
A revolting story. A reinforcement of why I, a socially liberal fiscal conservative, am in favour of banning third trimester abortions except when under 16, rape or health.
But then, Canada has no laws at all governing abortion and the uterus corps will mobilize at the first mention there of, so whatever, eh. The Aztecs had a pretty good civilization for a long time with human sacrifice too.
While I don’t particularly believe the media cone of silence theory, one really has to question their bubble … or at least good journalists would.
h/t: Instapundit

49 Replies to “#gosnell”

  1. Well Lance…maybe ya might want to reconsider your ‘socially liberal’ viewpoints while you’re at it. Not trying to tick you off, but much of our socially conservative morals, values and ethics – arose for very good reasons.

  2. or at least good journalists would
    “Good journalists”. Is there evidence that they exist, or are they like unicorns?

  3. FAQs from the Morgantaler website
    Do I need a doctor’s referral to book an appointment?
    No, you do not need a doctor’s referral to make an appointment. You can make the appointment at your convenience and at your request.
    Do I need my parent’s or my partner’s permission?
    No, you do not need parental and partner permission to book an appointment or to have an abortion.
    Is there a waiting period before I can have my procedure?
    No, in Canada abortion is available upon request. There are no regulatory waiting times in place to prevent or restrict access to abortion services.
    Do I have to pay for the procedure myself or is it covered under my health plan?
    The Toronto and Ottawa Morgentaler clinics are licensed and funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health, and therefore your valid Ontario Health (OHIP) card fully covers you for this service. SNIP SNIP
    Is the procedure going to hurt?
    The procedure is performed under local anaesthesia and IV sedation and lasts approximately 5 minutes in duration. Most patients experience mild discomfort and cramping, similar to menstrual cramps.
    While pain tolerance varies depending on the person, we do our best to minimize your discomfort and will adjust medication dosages should you require.
    Will anyone find out I had an abortion?
    Your visit to our clinic is completely private and confidential. We are bound by the Ontario Privacy Act and all regulations governing patient confidentiality. We respect your right to discreet abortion care services.
    Can I bring someone with me?
    Yes, you are allowed to bring one escort with you into our facility. That person will be required to show photo identification. However, due to safety and privacy protocols that person will not be able to accompany you into the medical area.
    How long will the appointment take?
    Generally the appointment process takes approximately 2-3 hours, with the actual abortion procedure taking approximately 5 minutes.
    If your pregnancy is more advanced, the appointment process may be spread over 2 days.
    When you book your appointment, the intake counselors will advise you of the length of your visit to our clinic.
    How should I get to the clinic?
    Our patients cannot drive to or from the clinic. If you arrive at the clinic and have driven, you will be rebooked automatically, even if you have a driver coming later.
    There are NO exceptions to this rule as it is for your own health and safety that we must enforce the no driving policy. This policy is in effect for both one and two day appointments.
    Will there be protestors? Will I be safe?
    The Morgentaler Clinics have extensive security systems and a court order protects your privacy and prohibits demonstrators.
    What should I bring to my appointment?
    Please bring photo identification, your provincial health card, a long nightshirt or gown that falls to at least your knees and a warm pair of socks. Please bring any supplementary insurance cards you may have, such as Ontario Works, O.D.S.P., Native Status, or any private insurance plan.
    What shouldn’t I bring to my appointment?
    Electronic devices i.e. computers, PDA’s, cell phones, mp3 or audio players, etc. These devices will not be allowed into the clinic for your privacy and safety.
    We would also ask that you not bring any large or oversized bags into the clinic.

  4. Lance,
    Your ‘limitations’ on abortion would be arbitrary, would not be enforceable, nor would they limit a single actual abortion, including those practiced by Gosnell. Why is it so difficult to, as a society, live by the premise that it’s bad/wrong/evil to allow big (often capable of moral responsibility) people to kill little (certainly innocent) people?

  5. The main part of the Gosnell trial is not about abortion. Many of the babys were fully born and then killed. Even in Canada this is murder. The biggest travesty of this trial is that 99% of the media is ignoring it. If this was someone killing puppies this would be the lead story every day.

  6. And of course there’s no media cone of silence; it’s just that it’s just a local news story unlike white supremacists killing a Texas D.A. and his wife./sarc

  7. From the article;
    Back-alley abortions were indisputably a problem before 1973.
    Uh no, the problem is, and was, people who can’t accept responsibility for their actions. Nobody made them copulate. Other than rape, which is 2% to 3% of the total count of the homicides.
    The danger to the woman from the procedure doesn’t change why they are doing it. It’s done purely for convenience, no other reason.

