38 Replies to “As Goes California”

  1. I have Dissociative Identity Disorder. Perhaps loki would be so kind as to refer me to a doctor that will give a prescription to each of my identities.

  2. Nobody votes more responsibly and wisely than a homeless person who needs medication!

  3. Low income and homeless people will have the privilege of picking pill bottles out of recycling bins to use as identification in order to cast a vote. Yes, I can see to a greenie, a dipper, and a lieberal that that makes sense.

  4. If the voter has no identification how were they able to pick up the prescription?
    Do pharmacies not ask for ID to pick up drugs?
    Sounds like another plan by those who depend on voter fraud as another demographic.
    I think I’ll start taking drugs as living responsibly is becoming something to be scorned.

  5. If someone has a pill bottle could we assume they have a health care card if they are a BC resident? A health care card actually proves more than a pill bottle. Why are liberal types the only ones too stupid to acquire ID? I thought the conservatives are always portrayed as the stupid ones. Stupid ones with ID?

  6. “Yes I’m Jack Danials and this is my friend Captain Morgan, we’d like to vote”

  7. wait till some jackass brings in 6 pill bottlers with 6 different names on em, and wants to vote 6 times:-))))
    and do the dead also have medication ID????

  8. Another reason why we should no longer vote, why we should cheat on our taxes and why we are all totally screwed.

  9. So this means that I can vote conservative in my area of Burnaby, and then go to the DTE and vote for the conservatives in that riding, using my prescription bottle, because we know there are only random checks, and that they are few and far between.

  10. As one commenter said, maybe they could track and do an analysis of the drug bottles used, and finally figure out what mental disease causes people to vote liberal.

  11. I commented at the link, but have to opine that,given the choices we’ve got in this election, all BC’ers should get free tranquilizers,then we can have pill bottles to show at the polls.
    My God, we British Columbians are sophisticated! No one anywhere else woulda thought of this!

  12. Dr Gregory House; Dr Greg House; Dr G House; Gregory House; Greg House; G House…

  13. So I can take a pill bottle to the polls but in the last federal election my government-issued pilot licence was not acceptable ID!

  14. That’s fantastic, I live a half-hour bus ride from the downtown eastside, I will definitely be voting after voting in my own riding of course, maybe even at the UGM.
    BTW, no more donations to the UGM, they are just another poverty-pimp organization now.

  15. When I saw this on the news last night, my first thought was like most commenters above – oh brother! Two things in the TV spot made me think this is not 100% bad. First, the prescription bottle is valid as a second piece of ID, not a sole piece of ID. Secondly, there was an interview with the agency who brought forward the idea – Union Gospel Mission. Of the many organizations involved in the DTES of Vancouver, UGM is one of the few who really highlights the possibility for personal change in the lives of the people they work with. If voting is part of a new package of responsible behaviors that continue on in these people, I’m all for it.

  16. Voting should be discouraged. It should be difficult to vote. People who are too stoned, drunk, stupid, apathetic, skeevy and lazy to vote, or who just can’t figure out how to get basic, univerally available ID, or even just where the voting stations are or how you spell “vote”, normally tend not to vote. Which is good. Because stoned p*ss-ignorant idiots usually vote for leftist parties. As do illegal immigrants, convicted criminals and children. Which is why the left is trying to encourage those people to vote.
    As ever, South Park is wise: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6wjJcfG5bE (Language warning, duh.)

  17. Aviator: Try using a firearms license as ID, I have. The reactions are sometimes quite amusing!

  18. Desperate liberals hanging out behind drug stores lurking by the dumpsters waiting for the disregarded old prescription bottles?

  19. What could possibly go wrong? It’s as good as photo ID. ‘Cause I look like, well, you know . . . uh, those big blue ones.

  20. “If voting is part of a new package of responsible behaviors that continue on in these people, I’m all for it.” theGuy
    I think you need to define responsible behavior by those running
    any program that delivers Zombie votes to a party as defined by the Zookeeper.
    I think “ALL” type of folks should be required to show proof that they have reached a voting decision without outside/group collusion. As long as the penalty for voter fraud is 10 years hard labor, why not hand cheating scum enough rope to hang themselves

  21. You can guarantee BC will be more and more California like if the ndp win the next election. The BC liberals have the worst leader ever, and seem intent on handing over the province to the unions. You would have thought the BC conservatives would have seen the signs and ramped up their effort. However, they too remain apathetic. Looking forward to being known as Canada`s california.

