4 Replies to “We Don’t Need No Stinking Giant Fans”

  1. This is about more tax monies to Governments. It has nothing to do with energy use.
    Just another way to fleece the electorate

  2. Always amazes me that on one hand provinces want to attract manufacturing and on the other hand they drive it away with their energy prices. Stupid is as stupid does. Apologies to Forrest Gump, who was brilliant compared to many politicians.

  3. The number one drawback of wind power is that it provides power when demand is at its lowest and has no power when demand is at its peak – I’m sure that the pols who commit public funds to this white elephant are aware of this basic dynamic of the wind system – which makes the public underwriting of wind power a gigantic con – a collusion between vendors (insiders) and pols. There should be indictments – but not in any jurisdiction this corrupt. Anyone notice how the old commie super powers have no time for this type of con? Maybe those ex-soviet people can spot government insider cons in an instant.

  4. My cost for Fortis power here in BC the province of water hydro is about $0.13/kwh. That includes all government taxes. That cost has doubled over the last 10 years. The wind generators in Maui, Hawaii combined with bunker fuel generators cost $0.34/kwh (this number is about 3 years old).
    The thing about Fortis generation in the Kootenays is they have not built a dam in 40 years. Any capital costs are upgrades. Rate increases of 5 – 6% per year are defended as operating costs.