  8. When a deranged maniac kills children with a rifle, everyone hears about it.
    When a deranged maniac kills children under the guise of abortion, no-one hears about it.
    Some child murders are front page, some are not. Some might call it bias.

  9. m: ” Many of the babys were fully born and then killed.” True, but this was being done in the context of an “abortion”. It calls into question the morality of late-term abortion. Inside or outside of the womb, you are killing a helpless human being. It really is barbaric.

  10. Jim, I have to agree. Without those moral, values and ethic boundaries we are not much better than savages.
    That said, I am opposed to any abortions other than for the health of the mother and for the issue of rape.
    There are thousands of couples that would love to adopt and unwanted child. I know some of them, and I also know many that have been adopted, including a grandchild from Ethiopia.

  11. No different than when the feminazis go silent over the topic of sex selective abortion.
    The left have hypocrisy in their DNA.

  12. When an Al-Qaeda inspired thug, beheads someone for notoriety, the response is; “Oh those uncivilized barbarians!”
    When “Dr. ‘Mengele’ Gosnell” beheads defenseless children, the MSM response is crickets.
    Of course we are so much more an advanced society that we’ve turned a blind eye these last 20 years, as the abattoir didn’t even warrant an inspection; despite a number of reports to authorities. The old canard of ‘safe, legal and rare’ has now become; “unsafe, illegal, and commonplace”.
    Naturally, we should be relieved, because regular slaughterhouses for cattle and pigs, are inspected on a more frequent basis.
    There, now you should be convinced, that we are so much more civilized than those damn barbarians! Not feeling morally and intellectually superior yet? Well then you forgot to take your National Socialist pill with breakfast this morning or is that the ‘morning after’ pill.
    In any case, the butchery will continue because society has become morally and intellectually flaccid; most likely because the notion of ‘personal responsibility’ has been vacated.
    There’s something in journalism that’s come to be known as “Godwin’s Law,” which posits: ”As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Na*is or Hi*ler approaches.” Obviously, I’ve violated it, and deliberately so, because the point of comparison is identical: an affectless unwillingness to treat every human being as fully human, and instead to sacrifice them for a higher cause. When morality is untethered from religion, and tied instead to culture/Kultur, savagery results.
    And yet for many on the left, abortion remains the greatest of the secular sacraments, murder as a positive good. How the maternal instinct was extirpated in a generation or two of women is something for behavioral scientists and theologians to debate; the modern left’s transformation into a suicide cult will give historians and artists grist for decades to come.
    We don’t know where it began, although Roe is certainly a good place to start. But we do know where it ends, by whichever name we choose to call the place: Endstation Auschwitz.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  13. left-wing
    -kill the innocent (babies), protect the guilty (pedos/murderers)
    -protect the innocent (babies), punish the guilty (pedos/murderers)
    yah, it’s that black and white!

  14. …and then there are those who pretend they are in between. The, so-called, moderates. Actually they don’t moderate anything, they just go along to get along because of a lack of moral fortitude.
    They enable the left, which makes them leftists.

  15. Well put eagle.112229, I’ll remember your comment the next time I argue with a pro life or a gun control lefty.

  16. I can’t help but think a late term abortion would harm the health of any woman undergoing such a horrid, evil procedure. Mental health as well.
    There are no good reasons for late-term abortions. Period.

  17. There are no good reasons for late-term abortions. Period.
    How moderate of you…I bet you have an arbitrary line to determine ‘late-term’, and everything…
    Just think, only an arbitrary line separates you and Gosnell.
    Unlike justifiable homicide and criminal homicide…

  18. If there is a rape exemption for abortions you will not be able to build prisons fast enough for the thousands of men who will be falsely accused of rape in order for a woman to obtain an abortion.

  19. Ignoring it my auntie. Sharon Malone Holder, aka Mrs. Eric Holder, is landlady for a notorious Atlanta child slaughterhouse. The Holders make a very good living off mass murder.
    It’s obvious what happened here—Holder or his proxies told the MSM point blank when Gosnell was arrested: “Raise a stink about this and nobody involved need show their face at White House press conferences again while Obama is president. When the assets of your papers are confiscated to cover huge back tax bills—remember, only people we consider friends get to skip out on taxes—I will personally see to it they are shut down for good and that any resumes with your names on them go straight to the shredder.” (Words to that effect.)
    They’re only breaking ranks now because everybody knows.
    So, I wonder what will be the next story the Post steal from Blazing Cat Fur?

