Y2Kyoto: “Remember 1979?”

That was the year….

… of “We Are Family” by Sister Sledge, of “The Dukes of Hazard” on TV, and of ” Kramer vs. Kramer” on the silver screen. It was the year the Shah was forced out of Iran. It was before the web, before the personal computer, before the cell phone, before voicemail and answering machines. But not before the global warming campaign.

24 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: “Remember 1979?””

  1. Uh yeah I recall that time…..we still figured the air wuz clean and sex wuz dirty….not really….
    Hand held calculators were the size and weight of a brick; cell phones cost thousands and needed a wheelbarrow to haul them about. Cars were biodegradable…it seemed…

  2. 1979 ? … sure, 14 December 1979:
    “The ice age is coming, the sun’s zooming in
    Engines stop running, the wheat is growing thin
    A nuclear error, but I have no fear
    ‘Cause London is drowning, and I live by the river
    Now get this
    London calling, yes, I was there, too
    An’ you know what they said? Well, some of it was true!
    London calling at the top of the dial
    After all this, won’t you give me a smile?
    London calling”

  3. 1979, yes I was there, after Nixon dumped gold, after Trudeau brought in the forerunner of c-68, before Trudeau began his Cultural Genocide against all English Canadians. He had already began Canada’s long term structural Sovereign Debt from which Canada has never recovered. If I lived in Quebec, I would buy a small yellow dog, and every day I would take it to piss on Trudeau’s crypt, then I would walk it home and feed it Alberta beef. How anyone in English Canada can be stupid enough to ever again to vote for a PM from Quebec is beyond me. French Canada has destroyed Canada and bankrupted our children and their future.

  4. I bet a lot of folks now regreat Quebec never won itsa referendum to seperate. I know I do. We should have one to see if Canadians still want them in this half assed Confederation. They have ever held this Nation up to ransom.

  5. Just to nitpick, personal computers were around in ’79. The Apple II came out in ’77. But yes, I get your point

  6. The farther along we go, the less sustainable will be this whole global warming boondoggle. That being said, I’ve no doubt the same hucksters who’ve pushed it will segue seamlessly into a new con game even blaming CO2 for global cooling if they think it will bring a quick buck from the same gullible fools they’ve gamed up to now. As PT Barnum said, “There’s a sucker born every minute.”

  7. Harry Binswanger’s experiences were similar to mine. In fact, I too was 35 in 1979. I was a true believer back then, and hoped for warmer winters, which never came. The last shreds of my belief were eradicated when I first saw the Mk. I hockey stick. With its complete lack of the Mediaeval Warm Period it was evidently the work of fools, ignoramuses, and/or charlatans.

  8. The Seventies – The US sent people to the moon and rockets into space. They don’t do that anymore since Obama embarked on a program to kill national pride. He’s almost as good as Trudeau was in destroying everything to be proud of.

  9. And yet, in 1974, the “scientific consensus” was that we were entering a new ice age (cover story of Newsweek in April 1974). Proposals were put forward to drop coal dust on the ice caps to melt them to prevent further cooling.
    Eliminate the billions in grants that these parasitic, fear-mongering so-called experts are currently getting, and we won’t hear a peep out of them again.
    They’ll be too busy begging for spare change on street corners.

  10. I too just accepted global warming as a fact. I saw the Gore movie and knew it was horse crap but that never broke my belief. Climate-gate killed the fairy tale for me. When it becomes obvious that everyone was colluding to falsify information and freely admitted to it, that was the end for me. That was the same time that it became apparent to me that the main-stream media has an agenda. Before that, I just thought journalists were cumulatively a pretty stupid bunch.

  11. Three years after 1975 when they where still teaching us Alberta would be under 1 mile if ice with the coming Global freezing.
    As Ive said before, the UN is the most useless corrupt organization mankind ever cobbled together.
    It spreads mostly misery around the Globe while its bureaucrats with member states swallow steak. Wallowing in Free Nations tax dollars for World travel.
    Just ask Redford with her brand of parasites in Alberta. She learned well under the Dark UN Jedi’s of despoliation.

