With enemies like this….

You know that last fight scene in The Matrix? Neo is fighting Agent Smith and is so much faster that he doesn’t really have to concentrate? Smith tries to lay a hit, but Neo blocks them all with one hand while looking away.
Yeah, The Toronto Star is Agent Smith.

11 Replies to “With enemies like this….”

  1. That may be the point JMD.
    They may talk about Ford’s rising approval in Torstar’s lunchroom, but it never gets past there. At this rate, it may only take 2 leftist candidates to split the statist vote in Toronto, instead of the full herd in last election.
    I imagine in the lunch rooms at MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, the topic of the Gosnell trial gets the odd mention too, but that’s as far as it gets.

  2. I think that the point is that his approval rating has gone higher despite the Red Star’s vendetta, and in that point, it doesn’t matter who is carrying the story. Having said that, the Star has absolutely no mention of Ford’s approval ratings on the front page of its website.

  3. There’s a good reason for Ford’s rising approval ratings. Go here:
    For each year, read Ford’s summation of Toronto’s fiscal difficulties. From the size of the losses being incurred by Miller’s administration, Toronto was headed for the bankruptcy experienced by New York in the 1980s. Ford has put a stop to that. For the first time this year, Ford has tabled a City budget in which total expenditures are LESS than the previous year. And with no diminution of essential city services. And he’s still maintaining the capital budget for infrastructure replacement and renewal.
    Of course the TorStar-fed socialists hate him. They ran Toronto into the ground for the past 30 years, leaving a fiscal wasteland behind them. Socialist government is the reason chunks are falling out of the Gardiner Expressway. In just a few short years, Ford has illustrated how utterly incompetent the last three decades of Toroto City Council has been.

  4. Some times, just some times,to much odium directed at a guy who works hard may help them. With the meaningless assaults on this Mayor by the hard left has made people feel a bitter taste in their mouths. When all along he’s doing more than a competent job. Not all people are ideological robots. The Miller incompetence showed just how out of touch Marxists are with normal folks.
    For these “progressives”, trying by foul means to oust him out of office showed their true colors.Red to the boner, dishonest & a might creepy.

  5. Good analogy, Kate. Let me throw another one at you …
    On Roy Green’s show today he talked about Justin Trudeau’s seemingly unstoppable rise in popularity on the road to becoming PM. He invited people who could see themselves voting for Trudeau to call in. One guy from Ontario was a classic. He complained about Harper’s inability so far to get rid of the deficit. That’s a fair charge and something that probably annoys most SDA readers too. But then he went on … saying how Justin Trudeau would probably be better at fighting Canada’s fiscal issues. Paraphrasing: “For example,” he said, “here in Ontario I voted for Dalton McGuinty because he was a moderate unlike the Conservatives and NDP.”
    Excuse me?! You’re using Dalton “Deficit Balloon-boy” McGuinty as an example of why Canadians should vote for Trudeau?!?!? You’re bragging about the fact that you voted for Dalton McGuinty, the premier who bankrupted your province and gave the residents a larger per-capita debt than California?!?
    Bringing it full circle … I have zero doubt that the writers & readers of the Toronto Star would fully be nodding their heads at what this nonsensical caller said. They live in a Bubble Chamber in which YOU MUST HATE both Rob Ford & Stephen Harper. Failure to do so gets you kicked out of The Bubble. And that is a place no Liberal ever wants to go.

  6. With a little more populist community outrech, Onterrible might just have its first Ralph Klein

  7. As long as the numbers of those on the teat of the government does not exceed required percentage to assure an election, there will be honest and concerned politicians elected. Look south to the US. The 47% or is it 53% by now. Obama is what you will get when you have those circumstances in place.