  20. Yup. Too many thoughtless people ascribe to Menken’s view that those who uphold moral values only want to deprive others of “fun”. Well, one woman and 7 viable children were murdered by this “doctor” and all in the name of convenience, AKA abortion on demand. Ideas do have consequences. The Alan Guttmacher Institute reported that 75% of women who got pregnant knew about, and had access to, birth control, but didn’t bother to use it. Without personal responsibility, there can be no liberty.

  21. I am firmly in the pro-choice camp, but what this psychopath is accused of has little to do with therapeutic abortion, or any medical procedure for that matter. I am sure that any reasonable person is horrified by this, no matter what their view on access to therapeutic abortion.
    That being said, there are a small number of unreasonable (read: crazy) people with very polarized views both for and against abortion access, and it’s probably no surprise that they would use this horrible story to try to prop up their viewpoint on the matter, one way or the other.

  22. I am firmly in the pro-choice camp, but what this psychopath is accused of has little to do with therapeutic abortion,…
    Heh, pro-choice so long as it’s your choice.
    See how this person frantically distances themselves from killing the defenseless, while embracing the choice to kill the defenseless?
    Yeah, leftists have a special kind of logic.

  23. Exactly. To the leftist, there is no God, everything is permitted and what is right is whatever you can get away with. Killing a defenseless child in cold blood is just peachy—babies don’t shoot back.
    Mocking Islam, of course, never mind exposing or opposing Islam, is a hate crime, which, of course, merely means any act that annoys big brown fellows with poor impulse control who can and will kill or maim anyone who annoys them. Nobody in a position to do much about it will bother to do so when someone who tries to expose Islam opens his front door and is shot in the face. Nobody in a position to help wants to be next in line for a special delivery.
    If the babies cannot fight back, someone must do it for them. A woman who kills her child in the womb needs to answer for the child’s life with her own, and whoever gave her an abortifacent needs to go to eternal punishment alongside her. It’s not your fault because it was your brother’s? So perhaps the fault is the child’s? Did you flush the evidence down the toilet, or can you prove it was your brother’s? Fine—we’ll send him right behind you, and his soul will answer for yours. The blood of all three of you is on your own hands. No excuses.
    Do that enough times and even the feminist web-witch sisterhood will sooner or later adjust their cola-bottle glasses, scratch their elephantine, reeking sweatpant-clad behinds, pop another choccy in their mouths, and start advising their sisters (one hand on the laptop keyboard, the other on their cat-children) that it’s no longer a good idea to ask around for a dose of RU-486 even online, because anybody offering you one is probably from the RCMP.
    Just maybe, they’ll start advising them as well that it really is a bad idea to get drunk or high around men who aren’t their fathers, brothers or husbands, or to go out after dark without their husbands or a gun they know how to use, and nobody else can be held responsible for what happens if they do so anyway. You want to end unwanted pregnancies? Make it much easier for single females to obtain a gun. Make it much harder for them to obtain alcohol.

  24. As the linked article points out, either one of the two principled positions:
    – that life begins at conception and therefore any ending of pregnancy after that is murder (no exceptions)
    – that life (at least in legal terms) start at birth, and it is entirely up to the woman whether to have an abortion or not up and including in the third trimester
    is possible to defend, in my opinion, as a reasonable and humane position.
    Therefore a mushy pragmatic approach is necessary, something along the line of lance’s, even if disturbs some people.
    My preference would be:
    – Ban abortions after 16 weeks
    – Except in case of rape, incest, or serious health threat
    This should be coupled with sensible:
    – information/education/propaganda on the requirement to take responsibility for one’s actions
    – information/education/propaganda on the economical, ethical & health case for steady relationships and a generally healthy life style
    – information/education on contraceptives (and also day-after pills)
    – common sense social assistance rules (e.g. not encourage single parent households)

  25. The topic here is late term abortions. So I commented on the topic at hand. Anyone who knows me knows I am passionately pro-life. In other words, anti-abortion, Stradivarious.
    Not sure what point you were trying to make, but go be bi*chy at someone else for a while.

