15 Replies to “It’s Probably Nothing”

  1. And does Portugal think that people won’t convert those T-bills to cash immediately? The only way they can prevent this is to allow the T-bills to be cashed in after 10 years with a huge penalty if they are cashed in earlier. Either way it’s theft.
    Wonder what kind of a constitution Portugal has when it’s unconstitutional for the government to reduce the salaries of snivel servants? Presumably it’s constitutional to fire a good chunk of them and I’d suggest beginning with the court that rendered the decision about the constitutionality of the government not being able to reduce salaries.

  2. Blatant thievery. Its getting bad all over the World. Governments are out of control. Than treating the citizenry like dumb pets.The contempt of these people becomes more obvious as their greedy scams are destroying their Nations.
    No wonder they are all importing none educated ,ignorant peoples to replace there own folks to keep there power, with its privilege plus money.
    The Elite are panicking at there own fiscal foolishness.
    They have already sold their populations down the road.
    Madmen now run our banks & institutions in oa once free World.
    One only has to look at Cyprus to see where this is going.
    The stink of fear lies all over the Planets high rollers. They are afraid of real revolution.
    Even Canada is not free or safe anymore. Just look at whats become of America under these royal self anointed baboons with their picked Courts, immigration policies that are bleeding them dry. Money grubbing scams like Global warming. Its all falling apart for them.People who think they are infallible making insane decisions with the backing of the Militarily , Justice systems , police.
    We see its effects every day now. They have sold civilization down the drain for beans.
    For Ideological nonsense.Its why we now have an inverted reality, by a valueless group of potentates.

  3. Loki
    exactly, I was thinking along the same lines, the Porchop courts need a lesson on who they serve and from whom their authority is derived
    as to the method of payment, that one gave me a good chuckle:-))))

  4. We are all about to reap the whorl wind. Most of us not by choice but because of 40 years of Socialism. People are about to find out, that there is no Free Lunch. The Socialist Policies of failed Liberalism is hitting the wall. The shit splatter is going to be big. A lot of people will be seriously hurt. The purchasing power of our money has been seriously devalued. The size of government is what is distorting the economy and bankrupting us. No matter what manufactured or real problem arises, Canada’s 3 levels of Government has an app for that. CTF a couple of weeks ago stated that Ottawa now funds over 700 programs. The size and scope of government is destroying the economy and the citizens. Canada has been the prime example of Cronyism and with complicity from the msm, it has been hidden from view. Look at todays headlines. Eastern Canada and Eastern media are absolutely drooling over Justin Trudeau, a man with absolutely 0 personal accomplishments and yet he is being seriously considered for pm by some people. The EU is rapidly falling apart, for the same reason’s TOO MUCH GOVERNMENT. Now the Netherlands a lynchpin supporter for Germany and Merkel is rapidly descending as well into the chaos. It was the same in the 30’s Depression, each week brought another horror story, and folks said it must have reached bottom and each week, each day it got worse. Like frogs being boiled slowly people slowly were boiled alive. And their lives destroyed. http://globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot.ca/2013/04/netherlands-next-chip-to-fall.html

  5. – and in Italy they’re confiscating privately owned gold. Probably nothing as well.

  6. No matter what manufactured or real problem arises, Canada’s 3 levels of Government has an app for that.
    Very well stated RFB.

  7. At the root of Canada’s problems is abuse of the Federal Spending Power over the last 40-50 years, mainly since Trudeau. Trudeau was the ultimate in Centralized Planning and control in Canadian history. He was famous for expanding the scope of the Federal Spending Power into a great many Provincial Jurisdictions. Some say this was good. But it created a great deal of waste and overlap of programs and led to heavy structural debt. After all there really is only 1 level of taxpayer and 3 levels of government. One of the worst offenders are the Municipal Governments. They are always looking for Ego Projects and demanding more money. Good example was the Toronto SkyDome. The Municipal Government demanded that it be built, it just had to be build, it cost around 6-700M in taxdollars, an EGO Project, it sold a couple of years ago for 20M dollars to a private interest. Those politicians should have been jailed. Municipal Tax Dollars are now spent on Municipal Foreign Aid, every one things Foreign Aid is a Federal Program, yet we find millions in property tax dollars being spent by Municipal Governments. Heavy double dipping on the taxpayer, but no one is paying attention and they get away with it. To really understand the problem, you should read Andrew Petters treatise on this problem. Abuse of the Federal Spending Power cause a lot of program duplication and overlap with very dubious benefits to the tax payer. Example Fisheries in Oceans, they are all over the Prairies yet we really have no commercial fisheries to speak of and definitely no oceans. But each Province legally is responsible for its own fisheries and Provincial waters legally. Big overlap due to central planning and waste of scarce atx monies. http://www.mondopolitico.com/library/myth/introduction.htm

  8. RFB;
    Great summary of the situation!
    How depressing can it get with news of Maggie’s passing (RIP) combined with the anointment of Turdeau. It is absurd. One must assume that the emptier the skin the more easily it is manipulated. ‘Progressives’ of this world are simply people who want to enrich themselves from the labor of others. They come in many disguises but depend upon the naivete and greed of others for their success. Young Turdeau is simply a front man for this process. I am sure he doesn’t even realize who is pulling his strings.
    Canada is not unique in this descent as you identified. Were the people of the ’30’s any smarter or dumber than us? I doubt it. We will suffer the same result.

  9. RFB, well said in every post.
    The blight of socialism is collapsing everywhere.

  10. store, you will quickly find out what it’s worth – not much.
    Sounds like Portugal suffers from the Dictatorship of the Judiciary not unlike us. Parliament must maintain sovereignty.

  11. Heh heh heh.
    Just wait until the citizens start paying their taxes with IOU’s…check’s in the mail fart suckers! Honest…!!!

  12. I have always believed there is a simple solution to Canada’s Sovereign debt.
    Simple the government declares Canada Savings Bonds and T-Bills worthless.
    Yeah…most is owed to citizens and retirement funds….who will never buy another. Serves them right for de facto investing in a corporation that has been losing money for 30-40 years.
    A feature not a bug. No more deficits and debt.
