56 Replies to “The Iron Lady”

  1. Maggy, Pope Paul 11 and Ronnie were giants of their time. They took on the Evil Empire and brought it to its knees. Gotta say that they had a willing partner in Gorbachov.
    Oh where – or where is such leadership now? RIP Iron Lady.

  2. Pop on over to the comments section on the CBC. I cannot believe the perverse beliefs some of these people harbor.

  3. A true hero, a resolute, fearless woman with the courage of her convictions. We’ll not see her like again.

  4. Original Rick – if you think the crap weasels at the CBC are bad – George Galloway used twitter to trash the lady, I won’t repeat what he said. Think of it as a great honour, if you can make a bunch of loser commies hate you, it means you did your job very well indeed.

  5. Maggie Thatcher an icon for those that think the finances and conduct of government should be no different than as corner grocery store. For all the bafflegab of those that want to complicate government more than that, she stood and exposed them for what they are.
    I always considered Ronnie the junior partner in that relationship. Between the two of them the world simply followed. They were the parents that it seems the majority of people need to direct their lives and how they live it. The world is a more desperate place without Maggie and Ronnie’s guidance. No one has replaced them.

  6. I wish there was someone remotely like her in Ontario to slap down the teacher unions the way Mrs. Thatcher put the coal miner’s union in its place.

  7. a great lady, and true leader, the likes of which are far to scares in today’s world, RIP!!!

  8. On the minus side, one of the tactics used to break up the coal miners’ union was Thatcher’s introduction of the concept of global warming.

  9. We will never see her like again. A great leader for difficult times.
    RIP Lady Thatcher. You were an inspirational leader.

  10. She truly was one of a handful of great leaders in the 20th century. She inspired people who valued freedom. Old Winnie was another.
    RIP Margaret Thatcher.
    Set you free has a point, although in the context of the time there was all this fear mongering of the coming ice age.
    NewswatchCanada has my favourite picture of Maggie. Lord luv her.

  11. Take a look at the coffee table. Were they sharing a little Scotch? If, it raises my appreciation of both of them just a tad more.

  12. “people have got the entitlements too much in mind without the obligations”
    A people ready to take personal responsibility for the way in which their own situation in life will evolve has intuitively recognized the greatest asset they will require for that task; FREEDOM.
    There’s something in my eyes…better stop

  13. Margaret Thatcher, recall, was the first British prime minister the IRA considered worthy of assassination. Gerry Adams is dancing on her grave as we speak.
    That alone is proof she was doing something right.
    There are many great things that Mrs. Thatcher did. It would be exaggerating to say they would fill more books than the world has room for, but many books have been written by better men than me, recounting her deeds better than I could. I couldn’t do them justice and won’t try.
    I will say that Mrs. Thatcher came from the plain people of England, for whom escaping the consequences of one’s own actions had never been an option. Such people take the fate of their nation and their responsibility to posterity far more seriously than the toffs of all parties. The toffs know that their worst case scenario if their mad social engineering schemes go badly is a peaceful semi-retirement in Canada, the States or Australia, where their accents will be enough to make co-eds swoon (assuming that at continental cocktail parties they haven’t picked up wives from “good” families on the continent willing to manufacture jobs for their sons-in-law). For the plain people, there really was no alternative (as Mrs. Thatcher put it) to turning Britain around. If Britain fell, so would they.
    Of course, the toffs rewarded her for ruining their fun (not least by making the cocktail parties that much more awkward) by overthrowing her at the first opportunity.
    I’ll merely add that here are henceforth only two classes of enemies of the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. The first class are the class to whose torments Baroness Thatcher now has the privilege of bearing witness from the bosom of Abraham (and among the tortures of many of them, rest assured, wil be added the knowledge that she achieved the kingdom of heaven). The second class are the class who will sooner or later find themselves thrown on stage. The toffs should remember that—and remember that God’s kingdom is very near.
    Till it arrives, rest in peace, Baroness Thatcher. And pray for David Cameron’s Britain. She needs all you can spare.

  14. And this tweet from Donna Brazile CNN contributor: “Okay, what did the #Ironlady do to advance Great Britain and the world? Did she leave lasting footprints for women in politics? #just sayin'”
    UGH!! Seriously?

  15. I remember Time magazine back in the day with the coverage of all those maassive union rallies in the UK (early 80s). Fancy banners those commies had. Lots of red.