  26. Third trimester: viable. The baby will live if delivered.
    Rape or incest exceptions: executing a child for the crime of the father.
    Health of the mother: no woman’s health has ever been improved by giving birth to a dead baby instead of a live one. If the mother’s health is truly endangered by the pregnancy, deliver the baby without killing it first, then give the mother and child the medical treatment needed. I worked many years as an OB nurse. Nearly everyday, we “terminated” pregnancy for the health of the mother. Almost all those babies lived. 2 died because they were also injured by the trauma or infection that required the pregnancy to end for the sake of the mother’s health. They died in spite of the care they were given, not because of it. There is never any need to abort a 3rd trimester pregnancy for the health of the mother or any other reason. You do not have to kill the baby to end the pregnancy!
    Abortion is always and only about producing dead children.

  27. It’s quite sick and twisted that we have abortion mills killing babies, all the while couples (straight and now gay) are paying big bucks for in vitro, etc. etc., and there are waiting lists for adoptions? What a mess.
    And one further note to Strad: The main reason, besides my faith, that I am pro-life, is that I am the mom of a wonderful teenage son with Down Syndrome. Nearly 95% of pre-born babies found to have Downs are aborted. This statistic literally makes me sick to my stomach.
    Culture. of. Death.

  28. is possible to defend, in my opinion, as a reasonable and humane position….My preference would be:
    – Ban abortions after 16 weeks
    What is reasonable and humane about killing the innocent and defenseless for the sake of convenience? There is no other excuse, other than rape.
    The line you draw doesn’t separate you from Gosnell. A prostitute is a prostitute if the price is $5 or $5,000.

  29. Leaving aside the abortion theme, the -other- unreported mega scandal here is the utter failure by Pennsylvania and US federal health authorities to bring Gosnel to heel twenty years ago. His clinic was reportedly so filthy and substandard, the cook from the greasiest greasy spoon in Philly would have run retching out the back door.
    Twenty years of patient complaints, hundreds of women injured, infected, made sterile, and… no action from the health authorities? Are you KIDDING me?
    And the newsies are pretending this isn’t news. In fact they’ve been so absent that their very absence has become a bigger story than Gosnel.
    Back in the day the American public didn’t get to have their say because the state squelched it in Roe vs. Wade, aided by the liberal media. It would appear that the Left side of the equation is very, very determined that the public not have their say now. Difference being this time the liberal media isn’t the only game in town.
    Personally I think watching the likes of Whoopie Goldberg and the rest of those friggin’ harpies on The View defend full-term infanticide while trying to pretend its not “infanticide, infanticide” will be a remarkable spectacle.
    And by the way. This @$$h0l3 Gosnel and every other creep like him would not have a business without women actively seeking their services. So for all you “there oughta be a law” guys, lets not pretend this is somehow all going to get better if somebody makes a law, ok? Because its really, really not.
    IMHO the best thing that could happen is if the government gets out of it altogether. Then it will be -expensive-, and all these rat-b@st@rd baby killing women won’t be able to afford it. Make the creatures WORK for it, at least.

  30. So for all you “there oughta be a law” guys…
    There is a law. It’s called criminal homicide. It’s actually still used in the US if someone kills a pregnant woman. Two murder charges.

  31. For your reading pleasure…
    When an Al-Qaeda inspired thug, beheads someone for notoriety, the response is; “Oh those uncivilized barbarians!”
    When “Dr. Gosnell” beheads defenseless children, the MSM response is crickets.
    Of course we are so much more an advanced society that we’ve turned a blind eye these last 20 years, as the abattoir didn’t even warrant an inspection; despite a number of reports to authorities. The authorities willfully ignored this House of Molech.
    The old canard of ‘safe, legal and rare’ has now become; “unsafe, illegal, and commonplace”.
    Naturally, we should be relieved, because regular slaughterhouses for cattle and pigs, are inspected on a more frequent basis.
    There, now you should be convinced, that we are so much more civilized than those damn barbarians! Not feeling morally and intellectually superior yet? Well then you forgot to take your National Socialist pill with breakfast this morning or is that the ‘morning after’ pill.
    In any case, the butchery will continue because society has become morally and intellectually flaccid; most likely because the notion of ‘personal responsibility’ has been vacated.
    Abortionist Slit Necks of Born Babies in Front of Teenager; Told Assistant: ‘That’s What You Call a Chicken With Its Head Cut Off’
    You can download the full grand jury report half way down the page at the link indicated; for those that have the intestinal fortitude to wade through the 281 page report of what can only be described as criminality and butchery.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  32. Not only is Eric Holder’s wife a co-owner of the building in which Gosnell’s abortion clinic was located, “Holder failed to disclose his wife’s ownership of the building. The attorney general’s financial disclosure reports for 2008 through 2011 show Holder neglected to report his wife’s co-ownership.”
    Just more every-day, garden variety, corruption in the Obamanation’s administration. ‘Nothing to see here, folks; the media’s not reporting it. Move along.

