In North America, we call it ‘Fisker’

‘Solyndra’, and crony capitalism.

“My wife has been crying for three or four days now saying: ‘Why should we pay and not them?'” says Andreas.
It was revealed last week in Greek media that Laiki, the Bank of Cyprus and the Hellenic Bank forgave loans amounting to millions of euros to companies, local authorities and individual politicians.

It’s what happens when politicians and business people spend time together on the golf courses.
H/t: Dick Slater

9 Replies to “In North America, we call it ‘Fisker’”

  1. Wonder what the lobbying fees will be for president obama when he finishes his second term, that is if the term limits are still in place. cheers;

  2. You got it in one. This reminds me of Augustine Rome after the fall of the Republic.
    Outwardly they still had the trappings of a Republic as we do a Democracy. In truth though they where owned by the Emperor who fogged this by games & free food.All their rights had been taken away by a small group of Patricians with Augustus as the ring leader. The people of Rome had become slaves of this cadre. All institutions of The State or not fell under the influence of these Moguls.The real engine of Rome, its people became pets to this group. Outwardly its seemed nothing had changed. In reality all had become seffs to a system they no longer had any impute to.The State has become the Master, its people slaves.

  3. Actually it is a stark insight into what the super class (those unrestrained by law or morals) have been doing to us for 45 years.

  4. Mr. Plausibility invokes the left-liberal chestnut, It’s for the children. Who can say nay to that?
    “Every intervention by the State enables another, and this in turn another, and so on indefinitely; and the State stands ever ready and eager to make them, often on its own motion, often again wangling plausibility for them through the specious suggestion of interested persons.”
    “Our Enemy, The State
    by Albert J. Nock – 1935
    His Classic Critique Distinguishing ‘Government’ from the ‘STATE’.”

  5. John, I don’t think we really want to go there. Lenin broke too many eggs. But, on the other hand, it sure does piss a guy off.
    Rev, exactly, and it is becoming more apparent everyday. Besides owning us, now they want to tell us what to eat, drink, and even think.

  6. Thanks for that link maz2 – a book I’ll have to read in the near future.
    The arrogant crony capitalists and banksters seem to forget that one of the reasons modern countries are so civilized is because the law is supposed to apply to all individuals equally. As soon as the majority of the population finds out that some people are more equal than others, then there will be no incentive to play by the rules. Those who think they’ve outsmarted the unwashed proletariat, unless they live in very secure houses and travel with armed guards, may find themselves in the future finding their children or other family members kidnapped with occasional body parts arriving through the mail as reminders for payment.
    I suspect that the US financial crisis is probably the primary impetus for the current attempt to illegally overthrow the second amendment. If the dumbocratic senators who are sure to be defeated in 2014 if they vote for unconstitutional gun control measures still do so, then it will be clear that they’re not expecting the US to be around in it’s current form in 2014. That financial cliff is getting closer and closer and ATM’s are too slow a way to withdraw money so will have to actually walk into a bank and start withdrawing it in $9999.99 chunks. In Canada, with the elimination of the penny, does this mean that $9999.99 is considered to be $10 K? So, annoyingly, if this is the case, will have to withdraw money in $9999.95 chunks.
