Oh, Shiny Pony!

Maybe ‘substance’ is the last thing Canadians should be worried about:

A proud teacher who won’t back down from the Harper Conservatives, err, the Ontario Liberals.

40 Replies to “Oh, Shiny Pony!”

  1. Brilliant strategy! By softly reciting pi now during the leadership race, Justin leaves himself wiggle room to change it to 2.7863967253 or maybe 17.1659164523740 later during the election campaign…

  2. Sure why not the 19th decibel?
    This guy is all sound and fury…but I prefer the exponential function instead.
    Oh yeah, I forgot this guy is all about DRAMA; which is okay if you are live on stage.
    Yes, IRRATIONAL numbers are just the ticket…Cdns will be hitting the books big time!
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  3. Personally, I’m hoping for Martha Hall F. When the CPC lose an election (and they will eventually) I want someone with a brain to be in charge, not some half-wit with hair.

  4. damn decibels, always hated them- math is so much easier without them and consonants
    regardless, he’ s still gonna win – stupid voters and stupid politicians always seem to find each other.

  5. “to the 19th decibel”
    The guy is stupid. They didn’t teach that math stuff at teechers colege.

  6. Math is hard!!!
    While on the subject of math Justine, what are the odds that any of the Rolling Stones could be your real father?
    One in four….five….six………. ( roadies included)!!!!
    Silver spoon in your mouth all your life. Never had a real job like most Canadians.
    And you expect to relate to us peasants????

  7. Colby Cosh adds to the fun on twitter with this Justin P. quote from Althia Raj’s e-book on the dauphin…”Most people wouldn’t think that I also got 98 percentile [sic] on my LSATs [sic]”.

  8. We learned decibels in grade 3. One hundred divided by three equalled thirty-three decibel three-three.
    I can’t believe what comes out of the mouth of this moron.

  9. As the decline of our Civilization runs apace. The Politicians become dumber, the electorate more useless from regulation that cuts them out of the process. Ask yourself when was the last plebiscite you voted in? Ask yourself as well why we have massive Immigration when most Canadians are fed up with it. Particularly The RBC now firing Canadians . Replacing them with “temporary workers. Not only that but being forced to train them.The people have no say. Just a ballot that means nothing anymore.
    Does it really matter anymore who is voted in? Most politicians are sub normal in intelligence & will use any dodge to push legislation into place against their own constituents wishes.Shiny pony is just the tail end of a Giant Jackass known as Government, that has become Totalitarian by regulation or skulduggery.
    Canada Examines RBC’s Use of Foreign Workers Contracted by agate

  10. Sigh.Another day,another example of the genius of Justin Trudeau.
    See, Justin read a book about the `1950’s Yankees,and the popularity of Yogi Berra’s malapropisms, so he figures it will make him seem like just one ‘a the people too!
    C’mon,Justin,just one more today,maybe about Alberta;”nobody goes there anymore,it’s too crowded”.
    If Canadians are dumb enough to vote this airhead into the PM’s office,I shall embark on a jihad against this Country.
    When I fly a plane into the CN Tower,does etiquette require it be a Canadian manufactured plane?

  11. Pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433
    That’s as far as I got in memorizing pi before I wrote my first program to compute pi to as many decimal places as I cared to. Not sure where the decibels come in and perhaps they refer to how loud the shiny pony would squeak if someone threw a pi in his face.
    I thought that people who were in drama had a talent for memorizing things but obviously the shiny pony doesn’t. Perhaps his talent is the simulation of a few limited emotions but inheriting his fathers arrogance and mothers brains is a bad combination in a politician.

  12. Video footage here as well as the information that Global News originally covered up for Justin’s faux pas. (That’s French for “scr*w up”.)
    I also don’t want Justin to win the nomination believing him too stupid to win as some here hope. I thought that of Obama in 2008 and look how that turned out so I’d rather have a more-competent Liberal leader should they fluke off a win in 2014 or later.
    The CPC should also run an ad should Justin win of the poor acting he’s done (Ezra Levant ran a clip of him, very clearly, “acting” at being angry outside the House) and the “decibel” clip.

