26 Replies to “The Sound Of Settled Science”

  1. Kate,
    You must remember that we are in a Climate Change Mode,
    it will get a lot colder before it gets warmer.
    Please send a check or money order,
    100 US Dollars.
    DBS Stop Climate Change,
    P. O. Box 4US
    Rebuke Minn. 37312-44US

  2. The next great scam will be Catastrophic Global Cooling.
    Save the Killer Sharks and their pups.

  3. ha.
    Yogi Climate Change:
    “If you come to a fork in the road, take it.”

  4. Imagine what the graph would look like if weather stations next to air conditioning exhaust were excluded.

  5. Global warming also means increased chaos in the planets weather. It has become so chaotic with all our carbon polution that it is no longer possible to predict what will happen. We are doomed. Give whatever you can to the Suzuki Foundation, it’s our only hope, think about the children for gaia sakes!

  6. interesting comment sorry for the length:
    Henrik Svensmark, the Danish astrophysicist who is credited with the theory that most of the global warming of the 20th century was caused by a doubling of the magnetic output of the sun (a magnetic sun reduces cosmic rays which Svensmark says cause clouds) may be in line someday for a Nobel prize. Solar cycle 24 which began in 2009 shows the sun is in a steep magnetic decline. Sunspots are a proxy for solar magnetism — the more the sunspots the greater the solar magnetism. Solar cycle 24 is showing a steep decline in sunspots from previous 20th century solar cycles. Solar cycle 25 is looking to be even less magnetic with some astrophysicists (Livingston and Penn) predicting that by then there may be no sunspots. If Svensmark’s theory holds and the sunspots decline further, we may be looking at another little ice age like we had during the Maunder Minimum (1645-1715) when there were almost no sunspots for 70 years and the earth was as cold as its been since the last ice age.
    – David Mills , Memphis, United States, 19/3/2013 02:19
    Where can I get a Vintage Seal Skin Fur Jacket Coat?

  7. So how many billions have been scammed out of people’s wallets by politicians who drank the snake oil peddled by the fraud artists such as Gore, Fruitfly, et al. How many more billions will have to be spent to rectify and redirect electrical generation and other insane regulations.
    Some people should go to jail.
    Simmy, joking, right?

  8. How bad is the model when the historical data barely stays within the 95% “certainty” lines in multiple places?

  9. And the Harper government STILL doesn’t have the balls to stop cowtowing to the warmists…

  10. i hate to be a synic because i am in complete denial of man made global warming but i am noticing an upward trend even in the black line.
    can someone splain it to me!

  11. Pulling out of the Kyoto accord and the desertification ‘gabfest’ were a good start djb.
    Harper is an incrementalist who understands the need to move slowly on conservative options while still maintaining power in a society brainwashed by decades of Liberal malfeasance. He’s kept the CBC and done may other things which don’t thrill the base, but thank god for the magnificent bastard!

  12. paul in calgary. Note that after 2006/2007,there is only one tick up,which is just a normal anomoly.From 2006/2007,the trend has been down.If you smooth out the black line,the trend is down,all the way.

  13. Here’s some totally unscientific input. I have lived in White Rock since 1948. I went to school here and delivered newspapers to many customers after school. Looking at the statistics, and based on my imperfect memory, I have to say that winters were COLDER around here during the early 1950’s and on into the 1960’s. As the area “developed” (more houses and commercial structures were built) and a lot of the trees were removed, it seems it has gotten warmer. We don’t get the snow and cold we used to get.
    I blame that, to some extent, on the deforestation of the Lower Mainland.
    Now, I also contend that Gore and Suzuki are full of cow manure with a lot of their BS, but it is undeniable (as the graph shows to some extent) that there has been and is some global warming. Just not really to the extent the the environmental whackos would have us believe.
    Just my nickles (we don’t have pennies anymore) worth.

  14. I think our best bet is to pay homage to Jupiter, the weather God of the Roman Empire. The God of Carbon is a light weight and has been proven ineffective. Let’s tear down the Temple of the IPCC, cast out the false Prophets and return to what worked. Heed this warning or be prepared to suffer more winters like this one. Perhaps a few crumbs thrown at some of the Sun Gods would help too. Amatrasu,Freyr, Apollo,Surya, Inti, Hepa, Arinna or any of the tried and tested. They all have a better track record than the IPCC.

  15. The time scales in the graph are short-term noise in the realm of climate science. The trend that is more meaningful is the big picture, that we are in the waning years (likely less than 5000) of an inter-glacial period.
    Your observed temperature trends, similar to Northern hemispheric temperatures widely observed and where no forests exist, is more influenced by major systems over the Pacific Ocean, with snowfall more associated with the occurrence of cold outflows coming out of the Fraser valley/canyon. Other than summer heat-island effect(from deforested and developed landscapes), forestation influences (radiation absorption, transpiration-cloud formation etc)in weather / climate are on a much larger scale.
    CAGW is more an economic phenomena (rent-seeking on levels not seen since the military industrial complex) than science-related. The CAGW hypothesis is just that and one that has easily morphed into an economic bandwagon for those who simply reinforce rather than attempt to test the lucrative hypothesis to say nothing of all the derivative rent-seeking and political pimping.

  16. Wow it was sure nice to let the gas out I have been holding in last 15 years in fear of heating up the planet.

  17. realitycheck
    hope U didn’t “blue angel” that puppy:-))))
    bin saying for years, the methodology don’t hold water, now they make me a graph to prove I’m rite!!!
    think I’ll go buy some lottery tickets now:-)))

  18. Killing our own, babies than importing Muslim Mohamed fueled killer colonists. Great solution eh?
    One commenter was slobbering about welfare babies like he was God, & knew how they would turn out in life. What a society. That thinks killing babies for money along with convenience, is a sane solution. Madness disguised as normalcy.
    Even Nazis gave out chocolate before they gassed children.
    Here we can’t even talk about it, least it offend a person who thinks humans are just flesh to be culled.Future people as just destiny’s organic machines. I blame the Materialist bias as the Mythology of our era. That nothing material means anything because there is no spiritual component. So they think.

  19. A bit of simple calculus shows the mean curve of the graph has been within the predicted range, possibly with the exception of the last two years. That’s pretty accurate forecasting.

  20. Gerald, if you said the except last 5 years at least some of what you said might make sense. Nobody said the climate hadn’t been warming, just humans didn’t do it. It’s more likely the global climate will cool going forward short-term, geologically speaking. We could overlay relevant solar activity on the chart and I bet there’s more correlation. Whatever; the carbon party nears an end as world economies slow and the largesse dries up.
    In any event climate’s within normal variability nowhere near the planet has a fever range. The watermelon let’s crush capitalism with wind turbines does nothing for the environment except make it worse and (almost) everybody much poorer with a dirtier and more dangerous world the result.