  33. If “Dr Gosnell” had used a firearm to dispatch his erstwhile clients, maybe they would have attracted the ‘tender mercies’ of AG Holder.
    I mean you wouldn’t want to have them ‘cutting into’ your profit margin.
    Then again this is the “Fast and Furious” crowd…so I would hesitate to draw too long a crossbow.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  34. I’m beginning to think that the jihadi hatred and its increasing butchery of us in the West is some kind of reckoning.
    We have indeed become moral pygmies. It’s appalling what we accept: the wholesale slaughter of the innocents for profit under the banner of “choice” and “women’s freedom.” Refusing to protect the lives of tiny, defenseless, and vulnerable human beings is barbaric. To suppose that using euphemisms like “pro-choice,” “our right to decide,” and “our bodies, ourselves (sic)” can disguise what’s really going on is obscene and disingenuous in the extreme.

  35. Have been posting my outrage on American sites many are shocked that the MSM in Canada will not have the guts to print this story

  36. Most of the so-called journalists are following Trudeau around like groupies at a Bieber concert

  37. Stradivarious said: “There is a law. It’s called criminal homicide.”
    I meant the abortion part of the story. Lots of people clamoring to make -all- abortions illegal, just saying that wouldn’t turn out well given the demand. Disastrous is probably how that would turn out. Its not the kind of thing that’s going to be improved by the heavy hand of government, one way or the other.
    Of course seeing some of these broads in jail, the ones who want to off their own full term baby, would not cause me to shed a tear.

  38. Yet these same people who are ignoring this story tell us that we don’t own our children, the State does. Co-Parents they call themselves! Except for a Mothers life being in danger or some variation of death to the Mother.I’m totally against abortion. Have been since I was 15, even as an Atheist.
    Now Ive been a Christian over many years its even more grotesque to me as theirs is used as birth control. Paid with my tax dollars for people who have free access to various forms of birth control free.. To allow the State sanctioned powers to kill babies, or the prey-born.
    Next will be old folks than the handicapped. After all the beautiful people figure they have no standard life to live.Make suicide legal, or euthanasia.
    Those killed born or not, is an open invitation to mass murder.A slide into demeaning humanity. Which its now appears is all to real.We wonder why civility has been lost or people ignored the Holocaust?
    50,000,000 Babies killed for population control. Replaced in large part by Cultists who hate our Democracies & everyone a target who does not worship a blood god called allah.Replace our population with those who want to murder us, change our laws . Make Women less than dogs. Yeah lets have more of Islams savagery, less human Democracy.
    The people in this use euphemisms for a reason.They tell you science does not agree its even human. A lie. Once an egg is fertilized, its got 46 chromosomes of a unique human being.
    Murder is murder no matter how you try to pretty it up. Its human sacrifice at a mad level . Even the Child burners of Carthage would have cringed at. For the same reasons. Economic. Prosperity to the secular gods of convenience.
    Use incantations or hide this crimson cruel death toll.Pretend its just tissue.
    Gosnell shows many things. How inspections where ignored. How Black Women where treated rather than lower income folks by race. How a Killer got unrestrained license to kill. Make trophies of his victims.Hire none medical helpers in his killing field.
    Reporters showing their true colors by burying this story for political reasons. Its an Ugly tale by any standards. Probably being played out daily in most cities now. All for fanatics who have made this an unholy sacrament to self.A rule of degeneracy from more haters of humanity.

  39. Hi Rev! Good to see you functional, old son.
    Take heart from the -sh1tstorm- that is very quietly falling on all the apparatchiks in the state health department down there right now. I bet there are a whole bunch of resumes getting polished right now.
    As well, we can acknowledge a victory here. That picture of the empty media seats at the Gosnel trial has put a scare into several large news organizations, who have now been forced to stop pretending they didn’t know about it.
    Its not a total victory of course, as their “coverage” will be for appearances only. But just making them feel fear, that’s a big deal.
    Confusion to the enemy!

  40. I meant the abortion part of the story.
    So did I. Specifically the incongruity of nearly half the states having a law that only a woman can murder her unborn. Anyone else who kills a pregnant woman’s unborn can be charged with criminal homicide.
    Equality before the law would dictate anyone, including the pregnant woman, could murder her unborn. Or, nobody could lawfully kill the unborn. Can’t have it both ways.

