16 Replies to “Yes. Next Question.”

  1. I am all for ripping off as much from the system as possible. Lie cheat and steal like a politician to top up your income.
    Honest people are the true disadvantaged these days. If you raise your kids and instil morals and a work ethic you are handicapping them !
    Carry on.

  2. “…Lie cheat and steal like a politician to top up your income…”
    And that’s exactly the kind of attitude that inevirably develops when fraud of this sort is allowed to continue unchecked. Rationalization – the easiest defence mechanism to adopt.

  3. More people on disability ( 8.8% ) than officially unemployed ( 7.6% ), millions more that have given up looking for work, adding up to about 90 millions not functioning in their role as citizens.
    B. Hussien’s answer to this mess? Lets have NASA catch a meteor from space.
    Rush Limbaugh: It’s Official, We Have a Dying Country, about 3 minutes:
    If a recording is ever found of Obama saying how he hates the USA, it may explain some of his actions, but it wouldn’t change any of his actions so far..

  4. I had just added this to the tips, but it’s related:

  5. In Alberta it’s called AISH – Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped. My guess is that the biggest handicap is alcoholism. Giving drunks money for not working?? I quit drinking and kept working – I got that one bass ackwards.

  6. A ‘disabled’ acquaintance in California lives in a half-million dollar home, nice big boat with an inboard in the driveway, restores VW campers, does woodworking in his garage, the government ‘re-trained’ him to be a ‘massage therapist'(he immediately offered to massage my wife when I met him – but not me!(thankfully)), he drives a full size pick-up, uses an EBT(food stamp) card etc. etc.
    And there’s nothing unusual about him…

  7. This is just like the Trudeau years (actually the similarities are down right terrifying). They called it “Universality”.

  8. If abused yes. Many Countries do this without checking up to see if this is real or a con by certain folks. Lets not though condemn everyone who is injured or sick. As I found out your only one medical emergency from living on the streets. If you have real disability’s, have folks checked by 3 appointed Dr’s to confirm this. I have no problems paying taxes for people in this predicament. Indeed I feel they should get more than welfare. Have said so for years.
    Its no fault of their own, when you get really injured or sick.
    Frankly I wish this type of funding was not in Government hands , just overseen.
    To much room for finagling.

  9. The joke is that most if not all the disabled people I know are all working at anything they can get. Of course, by “disabled” I mean confined to a wheelchair, missing part of their brain, missing one or more limbs, and in a couple cases all three.
    It may be nothing more than a couple hours a week, but if they can breath unassisted they’re working. Keeps them from dying.

  10. My solution to the “disabled” is to not fill out their disability forms and eventually they go to see another doctor who might have a different definition of “disability” than I do. Perhaps my inability to fill out disability forms represents a disability and I should be getting money from the government for this.
    As it is, each BC disability form pays $250 to the physician who completes it. Apparently I don’t use the correct language in the forms as I just put in the medical facts and don’t use the term “severely disabled” which is apparently needed for people to get their cherished totally disabled status. When a person walks into my office is able to speak and read, I’m not about to call them severely disabled. They may be very messed up, but generally that’s their own fault. I’ve sent some strongly worded letters to the disability advocates who are asking me to lie in forms telling them that their actions constitute fraud which is a criminal code offense. No longer have any of my patients show up with letters pre-written by members of such groups that I’m just to sign “to save me time”.
    I hate filling in forms as a matter of principle and I do have a few patients who are truly disabled and it takes me months to get their forms in. I don’t consider filling in forms to be a valid use of a physicians time.
    At least I no longer get the patients like I used to get in Vancouver who wanted disability because they were addicted to various drugs. Some got very upset when I told them their “disability” was a personal decision they had made and there was no damn way that I’d do anything for them aside from getting them into a treatment center. They probably did find a doctor who filled in their forms so they could stay stoned all day at the taxpayers expense.

