The Decline And Fall Of The American Empire


New York City has agreed to pay Occupy Wall Street protesters more than $100,000 for property damaged or lost when police cleared out their encampment in a downtown Manhattan park in 2011, according to court documents signed on Tuesday.

h/t signaler222

16 Replies to “The Decline And Fall Of The American Empire”

  1. And what about the millions in damage these animals did to city parks across the country? The police overtime to babysit these varmints? The disruptions/lost sales to local businesses? WTF?

  2. Along the same lines as Sid’s comment, I wonder how much they’re deducting to clean crap off a police car and restore the park to its pre-Occupy condition.

  3. Bloomberg is such a pathetic schmuck. A prime example of “progressive” self destructive irrationality on display here. Psssh, these are the type of people who have accommodated every tyranny since time began by disarming and oppressing their own people for the invader. Why in the name of a reasoning God of justice do we allow them to get near the levers of power and screw us over as well as themselves.
    Progressivism has pathetically devolved into an anti-American, Anti-reason, anti-democratic, and authoritarian governing neurosis.

  4. Hey, not all Useful Idiots work for free, you know. Got expenses ‘n stuff. Those friggin’ George Bush puppets don’t make themselves, right?
    This is just the Bloomberg regime paying off a favor to some friends. Nothing to see, move along.

  5. One reason whey they can’t collect damages from the protesers is they don’t necessarily know who to collect from. Create the database from those applying for a piece of the $100K. Here is a cheque for $20 to cover the cost of your old smelly underwear, now give us $1000 back to cover the extra rape kits needed at the local hospital.
    If only.

  6. Yes, that 100K just might be the cheese to catch some rats.(a man can dream)
    Maybe NYC is listening to Thomas Friedman and is about to emulate China wherein when that country the executes a criminal they send the criminal’s family an invoice for the execution, including the bullet.

  7. And we all just keep patting them on the head….. how nice. You breath? Here’s your hugs and stuff. Your just as cute at 24 as you where at age 4… xo
    Society has just become so damn deep. It just warms ones soul.
    We’re all (progressive) single mothers now.

  8. In business law (I know, foreign concept to the little darlings), partners can be sued and found liable for the actions of other partners, even if they weren’t involved in the actions. I would hope that a similar concept would apply to collectives, and that someone would test that theory.

  9. So the “Occupy” crowd does believe in private property after all!?!? Just, not anyone else’s private property. Surprise, surprise.

  10. I think this settlement is political pandering.
    That said the widely held view that these protesters were trustfund kid’s, would commend this settlement would facilitate recovery of the public/private costs of the occupy fiasco.
    They are not indigent…sue their butts….and their supporters.

  11. Sure pay them. Than deduct from that check how much it cost for garbage removal. Burnt police cars & lost time by commuters.The rapists, drug dealers & riff raff can than have whats left.

  12. Are there any fault lines near New York City?
    “Oh sweet saint of Long Island Sound, hear my prayer” doesn’t quite work the same way.