  41. Here is a little present for you all. But in the spirit of Lance’s post I draw your attention to the story called: The Pre-Persons. (Opens a .pdf file) I read the story many years ago and thought it too far fetched. However, It should be noted that in some European countries today a newborn is not considered human for as long as 48 hours after birth, just in case the mother later changes her mind and decides to murder it after all. Dick saw much that has later come to pass. The rest of the stories are very good reading too. Get it while you still can.

  42. The root of the problem is lack of respect for oneself and others, and rampant promiscuity that began in the 60’s with the birth control pill and the “make love not war” generation.
    Men consider women meat and treat them as such-men are stuck in an eternal adolesence. How many young men respect women? How many men abstain from pornography in all forms? There is a reason prostitution is the oldest profession-demand for services. Men seem to believe they need to “nail” as many women as they can to be men, or that they’ll die if they don’t get a steady supply of sex. Women are the ones who pay the high cost for “recreational sex”-men don’t ever have to worry about becoming pregnant. There was a day when a womens virtue was respected by the majority. Young girls today are sexualized early on and are led to believe by the media that they need to dress provactively and be available for all forms of sex or be labled a prude. How are they to compete with the explicit images and accompanying expectations of the masses of men who regularily view material that degrades women? You can’t put the abortion issue all on women-it takes two to conceive a child-the father is just as guilty as the mother when it comes to abortion-young men don’t want the responsibility and are, more oft than not, complicit in the aborting of their children. Men don’t want to pay child support for what is considered a recreational activity. Movies like no strings attached and friends with benefits promote this recreational sex fantasy. Men respect yourselves, and respect the women in your lives.
    Modern men view women in the same way Muslim men do-they blame women for the lack of control over their own sex drives.

  43. Yep, “LUCKY LORI” hits some ‘uncomfortable truths’ of modern society…kudos for the brave post.
    Yes a lot of guys do get sucked in by easy availability and little responsibility…as always it takes two to tango.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  44. There can be no excusing any of this. Men and women have random sex and are shocked! shocked that their relations ended up in pregnancy. I guess sex education is a total waste of time and money. As generations have largely been advised never to take responsibility for their actions, the white-washing, sugar-coating and euphemism-making of their rationale kicks into high-gear. All of a sudden, biology takes a backseat and the woman is not pregnant with a growing human being. Abortion is a power construct. It is done because it can be. When it becomes abhorrent, then excuses like rape, ect are formulated. I`m sorry but however skin-crawling and repellant rape is, abortion is not going to erase that crime and it certainly won`t allow others to rise above it. Then we have the powers that be that allow this. Gosnell`s butcher`s yard was a filthy mess riddled with pill-popping and untrained, loose-cannon staff with Gosnell as its insidious head. Who allowed that to continue? The state of Pennsylvania. And let`s not forget Obama`s comfort with abortion and infanticide.
    This whole thing is a mess. We should never excuse or allow it.

  45. One curious thing I’ve noticed is that the longer I’ve been practicing, the harder it is for me to refer women to an abortion clinic. I now tell women about their increased risk of breast cancer if they have an abortion and a few women who had been initially determined to have an abortion have instead gone through with the pregnancy. Also, I’ve seen numerous cases of post-abortion depression in women which is something I also mention as one of the potential side effects.
    However, now that post-natal abortion seems to be OK, I suggest that we allow post-natal abortion of moonbats up to the age of 50. Difficult to cut a non-infant’s spinal cord with scissors and a sharp axe is a far better surgical instrument to use in such cases.

  46. That’s the thing about “the thin edge of the wedge”, things increment slowly and soon pass what was perceived as the limit.
    I mean the way progressives want things,late term, partial birth, after birth…. eventually it will be legal, to pick off the kids while they’re carrying their lunches to school for fricks sake.

  47. How ironic: The aborting of millions of North American children has made it “necessary” — in order to provide the West’s exorbitant salaries/pensions & benefits for public sector workers — to import foreigners, which is one reason why we have such high numbers of immigrants from Muslim countries who, once here, procreate at a rapid rate.
    As I mentioned earlier, some kind of eery reckoning …

  48. There is only one elitist plan.
    About 90% of earth’s present population
    and their future progeny are surplus to
    planned requirements and will be phased
    out over time. Discreetly, if it can be
    kept low keyed. Less politely if it does
    become necessary.
