10 Replies to “It’s Probably Nothing”

  1. And in the meantime, Bernanke is still purchasing $81 Billion a month in Treasury Bonds.

  2. ““Households are now making those difficult choices on how to adjust spending,” said Ellen Zentner”
    This is why you trust very,very,very few economists on anything. Households are now making adjustments? Cripes.I’ll bet next years pay checks that most households have been adjusting since,oh,2009! Twit.

  3. Is he printing that money each month to buy treasury bonds? I thought they were creating that $90 billion (or so) a month out of thin air to buy worthless mortgage-backed financial instruments from their Democrat friends and supporters at major financial institutions, who in turn pump it into the stock market (after skimming off their usual 60% commission) to make the economy look good. It’s not easy figuring out exactly what’s going on at these levels of insane incompetence and corruption.

  4. “Unexpectedly” – only if you’re a Keynesian moron like Obama, Bernanke and Krugman. A question – how much of that decrease in retail sales in March was attributable to there being no firearms and ammunition left to sell?

  5. if retail sales fall during an alleged “recovery” it’s probably a matter of reality not reflecting the BS from the financial media.

  6. This whole retail thing could be solved if De Prez would just force the credit card companies to give CC’s to anyone who asks for one.
    Imagine if every pore U.S. citizen was given a Mastercard or Visa with a 25,000 buck limit, the retail business would rebound likea new trampoline!

  7. From economist.com:
    HARRY Truman famously asked to be sent a one-armed economist, having tired of exponents of the dismal science proclaiming “On the one hand, this” and “On the other hand, that”.

  8. MACLEAN’S magazine cover for April 15,2013, shouts “AMERICA’S BACK” and now Canada’s economy is floundering, with the picture of a steely-eyed bald eagle astride a stunned-looking beaver. Fakin’ it ’til they make it!

  9. When something makes a headline, the opposite is true. Like the government, the MSM just can’t get it right.
