20 Replies to “Blue State”

  1. They voted for this. Let them eat the bread of poverty for their stupidity in allowing users to run them like herd animals into penury.
    I have no pity left for stupid people who vote bullies & thugs into power. Let alone proven crooks. Just like in Alberta with what Redford is doing. We deserve what where getting from the short sighted.

  2. Well said Rev.
    This is another monument to the progressive (regressive) socialist ideology.
    Atlas Shrugged.

  3. Well no wonder it’s going tits up. No solar panels or windmills on the roof.

  4. I want our color back.
    Blue is the color of the right, red belongs to the left. It is so in the communist world (better dead than red), it is so in Canada and Britain (Tory blue), and it was so in Reagan’s America.
    Suddenly some years ago in the US, the colors flipped. I believe our blue was stolen by the left leaning press that realized the alarmish connotations of red: red is for danger, heat, anger, warning; blue is cool, calm soothing, safety.
    How did we lose it without a fight?

  5. We conservatives may need that nice revolutionary red colour presently. Blue is the colour of a poofy liberal’s face after it gets stomped on by a government issue jackboot.

  6. So what are the chances the oil rich sheik will buy it and turn it into a mosque? The minaret is already the highest point in the city.
    Isn’t a failed state, the “investment” opportunity they are always looking for?
    You have to admit, it would be a formidable F.O.B. for the M.B.’s “Stealth Jihad”.
    As for Bank of America-
    “McMillan Mfg in Phoenix , Arizona , was contacted
    by Bank of America and informed that they will no longer be allowed to
    use their services ( Bank of America ) because they are in the firearms
    business and support the second amendment.”
    Given this policy, I’d wager Bank of America wouldn’t do business with a certain other McMillan at SDA, either 🙂

  7. A monument to crony globalism and its domestic quisling “progressives” who have perfected kleptonomics and demand austerity.

  8. Rhode Island will remain a Blue State as anyone who can add will leave (has left) this place.

  9. It just occurred to me that this photo reminds me of the derelict rotting empty state farm buildings all over the Ukraine and Russia that are monuments to Soviet socialism.
    It is interesting and disheartening at the same time that monuments to socialism are becoming more frequent in North America. Brantford, Ontario has a number of factory buildings sitting empty and rotting.

  10. Blue is the color of the right, red belongs to the left.
    Just think of it as the past tense of blow, as in the left blew it.

  11. Rhode Island killed it’s manufacturing economy throughout the 70s 80s and 90s…
    After that they were left with “service industries” …. remember how your Canadian politicians were promoting the move to a “service” economy throughout the 80s and 90s?
    The state of RI is a template of what happens when you abandon productive enterprise.
    They may now continue to “service” themselves to their heart’s content.

  12. BCF, had a story up, a couple of days ago, about the university of Rhode island, and a reported active shooter…. Apparently, the campus police arrived, stood around looking stern, and shrieking at everyone.. The fact is, if you are a sworn police officer, who works on a Rhode Island campus….. no gun… yup, they responded to an active shooter, with cans of pepper spray…. cause that’s the law there….. personally, I think they all should be shot, to cull the herd of stupid people..

  13. “Blue is the color of the right, red belongs to the left.”
    This bugs the shit out of me as well. I blame Tim Russert. Election night 2000.

  14. I lived in Providence for several years, including a four year stint at the Rhode Island School of Design.
    It was the mid ’60s, and it was a vibrant happy city.
    I’ve followed the city’s and state’s fortunes since as I continue to have friends there, and it’s easy to be sentimental about one’s college years.
    It is plainly obvious what has brought Providence to its knees: political corruption of the most blatant kind.
    Why the citizenry doesn’t care defies explanation.
