18 Replies to “Meth Is Hard”

  1. Man. It sure is frustrating to see so many from the shallow end of the gene pool showing up now-a-days. Two shots(pun intended) at rehab,then let what will be,be.

  2. Golly Gee, there might be bad consequences to taking illegals drugs cooked up by criminals?

  3. Am I cruel in thinking there should be a garbage dumpster at the back of each hospital for gang bangers or drug users? All the do-gooders would know where to look for their next project. Sounds like a win-win.

  4. “Police issue warning about ‘bad batch’ of meth” as opposed to those “good” batches of meth which have worked such wonders for people?

  5. No doubt we will soon be lobbied by “activists” to establish a safe meth ingestion centre in Winnipeg and other cities.

  6. Blood on the hands of prohibitionists.
    All drugs are ‘toxic’, including aspirin. Doesn’t mean it’s always ‘poison’.

  7. Haha ya beat me to it! For non-locals, the place in the photo is a Robin’s Doughnuts. And if you’re in town visiting I wouldn’t recommend stopping there for anything, ever.

  8. If there is a bad batch the police should just shut up. The buyers will know where it came from and the problem will take care of itself. I like Dave’s (11:35) idea. Win-win

  9. Just say no and the WoD would become unnecessary. Many lives and billions of dollars saved.

  10. ‘a “distraught male acting erratically,”’ – Sounds like an average evening ride on Halifax Metro Transit.

  11. “Stay away from the Brown Acid man” – WS Aug 1969
    Now they legislate our laws.

  12. I thought that was the usual crowd parked in front of Robin’s. It only gets dangerous at shift change when the donut patrol goes back to the station.

  13. Must have been a slow news day – someone acting erratically and it’s “bad meth”. Now the synthesis of methamphetamine from pseudoephedrine is a no brainer; just reduce the alpha-hydroxyl group of the pseudoephedrine and one has methamphetamine. Easy to do with Lithium (derived from Lithium batteries) or one could use a combination of Ferric chloride and LiAlH4 if one was a purist and didn’t have to do kitchen chemistry. OTOH, one could always oxidize that alpha-hydroxy group to a ketone (gentle oxidation!) and one gets cathinone – not meth but a lot more potent centrally acting sympathomimetic than the pseudoephedrine precursor. A favorite of Somali’s who like to chew Khat all day and then get into their technicals and shoot up the neighborhood.
    AFAIK, there are no interesting psychedelics which result from the side products of the standard methamphetamine/cathinone synthetic routes. All it takes to “act strangely” is to ingest methamphetamine or cathinone for 3-5 days without sleep and one gets REM rebound with the REM periods occurring during waking. Amphetamine psychosis was at one time considered to be a model of schizophrenia; now we know that it’s a model for paranoid schizophrenia but a poor one.
    Having seen multiple patients who are methed up due to long periods without sleep due to ingestion of meth, I let them know this is what one would expect, you’re not schizophrenic, and here’s some olanzapine to turn the psychotic portions of your brain off and induce some sleep which might be a good idea considering you’ve been awake for 96 hours.
    Reminds me of people in high school assuming that they’ve ingested “bad acid” because of the GI side effects but most likely a mixture of LSD with high concentrations of various lysergic acid derivatives which have potent effects on the smooth muscle of the GI tract. Puking is a normal part of peyote ingestion given the huge amount of 5-HT in the human GI tract and the propensity of mescaline to tickle all of ones 5-HT receptors.
    I’m not sure what the point of this news story was as anyone can become psychotic if they keep themselves awake for a week by ingesting methamphetamine on a regular basis. Nowhere did I see a detailed analysis of the constituents present in the “bad meth”. Just another statist directed MSM propaganda campaign to terrify the population.
