12 Replies to “Quote of the Week”

  1. Plus the bonus is it gives the Chimp in Chief an excuse to bankrupt the USSA!

  2. Bring on the dirty oil. You solved the problem Obama. CO2 reversed and the economy is dead. Lets go for a drive, build that pipeline and bring back some jobs.

  3. In the early 1990s, the NDP government of Ontario tabled a short paper for internal consumption only. It showed four periods in Ontario’s economic history when CO2 emissions declined on a year-over-year basis: 1974, 1982, 1984-6, and 1992. Three of these were directly caused by industrial recessions, the fourth, 1984-6 was the result of eight nuclar reactors coming on line and cutting Ontario’s coal-burn by two-thirds, and eliminating oil-fired generation.
    Naturally, the NDP never publicized any of these facts, then or afterward.

  4. I remember reading about Maurice Strong talking at a greentard conference about “de-industralizing” the west. So, closing down industry, killing the economy, and eventually starving millions to death would be a good thing if you are a gaia worshipping dip$hit bent on saving the planet from a nonexistent crisis. Bad if you are a regular, everyday, sane person who just wants to be left alone so you can have a decent life and raise a family.

  5. The con just keeps rolling along.
    The fanatics of the bogus bunk will not be happy till our cities vanish , with the population starving. In what used to be known as first World Nations.
    No mention of India or China though. Being communists they are exempt from any scrutiny. Even with this plan to destroy the Wests prosperity with junk science.
    The Countries that really count are Marxists, who can do no wrong in the media or Academia.

  6. In 1996, I visited Russia with a parliamentary delegation. Mikhail Gorbachev having been reduced to the status of “greeter of visiting firemen”, I had the opportunity to ask him about industrial pollution in Russia. (Not CO2 emissions since that bogeyman hadn’t yet achieved stardom). He told me, poker-faced that, of course it had been drastically reduced, because industrial production was down by 50%.

  7. Yes, it is nice to see that the Rev is right up to form.
    Back on topic, there is more than one way to skin a cat. Sorry Black Mamba, figure of speech. So what if there are 50 million of food stamps, and 40 million effectively in the unemployed ranks, seasonably adjusted.

  8. CO2 politics are about removing human freedom, private property and monopolizing resources – it’s an authoritarian control system that will be needed for government continuity in a post economic collapse era. The economy is being imploded by spend thrift politicians and a transnational central banking cartel and they’re managing that just fine without the help of CO2 hysteria.