  16. Donna Brazile is one of the reasons the US is such a mess. Prime Minister Thatcher saw Europe for what it was and should be an example for all “Real Conservatives”.

  17. There have only been two British PMs with brains and spines in the past century: Churchill and Thatcher. Everybody else is mediocre at best.

  18. Sad news.
    Hopefully her like will come along again some day, as Britain is badly in need of it.

  19. Margaret Thatcher wasn’t so much more a conservative than most “conservative” politicians so much as she had more stamina, real moral courage and lack of concern over PC optics.
    Take for example what is happening in the Canadian Parliament. Harper and his Whips won’t allow MP Mark Warawa, to seek a simple resolution condemning (not outlawing) abortions based on the sex of the fetus (see: http://godscopybook.blogs.com/gpb/). He can’t even talk about it in Parliament due to cowering “conservative” wimps too afraid of poor media image.
    If someone like Margaret Thatcher were a Canadian today witnessing such moral cowardice would she stay in Saskatchewan hosting a popular conservative blog site or would she become the next PM and straighten the joint out, please…..?

  20. She kept the socialist hordes from doing what this article implies. A Women who did not view the electorate as children who had to be coddled. An individual who stood for real Democracy, not a Marxist collective run by Government thugs. In this era thats all we know have.Between her the Pope & Reagan. The World was safer. Today run by Marxists its become an inverted Totalitarian Bullies paradise. A place parents to singles now have to bow down to an all Infallible State. I miss these Leaders, replaced by Madmen bent on power & wealth. With no thought to the public. Communist Ideology is king now . No matter socialism has NEVER worked but ends in camps & mass murder. A Great Human being died today. One who stood by her beliefs in a free people.A self determined people
    MSNBC Host: Your Kids Belong to the Collective

  21. God Bless Mrs. Thatcher. Like you, Ken Kulak, I remember PM Thatcher with respect, admiration and gratitude.
    One of her most admirable qualities was her disdain for Turdo. Peeair Turdo was not a Man, he was a mini man of the vicious peter pan ilk; Margaret was his female opposite, she was a lady of steel spine, high intelligence and love for her country and her countrymen and women. Peeair did not like Canadians, he tried to destroy our honor and respect for ourselves snd our belief in our individual competence to make our own decisions and to take care of ourselves without gument interference. PM Thatcher restored honor and self respect to the people of GB. John major and his Pinko pals cowed to the hissy fit msm, unions and the DPs who wanted welfare and gument handouts. Blair and Brown completed the trashing of the people who kept a stiff upper lip in the worst of times and an intrinsic belief in individual freedom, dating back to 1066, in the best and worst of times.
    I loved to listen to Mrs. Thatcher, she spoke proper English with proper intonations respecting proper punctuation. Her sense of humour was dry and very funny. I have missed Lady Thatcher since she left office, this day is a sad reminder of that feeling of sadness that pervades my thoughts of the world as I see it today. Canada is blessed with a truly fine Prime Minister but he is up against a world of lefto zealots on the world stage and internally on the provincial/municipal stage.
    We have reason to panic – the world is not safe for people because honorable leaders, except PM Harper, have left the stage. Thank-you Mrs. Thatcher and Mr. Ronald Regan for giving all of us Liberty, persoal freedom seekers a few good years and hope. RIP, Lady Thatcher.

  22. Jema54 – regarding John Major and the other pinkos – the main reason they had for stabbing her in the back was her resistance to the Euro – how’d that work out anyway?

  23. Margaret Thatcher’s work here on earth is now complete.
    As far as I’m concerned, Thatcher is one of only two great British PMs of the 20th century. The other being Winston Churchill.

  24. Britain is a pathetic nation now, but she staved that off longer than should have been possible. I admired her extremely, for every reason I can think of. RIP. Remember that every little creep who will work itself into an orgy of hate for her today could never have looked her in the eye.

  25. I suppose it’s to be expected. The Queen’s enemies have long dreamed of getting their own back on Baroness Thatcher for (just for example) bluntly admitting that the realm was well rid of convicted terrorist Bobby Sands.
    Gerry Adams was one of the first in line to dance on her grave before she was even placed in it, proof if any were needed that while in office Baroness Thatcher did God’s work, and that she now resides in His house.
    Well done, thou good and faithful servant. Rest in peace, Baroness Thatcher, and pray for Britain.
    (I had more to say on the subject of Margaret Thatcher, but the filter has eaten it. No matter. Her deeds may not have filled more books than the world has room for, but historians have don, and will do, better justice to them than I ever could.)

