40 Replies to “Let Me Fix That Headline For You”

  1. Excellent investigative work by the Star reporters, discovering that people who are willing to break the law against getting and having guns can get and have guns.

  2. No kidding they committed a felony, hope they get charged next time they cross into the US.
    Any legal gun owner in Canada could also sell a firearm on the street. Just because someone can do it doesn’t mean it isn’t illegal. So they found that someone could illegally buy a gun what else is new?
    Guns, drugs whatever, if there is a demand there will be a market. The journalists demonstrate the futility of gun control. Good for them.
    Maybe they should be asking “Why do people want guns?”

  3. New favorite line at the Canadian Customs stop at the Border: “I’m a freelance journalist doing a story for the Tor Star and this (insert any contraband) my research.” Followed by: “Honest, a cavity search isn’t needed”.
    I wonder how many people they tried to buy a gun from before they got Billy-Bob? Did their seller have papers for said gun or is it a “hot” gun stolen from some Canuck tourist?

  4. I actually thought it was an interesting article, and it sounds like they arranged in advance to turn it in to Atlanta P.D. after they bought it.
    The problem is this: While the aricle clearly demonstrates what all sane people know, that criminals who want firearms can and will get them illegal means, some antigun nuts will make reach the twisted conclusion that more gun control laws here will help.

  5. Couldn’t they have done something similar in Toronto? It is a safe bet that many of the illegal firearms used for the frequent shootings in that city are bought and sold somewhere in the GTA. The point is you can buy almost anything anywhere if you are willing to pay.

  6. I’m not on this jury, but I don’t see a crime here. It’s everyone’s right to own, have, and keep arms for their protection. It’s unfortunate that folks in Ontario aren’t responsible enough to hold this right.
    Clearly the canadian gov’t could have charged these people with a crime had they followed through with this and brought the pistol back. But I don’t see a crime, and like I said, I’m not on this jury… this time.
    I don’t care if you raise chickens in your back yard either. sayin’.

  7. I can’t wait for the Star’s investigation into the ease of obtaining illegal third trimester abortions in American inner cities.

  8. I am not sure what the bid deal is. Great investigative journalism – finding out something everyone with a brain bigger than a gnat knows. Yes Virginia, you can buy a gun privately in the United States without any form of licensing or approval. That seems to be in the news every day. Funny that those Star guys had to fly to the US to report something everyone knows. They paid $270 for a .25 ACP. Boy did they get suckered. It wasn’t that many ye

  9. Yeah, it would take more courage from them to ask why these gang members want guns and how to affect the demand. They might discover things they wouldn’t like. All these gun control nuts ever do is worry about the supply.
    When some places in Canada have violence rates ranking them within the top ten places in the USA, it begs the question of whether gun control is a big factor…

  10. So you can buy firearms in the US and some of them end up in Canada? What’s news about that? Why, apparently, Obama Administration law enforcement agencies occasionally sell guns, too, and they end up in the hands of Mexican drug runners. I’m not just sure what the message in the bottle is here, but the possible takeaways I can think of are:
    1. The Toronto Star wants to intervene in the US gun control debate, on the side of the gun controlistas, because they think there are a huge number of Americans who read the Toronto Star and will be shocked and outraged by this information?
    2. The Toronto Star wants to intervene in the US gun control debate, so that it can stoke the fires of anti-Americanism among its readership among left-leaning Canadians?
    3. 3 of the states mentioned voted from Romney, while 3 of the states mentioned voted for Obama, suggesting that gun “problems” are as prevalent in blue states as they are in red states?
    4. Stay out of Toronto area shopping malls?
    5. Stay out of Toronto?
    6. Paul Martin’s pledge to “ban handguns” was as much of a lark as the current ban on handguns, and what’s really necessary are even tougher new sentencing provisions of the CCC to get these criminals off the streets? Hmmm… Where have I heard that before? Bob Rae, wasn’t it? No, no, no — that can’t be right!
    7. The Toronto Star is good at wasting increasingly scarce financial resources?

  11. David: its about keeping the guns are bad theme going and ever present in the minds of Canadians. In the US there are thousands of cases, daily stories of guns being used for self defence, yet all the media print up here are irrelevent stories of idiots who have used a gun in a stupid manner in the US.
    Its about keeping up the meme. Gun too easily available, guns always harmful.
    Why? Because in the US there has been a massive public opinion shift towards firearms being useful methods for self defence as well as being necessary for a free people. Consequently the rise of Conceal Carry Laws and the largest growing cohort of gun owners: women wanting guns for self defence.
    Last thing these statists want is Canadians getting the same ideas. So they keep the pressure on.