  13. DB gain algorithm is mutually exclusive of mathematical constants like PI – but do’t tell pony groupies we don’t want to kill the illusion he’s a math hipster – somewhere Curley from the stooges is watching over him.

  14. P.S. I should add that Global News did, eventually, render the full quote as spoken.

  15. Ricky from the Trailer Park Boys has got nothing on this guy.
    “Passed with flying carpets…’

  16. Well, it appears we have discovered a deficiency that also appeared in one of his parents — though, surprisingly, it’s not his mother that comes to mind.
    Mr. Trudeau, Sr. found fairly basic mathematical concepts hard, as well, apparently. Just look at the deficits his governments ran, starting in the mid-1970s and culminating in the $38 billion deficit he dropped in the collective laps of Canadians and the incoming Mulroney government in 1984 (roughly eight or nine percent of GDP or something; sort of like the US government’s deficit today, which we’re all very concerned about).
    On the other hand, it could be just a deficiency among Liberals — I mean all one has to do is look at Ontario and Quebec, or the Liberal opposition during the Mulroney years: “Crisis? What crisis?”
    “Like father, like son”? Or, “birds of a feather stick together”? Both?

  17. we hear you loud and clear and with in a margerine of error.
    maybe he is going for the trailer park boys. Rickyisms for the Hoipolloi

  18. That is not fair the the Rolling Stones. They are all very talented musicians. You do not achieve that level of success if you are stupid. I would bet that any one of them is smarter than PET.

  19. Justine is taking a page out of Chretien’s book with the old ‘dumb French guy’ act. Hey it worked pretty well for Jean so why not.

  20. Yeah! Your right minuteman. I like the Stones also. It appears the intelligence “Gene”, did not survive with Justine. Hey!A new tune for the Stones. “Gene Justine”!

  21. A bel is a large measure of sound pressure.
    One tenth of a bel is a decibel. This what is in common use these days.
    No questions please, I’ve already told you more than I know…

  22. ‘Agreed, lance. Martha Hall-Findlay is way smarter than the Shiny Pony. So is Coyne, but she’s a pseudo-Trudeau and her daughter is a bona fide Trudeau. Coyne’s too close to the problem.
    I figure that when Turd Trudeau wins, he’ll be calling big-time on those who ran against him to be his think tank. He’s going to need them because he hasn’t a clue. They’ll circle the twit, so that the Canadian public can’t see how utterly bereft of ideas he is.

  23. Sometimes …. it really is not worthwhile to state the obvious. Or is it?
    The point is that this twerp trudeau is ….. an ignoramus.
    It is not possible to mock him enough and yet even here in the comments there are far too many examples of people who think that telling us what they think they know about physics or math is any less of a joke or any more serious than TurdBoy and his witless blather.
    What trudope thinks about anything is inconsequential.
    Check your moral math.

  24. Probably just a blip of cell memory and association with that great tune “19th Nervous Breakdown” by his dad.

  25. It’s mildly funny and all, but I hate these media pile-ons over nothing. Stockwell Day shows up in a wetsuit for a novelty press conference and the media still belittle him to this day over it.
    A mis-spoken word here, and stumble there…who cares. Politicians need to start calling the media on this haranguing garbage.

  26. 5 years after the fact, my father was still talking about the day Stock rode in on his jet ski…
    Do we know if Justin Trudeau has visited 57 provinces so far and ah… 2 more to go?

  27. Hi CS. I hope you’re right. In ’92 the left hung Dan Quayle by his xxxxx for going along with the idea that the word potato was spelled potatoe. The word was apparently misspelled on the card the emcee was using during an elementary school spelling bee.
    Using the media response to misspelling as an index, Trudeau’s blunder should render him beneath contempt. He’ll get a pass, but we know liberals like the great silverback will take no pleasure wiping the egg off their faces.

  28. Exactly! The MSM will sweep this gaff under the carpet faster than you can say King Shinny Pony.

  29. Yes well, I like drama too, now if we could only get Justin to stick to soliloquy. And as they say about the Dane; his center is nowhere, his circumference is everywhere! Stick to what you know, Justin – emoting!
