38 Replies to “OMG nearly ran ovr an _:-) on wa 2 psychology cls LOL”

  1. What in blue-balled Hell does underscore colon hypen close-parenthesis mean? I’m sorry, I don’t twitter or whatever it’s called.

  2. John, i wish you would tweet. I thoroughly enjoyed being reminded of “blue-balled hell” and plan to use it as soon as possible. (ex. Obomacare is blue-balled hell!) We have to combine natural expressiveness of the language with technology, then we can’t lose.

  3. Gosh who would have thought that having to express yourself in 140 characters, or whatever it is Twits are confined to, would lead to shallow thinking.

  4. Pardon my ignorance, but what does roflmao stand for?
    “blue-balled hell”, never heard that one before either. Definition?
    Good thing I have too many thumbs to text, and besides I don’t have that kind of time to waste.

  5. It would explain why the Liberal Party sees social media outreach as so critical to growing and engaging its base of support.

  6. This is difficult to interpret. Does texting cause shallowness, or does texting attract shallow people? My rule of thumb is that whatever the sociologists say, the opposite is more likely true.

  7. I’ll stay a dinosaur, thanks.
    This (posting on SDA) is as high-tech as I’ll ever get.

  8. Yeah, I used to really enjoy coffee breaks the last few years,the kids all sat around texting while a couple of us “old-timers” chatted. Rarely heard a word from those kids,which may have been for the better.

  9. just noticed a web story that scientists have found that people who use on-line social media a lot are very shallow! It is on the internet so it must be true!!!

  10. just noticed a web story that scientists have found that people who use on-line social media a lot are very shallow! It is on the internet so it must be true!!!
    Posted by: denis on April 13, 2013 12:13 PM ”
    Well,if you don’t trust the net,get out of mommie’s basement and try reality. It more than supports the study.

  11. I’m also stumped by the _:-),but by using knowledge obtained pre-tweet times,I have determined that it likely is the symbol for AN orifice. OTOH,I could be ._. ?

  12. The only thing the Edmonton Urinal is good for is lighting campfires.
    I think I still have some of that paper I bought a year and a half ago. Definately going to have to buy another one next year.

  13. Well of course they are shallow, who arbitrarily limits their entire thinking ability to 140 characters?
    We often criticize the media for the ‘sound bite’ analysis, now we can critique the “Twitterverse” for their ‘twit analysis’.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  14. What is truly scary is that they had “more than 2,300 first-year psychology students” to study. Our economy cannot absorb that many more burger flippers!

  15. 140 characters. An arbitrary limit on the size of a text message that can be sent from a cellphone. This was set many years ago at the start of the mobile phone era.
    Sort of like the 640K is enough memory for all of us. (that one didn’t stick)

  16. Starting off using first year psych students as representative of anything is Fuuuuuuuuuuu-uuu-u-u-unny.
    Kate’s troll and the comments here are the freakin topper.
    I’d love to join in but I won’t join facebook for anything and I’m afraid to start tweeting.

  17. Actually, it was never set. There was 140 characters reserved and unused, in the protocol, in case they were needed for mobile communication.
    Enterprising minds say those bytes and came up with a novel idea for using them.
    Hence the text message.

  18. The first thing that came to mind from Kate’s custom emoticon was “a**hat”, which is defined as:
    the physical appearance of one with one’s head up one’s a**.
    a person who is wearing an a**hat
    It seems to me that this would be the perfect interpretation, but I’d love to hear alternatives!

  19. Wouldn’t this be an asshat emoticon?
    The study also seems to have ignored the possibility that psych majors are shallow.

  20. Richfisher: Andycanuck has your answer – using first year psych students as representative of shallow people!

  21. I don’t get it. I won’t be able to move on with my life ’till someone explains it to me. Please. I beg you. Someone. Anyone.

  22. And therein lies the problem. The very foundations of social science are based on studies that involve subjects from the industrialized west (and most often undergraduates). It turns out that many psychological traits that were thought to be universal, don’t hold up when studied in different cultures. But of course to point that out makes you racist or something.

    When he (Heinrich) presented his research to the anthropology department at the University of British Columbia during a job interview a year later, he recalls a hostile reception. Anthropology is the social science most interested in cultural differences, but the young scholar’s methods of using games and statistics to test and compare cultures with the West seemed heavy-handed and invasive to some. “Professors from the anthropology department suggested it was a bad thing that I was doing,” Henrich remembers. “The word ‘unethical’ came up.”

    Imagine that… using statistics to determine if cultural differences exist in a discipline that is supposed to be about cultural differences is unethical.
    Good article, well worth the read.

  23. On a good day with plenty of time on my hands, I may get a half dozen or so comments on SDA but the mind boggles at “those who texted more than 100 times a day”. What in the name of all holy could they be texting about that would merit 100 texts (and I assume reading 100 replies).

  24. Interesting. Unethical perhaps describes the fascist elite’s lack of respect for another man’s money. The same experiment should be conducted comparing liberal and conservative cultures. One could very well deduce that respect for another man’s property is a cornerstone of civilization, and that the liberal perspective erodes not only established cultural norms but actually erodes a foundation of culture. Well I may be a primitive after all.
    I smoke
    I don’t tweet
    And I respect people’s money.
    oh… I believe in God too tch tch.

  25. Surprise surprise. It always amazes me how a “study” is needed to confirm the obvious. Were would we be without all this “brilliant” research.
    We don’t let our kids text, even our teenager. Simple as that. Problem solved. Our teenager is excelling in school and is far beyond her peers. She is well-balanced, polite, intelligent, respectful of adults and is definitely going places in life. Top in her class in most subjects.
    But let the masses text all they want I say, and bury themselves in Facebook, and play video games all day, and have iPhones even when they are 10 years old. It will make it easier for my kids to get ahead, and thus I am all for the next generation turning into fully entitled morons.

  26. *bingo!* Andy!
    “The university says more than 2,300 first-year psychology students were surveyed online for three consecutive years.
    The results indicate that students who text frequently place less importance on moral, esthetic and spiritual goals and greater importance on wealth and image.”
    The university study was flawed from the start.