  26. Robert, I cherish that exchange in 1990 where Thatcher said the left would be happier if the poor were poorer so long as the gap between they and the rich was smaller. It’s a precis for the fatal flaw of socialism, that everyone ends up poorer which they accept because it trashes capitalism. Ms Thatcher made another comment I heard this morning to the effect that capitalism was the only true enabler of freedom, that no other economic system had, and could, produce its freedom and prosperity.
    If only we had another like her now – she would surely (rhetorically speaking) kick the s**t out of the statists, warmists and Islamists. In the 90s while GB and the USA broke new economic and political ground we got stuck with PET and his fixation with transactions of decline – much like his son today, who cannot point to a single policy platform issue that doesn’t represent half baked and worn out statism (remember he’s named after the “just society”).

  27. As always the Lord takes His all in good time; and today’s Psalm is for the IRON LADY:
    Psalm 2:8-9
    8 Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage, and the ends of the earth your possession.
    9 You shall break them with a rod of IRON, and dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.”
    Rest easy Maggie…
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  28. Thatcher was a real feminist that didn’t need Affirmative Action or have questionable Talents. She was the real deal..
    What does today’s coddled women, in politics, have that can compare to her fearless performance? Why did Hillary Clinton need her husband to make her career? Hillary was incompetent, but was promoted through a system of low expectation
    We need MORE Thatcher’s

  29. ‘phil’ behaving somewhat “PHIL-listine” today aren’t we…?
    Stay classy…it’s not like she was a killer of millions; like say STALIN whose system she helped depose. But maybe you wanted that to survive…
    Alternately, the Falklands war resulted in the military junta of Argentina being deposed so you are wrong headed on that count.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  30. Margaret was absolutely correct with her views on socialism.
    Last evening, we watched a video 1 hour and 15 minutes long that was taken in 1988 in the area of Russia that my father was born. The author of the video had taken his father to visit his birthplace and relatives. It would take too long to describe what we saw, but in brief, the people of the three or four villages they visited remind me of what the poorer people in Canada lived like in the 1930s. They had electricity and televisions,but that was the only modern convenience. They still used outdoor bathrooms and hauled water by hand from wells. The odd one had a Lada car and a few more had motorcycles, some with sidecars. Their diet consisted of a lot of starchy foods. The one store among the three villages had mostly bare shelves and the little fruit was stuff we would throw out. They still used an abacus to do the calculations in the store and in the cheese factory, which our health authorities would have closed down in a heartbeat.
    It was heart wrenching to see widows in their eighties begin weeping when they discussed family connections from the 1920s and they were reminded of husbands and sons who were taken.
    In most material and social ways they were poorer than they were in 1917.
    Margaret Thatcher was a hero for freedom and enterprise. It is sad that people of her stature are so few and so far in between, and the march to emulate that system seems to march on relentlessly.

  31. Well said and exactly.
    Greg, the EU is not working out well, as the Greeks, Cypriots and other peoples are discovering. And as Margaret feared, the Germans are running the show through the technocrats and bureaucrats at Brussels.

  32. RIP, Baroness Thatcher.
    She was prophetic in her opposition to the EU and, thanks to her, England never gave up its currency for the Euro. If she was still at the helm, the Islamist Lunacy would not have happened.
    Baroness Thatcher’s in a better place ~ and she knows it. She never let the bastards get her down which, of course, made them crazy. Good on ‘ya, Maggie!

  33. The left, that’s begging for socialism will learn when it all comes around again. It will. We know it will because history is being ignored and socialism is being pushed from the highest office in the land as well as most Universities. No shortage of useful idiots with a vision of destroying every thing Democracy stands for.

  34. The right woman at the right time. Along with Reagan and John Paul II, she helped end one of the most murderous despotic regimes which has ever existed anywhere in all of history. That in itself will make her “progressive” enemy number one. As Ann Coulter correctly pointed out, the closer you can get a “progressive” to shaking, vein-popping, sputtering rage, the closer you are to the truth. Thatcher was able to do that effortlessly. RIP Lady Thatcher.