  12. Congratulations on a truly superlative and compelling idea. I vote for Mr. Trudeau, Sr.-style “consistency”, which was much-vaunted, at least by the standards of Quebec-based Liberals and their “Laurentian” fellow travelers, back in the day.
    In the interest of such “consistency”, if the price of carbon emissions goes negative, on account of “global cooling”, that should mean that the “hucksters” should be paying the Rest of Us to increase carbon emissions to bring the market back into sustainable equilibrium, shouldn’t it? As an aside, just so you know, I demur from your characterization of the hucksters as “hucksters”: I prefer to call them well-intentioned and honourable businesspeople, who are utterly honest brokers, with no inherent conflict of interest, etc., on account of their belief in “consistency”.
    Not that I intend any insult at all to the hucksters, Quebec-based Liberals or the Laurentian self-appointed elites: after all, I am just one of the Rest of Us from the Rest of Canada, which comprises close to eighty percent of the population, less, of course, the folks in Kingston ON, Ottawa and Toronto.

  13. In 1979 I had just moved to Vancouver and, until 1986, it was one of the best places in Canada to live. Analog had been publishing SF stories which were mentioning global warming but to me then the solution was simple, start building a lot more nuclear reactors. Never did I envisage the mass hysteria that would result from people getting upset over the concentration of a trace gas in the atmosphere.
    In 1979 what the moonbats were upset about was “nuclear winter” and there were mass moonbat gatherings in Vancouver protesting the mere existence of nuclear weapons. The same useful idiots suddenly changed to protesting against “climate change” when the KGB decided that this was the manner in which the US and western civilization was to be destroyed.
    The longer I look at this whole issue, the more likely it seems to me that the N. American network setup by the USSR over the last 70 years is probably deeply involved in this. When the USSR collapsed in 1989, suddenly the protests against “nuclear winter” stopped and we’ve had a focus on the “environment”. Gorbachov was one of the founders of an environmental organization and I’m sure that all of the US sleeper agents were suddenly tasked with raising awareness of the dangers of “global warming”. What better way to cause the collapse of N. American and European economies than to make these countries deindustrialize? In the case of the Europeans, Gazprom is the big winner as I suspect next winter it will be German women going online to trade sexual services for assistance in paying their gas bills.
    The majority of people are probably totally clueless of the psychologic warfare campaign that has been going on since the 1930’s. While the Nazi’s were good, the Russians were far better at this type of warfare and when one is dealing with an unsophisticated ignorant population, who needs to try to beat the US in outproducing military hardware?

  14. Loki, I think that you are bang on. This infiltration of our institutions has been going on for eighty years.
    I guess maybe I am suspicious by nature of stuff like this and follow who is going to make a buck on the latest threat to mankind, and thought glaciers in New York City were bs and thought that AGW was bs all along.
    The biggest threat to mankind is these morons who dream up this stuff and then get useful idiots to flog it.

  15. Ahhhh yes – the days of endless summer, the Iran hostage situation (Carter/Dems last term), women who actually liked men – Farrah Fawcett, Suzanne Somers, Lynda Carter, Catherine Bach, Cheryl Tiegs, Christie Brinkley, quality was “job one” at Ford so they were first with exploding Pintos, Disco went mobile with roller blades and the Sony walkman, 60 minutes was the #1 show, people thought Rod Stewart had talent and unfettered inflation reined as the economic imperative – the high water mark of the me-first cult.
    Thank God we grew out of that – or did we? The bills are just coming due. Oh well, the kids will pay them right? Off to retirementville at age 55.

  16. Those were the days my friend. We thought they they’d never end. We sang and danced for ever and a day….La, la ,la, la, la, la…
    Sigh, oh well, time to brush my dentures and hit the sack.

  17. First, there was acid rain and the ozone layer.
    Life was so simple back then.

  18. Thanks peterj. I enjoyed every second of Mary Hopkins version.
    Today, it seems almost everyone is a social activist of some sort and every sitcom has to have a socially redeeming value.

  19. Hi SDA,
    in 1981 a ‘prog rock’ band by the name of Spys (featuring ex-Foreigner keyboardist Greenwood?) released a fairly decent single called: “Waiting for the Ice Age”
    Even since, I’ve found it impossible to grant any credence to AGW (not to mention their ludicrous computer “models” purporting to correlate with the atmosphere’s complex chaotic interactions)
    Niall from Winnipeg

  20. 1979? I remember being stuck in a motel in Bakersfield on New Years Eve and being subjected to The Village People performing on one of the New Year’s Eve shows (can’t remember if it was Dick Clark or not).