  12. David and Forest, well said. The Star just keeps hammering away with their attempt at the not so subtle brainwashing that guns are bad and need to be taken away from all people.

  13. To the T(rex)Star I would add a big “Yeah So?” I spoke to a Edmonton Police Sergent about the availability of guns here in Edmonton. He said that if he wanted to, it take him about 5 minutes before he could purchase an unregistered handgun here in Edmonton.

  14. Ok the guy lied, the .25auto is not the “perfect starter round”, also there’s nothing wrong with women shooting revolvers, my wife is an exceptional shot with a .357mag GP 100.
    But that just a CHRC concern, not a real courts problem because Liberals lie about everything all the time.
    This is a Liberal hack story meant to scare the little moonbats, not a big surprise for most that you can buy a gun on any street corner in the US, it’s sort of like buying hard drugs on any street corner in Toronto, or illegal cigarettes on an aboriginal reserve.
    Where’s the outrage about our own backyards?

  15. Surprised, I am!
    I mean, here I was under the impression that it would be next to impossible to buy an illegal gun in TO – I’ll tell you why. Billy Blair’s troops have been door-knocking at the homes of .22 owners who had let their licences expire – so I naturally assumed that the this had to mean that streets were ‘clean’! I mean, when the cops deal with the petty shit, it means all the real dirty work (like guns and gangs) has been done, right???
    Crap! Guess I was wrong, eh? Who’d have thunk it!
    But maybe we’re on to something here. I mean, if they took all the money that they are spending on Billy Blair’s guns and gangs unit, and got the Star to buy up all the illegal firearms, do you think TO might be a bit safer for a little while?

  16. Haven’t these fools just proven our guns laws are useless if anyone can pop down to the States and buy a gun?
    Funny how they want to deregulate drugs so the criminals can’t get rich but can’t make the same connection to guns.

  17. If Bob had only known who he was dealing with, he would have just had to say, “Boo, I’m an American, and they would have dropped their pantiess and run, leaving their wallets behind, because that’s the real story here, those Evil, brainless unevolved American.

  18. “… I don’t see a crime here. …”
    Marc it is against U.S. law for non-resident foreigners to buy guns. What they did was a crime there.

  19. I guess the point they were making is that Obumbles background check bill would end this – of course this omits the demonstrable fact that “Bob” will not comply with a background check law any more than he complied with the laws he broke to sell to the Star zombies. “Bob” was there before “gun control” and he will be there after the nest useless gun laws are passed – as he was in every jurisdiction which punished law abiding citizens to stem his illegal actions.
    No points for the Star except maybe the Consensus Media award for belaboring the obvious and wasting newsprint.

  20. Bob didn’t break any Georgia or U.S. laws when he sold that gun. The Star reporters misrepresented themselves as resident aliens. They are the law-breakers here.
    But what’s really getting ignored is that probably most of the illegal guns coming into Canada are coming by way of the Indian reserves straddling the border. Can you imagine the Indians not wanting to be involved in a lucrative smuggling racket?

  21. I’m sure glad they are trying to get that “magical” rusty old .25 auto off the streets, it’s much better that criminals go out and acquire non lethal 12 gauge sawed off “duck guns” loaded with 00 buck instead.

  22. I too wonder how many times they were told “No ID, no sale”.
    If a significant percentage of private sellers will sell without asking for ID, why doesn’t the Obama administration have agents out doing stings?
    Here in my state (one of the poorest in the US) the cops have plenty of money to spend sending underage buyers in for beer to sting liquor stores, seems the feds could do the same for guns. But maybe they don’t actually want to enforce existing laws.

  23. So the criminals who smuggle cocaine into the country can also get guns so they can protect their turf and ill gotten wealth? I’m shocked, shocked I tell you!
    I legally purchased a handgun last month and had to wait two weeks for the distributor to obtain an ATT (Authorization To Transport) in order to send it to the store. Then I had to return to the store so they could photocopy my PAL again so the store owner could submit for another ATT (another week of waiting) to allow me to bring the gun home, with a trigger lock installed, in a locked case and in the locked trunk of my car by a direct route.
    None of the redtape made the public any safer, by affecting the behaviour of the gangstas in TO.

