobotomy which removes any sense of hypocrisy or culpability)to see. Ho hum, another day another glaring hypocritical injustice in the ideology of big sis and her sibling, big brother.
    The left’s big sis/brother ideal is a top down authoritarianism that loves you people – as long as you are not male, a fetus, non-colored, Christian, Jewish, libertarian, Conservative, populist democrat, law abiding, not a terrorist, own a duck gun, are an omnivore and happily married with a family – those people are not allowed into the utopia they control.Unfortunately for these mouth-breathers, this is the majority.

  14. I’m a student at Ryerson and as some insider info, this decision was not at all welcomed. Both school newspapers, the Ryersonian and the Eyeopener, (and they are not “conservative” by any stretch) lambasted this move. They called it for what it is: muzzling of free speech of ideas these five perpetual students disagree with. I should also point out, that though these five were elected and thus, “represent the school”, don’t be deceived. Ryerson’s student election turnout is an abysmal 11%, hardly a sound endorsement by my school. Most of my peers could care less about these shill activists. In fact, compared to other universities, I find Ryerson is probably the most… perhaps not friendly to conservative ideas, but we are not shunned for our views. Events like Israel Apartheid and other nonsense that York is famous for are virtually non-existant. Believe me, at least at my school, there are many students who do not fall into line with leftist drivel.