  11. Loki, I have read through those forms the Doctor is supposed to fill out and you probably could have filled one out in about the time it took you to post that message. Filling in forms is not a valid use of your time? Is it that you are complaining about how much you get paid to fill out the forms or just the fact that anybody gets any money from the government at all?
    Getting a Disability Pension in Canada isn’t easy to begin with, with most people having to win an appeal just to start claiming their check. Additionaly, Revenue Canada has clamped down in recent years on the Disability tax deduction claims. Some physicians have reported that all of their patients applying for the deduction are getting rejected by Revenue Canada.
    I have known a couple of people with legitimate disabilities that had to file multiple appeals just to get the Pension. Even with a Disability Pension, you aren’t guaranteed the Tax Deduction. I would estimate for one, the tax deduction might almost cover the medications cost AFTER the medical insurance portion is paid.
    The new welfare? I think getting on welfare would be a lot easier in Canada.

  12. “…Getting a Disability Pension in Canada isn’t easy to begin with, with most people having to win an appeal just to start claiming their check…”
    Easy? What a relative term!
    If you mean that it might take a bit of persistence, and perhaps even beligerence to get your disabilty cheques roling, I might agree with you.
    But I’d certainly take issue with your contention that it’s not ‘easy’.

  13. Well of course almost anything a person writes or says can be taken as “relative,”
    If you don’t have a legitimate disability, you will have to follow the same steps as somebody who does, but doing it fraudulently. Do people scam the system in Canada? I am sure there are those that do, but I would have to see evidence that disability fraud is widespread before I acknowledge that fact. My own personal experience has consisted of legitimate cases being denied disability benefits and tax credits, so I laugh at anybody that says it is “easy” to get those benefits.
    If a person does get the benefits fraudulently, they would have to;
    (1) Lie about their true condition on their forms;
    (2) Find a doctor to lie about it on his forms and in any follow up questions from Canada Pensions or Revenue Canada;
    and it most cases;
    (3) Repeat steps (1) and (2) in the appeal review process
    While there are likely doctors out there who will be down for scamming the system, as Loki points out they only get around $250 to fill out the forms. Unless they are getting kickbacks from claimants, putting their license on the line for that kind of money is a bad trade off for them.

  14. Disability supplement is a good program that aids workers and laborers who are injured on dangerous jobs or whose health fails them so they can no longer work. The problem is the program has been abused. If someones ailment prevents them from ever being a productive worker at any vocation, so be it, they deserve to get some financial aid. If a worker is injured or gets a chronic ailment that restricts them from their current vocation, disability should take them through a retraining period. Disability has been abused as an early retirement scheme for too long and unfortunately that type of abuse is unsustainable. It’s always a shame those truly needy must suffer the same fate as the pillagers when a safety net program collapses.

  15. Be thankful for your health and don’t take it for granted while you have it. Those who do not have chronic conditions have no clue what it’s like-takes at least three times the exertion to do simple tasks-chronic pain itself wears the body down.
    There is nowhere near the fraud that is reported-same was said of UI in the 90’s, yet when all claims were carefully scrutinized, investigators found a fraud level of less than 1% and many of those cases were over turned upon appeal. It’s a given in Canada that if one was to file for disability, they’ll be turned down and will need to hire a lawyer to appeal-many cannot afford a lawyer by the time they’ve spent their savings so as to not be a burden on others.
    I sincerely hope none of you experience serious or chronic illness or injuries and then be expected to produce as much as you did prior to illness or injury by your employers who just considers you an expendable production unit period.
    Higher disability claims are to be expected with the aging demographic of boomers who have already spent a large portion of the disability pool leaving little for the Xers which is why it’s so difficult to qualify for now as others have correctly stated. The Doctors are charging patients anywhere from an extra $150-$200 on top of the $250 they recive from the government for filling out the forms.
    Not everyone has a desk job and a full pension-heavy industrial labour wears the body out and down, not to mention all the carcinegetic chemicals and compounds those in these industries are exposed to in addition to the dangers involved in many of these jobs. And not everyone has family that can help or a hefty inheritance waiting for them.

  16. “If a person does get the benefits fraudulently, they would have to;
    (1)Lie about their true condition on their forms;
    (2) Find a doctor to lie about it on his forms and in any follow up questions from Canada Pensions or Revenue Canada”
    Done, and done.
    Doctors do it all the time – it’s easier than dealing with complaints made to the College of Surgeons that the doctor is prejudiced.
