9 Replies to “David Cameron’s Britain”

  1. “If Johnny Rotten is the voice of reason and civility, Britain is truly f@@ked.”
    I suggest he leave off the first part,and just go with the second,which has been happening since Baroness Thatcher left office.

  2. I suspect that Dan rejoices at Thatcher’s death.
    What ever one might think about Johnny Rotten’s music style and politics, at least he had the decency to call out the Bolshies dancing on her grave.
    This reminds me of the left dancing on the grave of Tony Snow.
    At least the left is consistent, that being vile.

  3. Many on the British Left supped vitriol at their mummy’s breast in the ’80s, the coal miner’s strike(striking coal miners being hard core Leftists) was long and bitter but in the end Maggie broke them to pieces.
    Ironically, if Maggie had done nothing, the Leftist Greens would have done the same in the name of CAGW.

  4. Kate, I suspect that you are a hopeless snob.
    On a similar note, apparently one of the imprisoned members of Pussy Riot has had to be placed in solitary confinement for her own safety. Apparently her advanced sophisticated leftism is not well received by the ordinary criminals of the prison, who after all do have some sense of decency, and most of whom are probably Christian.

  5. Vile hateful communists.
    They cannot be reasoned with. Total defeat is the only solution that’s ever worked.
    Given complete power they will certainly kill any freedom lovers and dance on their graves. What was their macabre toll in the 20th century…150 million?

  6. Before Maggie, the UK was a total basket case. The subsidization of all the nationalized industry kept the country perpetually bankrupt. If Thatcher hadn’t stopped the subsidies and sold the heavy industry, Britain’s standard of living would be akin to Romania. Thanks to her, Britain will never return to the near communism of the 1940s to 1970s.

  7. John Lewis on April 11, 2013 12:47 PM
    “Kate, I suspect that you are a hopeless snob.”
    If you define a resolute, principled commenter a snob….perhaps.
    Oh lord it’s hard to be humble….
    Soar like an eagle surrounded by turkeys…..

  8. Yup, you know that Thatcher was on the right track when you see the ‘quality’ of the opposition.
    When every parasitic lefty – from the Council of Canadians crowd, to ordinary street trash – hates you, you can go to your grave content that you have brought a net benefit to mankind.