  24. They went all the way to Georgia? Ask any hooker downtown and you can get a pistol in twenty minutes.
    This part here made me laugh. “Meanwhile, Ontario judges are handing down stiff sentences for gun offences, saying over and again that they want to dampen the allure of these powerful weapons.” But gee, they seem to have missed the fact that the little b@st@rd killed “execution style” at Yorkville mall was out after three years on a home invasion rap, and had been busted for guns many times. So the “stiff sentences” are stiff like celery that’s been in your fridge for a month.
    Also, anybody who would pay $2,000 for that busted .25 is crazy.
    Altogether, exactly what I expect from the Toronto Star. Lies, d@mned lies, and statistics.

  25. “BOB” sounds rather white to me
    now if they did a “cross the border” , using Two Dogs F**king, who lives on the border reserve, or traced it to the end user, Trayvon Martin, it would be a racist piece!!!!
    and U can buy a lot better than a 25 piece of garbage on TO street!!!

  26. That says it all in a nutshell. Selective News reporting. Its all the rage in Marxist held bastions like the Star or most American publications.

  27. Al_in_Ottawa >
    I don’t recall ever waiting more than overnight for an ATT. Simple phone call, some politeness and then e-mail or fax.
    Quite probably there’s a difference with provincial CFO’s, it doesn’t seem very troublesome in Alberta at least.
    The ridiculous part is that you need a “special” authorization to transport a new pistol from the gun store to your house, and then your long term ATT will apply to transport it from there on.
    So in a nutshell – I go to the store to pick up a new “gun” with temporary ATT in hand, while having 3 other guns in my car using my long term ATT, then when I physically get home my “new” gun is now magically covered by the same long term ATT as the other 3 pistols that accompanied me shopping.
    Stupid red tape bureaucratic BS.

  28. I am just surprised that Bob didn’t end up with the money, the gun and the rental car the urnalists came in.
    “Hello police, I’d like to report a robbery of two Canadians who were trying to buy a gun on the street…. hello???”

  29. Kate >
    “Detroit would have been a lot closer, but black people selling guns scare them.”
    Precisely why they institutionalize and abort millions and millions of them “from the face of the earth”.
    Failing that they disarm them, subject them to generational poverty in government sponsored crime infested ghettos, and use them as drug mules and vote slaves for their suburbian liberal white masters.
    “No Guns for Negro’s” – a black perspective

  30. I hunt in the U.S. every year. You had better not dick around with their gun laws. They have border patrol agents who stop your miles south of the Canadian border and ‘check you out’. Your papers had better be in order.
    I was in TX this winter and found a nice little gentleman’s sxs shotgun in Cabela’s. Thought I might buy it and have it shipped to Cabela’s in Canada. Not happening. Canadians can’t purchase a gun in the U.S. and they will not ship to a Canadian store. You have to get a federal import permit and go through a dealer who has a federal license. Way to much hassle so I gave up that idea.
    The Torstar idiots had better hope they don’t run afoul of the authorities in a foreign country.
    Letters from a Burmingham jail has already been tried. Fools.

  31. Cheap American handguns are flooding Toronto streets. – in the not distant enuf future: Cheap Mexican handguns are flooding Los Angeles streets.

  32. Personally, I think this is a great story! For once, The Star is agreeing 100% with what mainstream Canadian gun owners have been saying for years. If most criminal guns are being smuggled in from the Excited States, banning them here is unlikely to reduce crime in Canada. And the fact that it’s The Red Star saying it is going to be useful to Canadian gun owners in future debates – the anti-gun crowd will find it harder to question its objectivity when it is cited.
    For once, for the first time in years, I applaud The Toronto Star. Interesting to see where this series goes.

  33. Knight 99, it does not seem that the new CPFO for Ontario gives a crap about the legal gun owners he serves. For years my ATT was good for me to go to any approved handgun range in Ontario, so if there was a competition in Prescott I was covered. This winter the CPFO announced that now you need an invitation to the competition which specifies the date and time. I’m not sure if an email or a screenprint of an online announcement suffices.
    None of this will stop Desean and Tyrone from firing at each other in a crowd at the Eaton Center.

  34. Al_in_Ottawa >
    Wow, and I was pissed to find out that mine wouldn’t allow me to go to any pistol range in western Canada anymore without a special permit.
    Can still go to any range in Alberta however (for now). They’re working hard to fill Alberta with Ontario’s unwanted deadbeats and third world immigration overflow each year.