  22. The Downtown Eastside could elect a Conservative. What is needed is 10,000 pill bottles, a digitized phone listing from some random city, and a program to print random prescriptions for a a few dozen of the most popular drugs. Volunteers would have to dress like they belong, preferably smelling like dog crap. Then they would go to every polling station in the constituency.

  23. I always found it very amusing to use my concealed carry permit from Tennessee at the bank in London, Ontario.

  24. But there is no label on my Viagra pill bottle. My supplier doesn’t even give receipts.

  25. In SK a firearm PAC card is acceptable. As would a pilots licence … “Any other piece of identification issued by the Governement of Canada, the Government of Saskatchewan, a Saskatchewan Municipality, a schoold division or an Indian band in Saskatchewan, or an agency of one of these entities bearing the individual’s name.” If there was any issue I would exercise my prerogrative and accept or decline the ID as a Deputy Returning Officer.

  26. I think those names are easier to get on with than Xanax or Dimenylhydrinate.
    We may have to seal off BC the way California should be. This dregs system is the lowest I’ve seen.

  27. Requiring id to vote is racist. There’s no doubt about it. Only white people have id and making assumptions about anyone who is not white is racist.

  28. You’re right. This is discrimination against people who buy their meds off scary guys in parking lots. A core Democratic constituency, BTW.

  29. larben 2:13. You must be an endangered species if you are a conservative in Burnaby.I guess there are some. The mayor is a Super Lefty, His wife is a Super Lefty, Next door is Libby Gag Davies, another Super Pali-loving Putin fan-club leader. You are surrounded. I feel for you.

  30. This really is the land of the loons. How could anyone think this is a good idea? Should we not want “informed” voters? Well those folks are as far from informed as it is possible to get. Except for NDP voters of course. Since moving out here I’ve come to believe that virtually everyone in government here is smoking something.

  31. When a government where the only positive thing one can say about the premier is “she has big tits” comes up with a policy like this it’s time to sever ties to the coastal moonbats. I had trouble voting in the last federal election because I have ID with 4 different addresses on it. I use my FAC as identification and often get mortified looks from ID checking stewardesses when I’m boarding a plane.
    Depending on what a prescription is for, one can get prescriptions filled under multiple names for just the drug cost and dispensing fee. No pharmacy I’ve ever been to asks for identification before filling an amoxicillin prescription. When one has a prescription for 2000 10 mg oxycodone tablets pharmacies tend to be a bit more anal about demanding identification (or calling the doctors office when a patient walks in with a prescription for “murphine 1 pound”). So, to influence the vote in close ridings, all it takes is $15/vote and a group of people who have the time to wait at walkin clinics with “toothaches” to get amoxicillin prescriptions. With the prescription bottle in hand, these people can vote in multiple ridings all easily reachable by transit in the Vancouver area.
    If one was willing to spend a bit more for each vote, then one could have people who claim to be from outside of the country adopting various assumed names and getting an amoxicillin prescription for a “toothache”. This is the expensive option at about $65/vote. Better yet, abscond with a clinic’s prescription pad (many docs still leave them lying about in examination rooms) and find someone with really bad handwriting to forge 50 prescriptions for amoxicillin under various assumed names. These will be accepted at pharmacies without question unless one is stupid enough to tell the pharmacist that the last time they took amoxicillin resulted in a 2 week ICU stay for amoxicillin induced anaphylaxis. It also helps if one is holding an ice pack against ones jaw when one hands the prescription to the pharmacist.
    The only thing that makes sense about this policy is that the commies have infested the BC lieberal party and are making it self-destruct. Any political party that considers this a valid means of voter identification has obviously been over-indulging in BC’s largest cash crop. Such individuals are also sufficiently numerically challenged to assume voter turnouts of 150% are a good thing.
