36 Replies to “The Tolerant Left”

  1. Yes, I’m sure these dopes were hoping it was white guys in white sheets and pointy hats too…
    Don’t these comedians tire of their own schtick…didn’t Senator Robert Byrd (D) die recently? Give it a rest already; schmucks!
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  2. I first began to wonder if the perpetrators might have been disgruntled white boys when President Obama finally got around to describing the bombing as a terrorist act. If there was strong evidence of an Islamist connection, they would have had to release Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, so they could re-arrest him.

  3. This bombing is going to be covered up and the slow investigation will tire people until it is forgotten.
    Remember Fort Hood?

  4. let me correct that headline for ya..
    instead of “white”
    put in “euro American)

  5. From the article:
    “White privilege is knowing that even if the bomber turns out to be white, no one will call for your group to be profiled as terrorists as a result, subjected to special screening or threatened with deportation,” writes author Tim Wise.
    Bullsh*t. If it turns out the bomber is white, my money says he will be of the Occupy bent (a personal speculation, as none of the supposed “right wingers” who committed mass shootings over the past couple years turned out to be NRA Tea Partiers like the MSM so desperately wanted). Besides, there were lots of (factually incorrect) articles about how all mass shooters are white. Except for the VA Tech Shooter, Christopher Dorner in LA, the snipers in DC…oh, wait…neeeeever mind.
    But let’s just cut to the core: if the shooter is an average white male, don’t you dare think for a second that this won’t be an opportunity for the left to capitalize politically. They are desperate the put another nail in the coffin of white men; a bomber would do nicely to condemn all whites, males, Christians, etc. as “terrorists” when the DHS list of extremists and extremists’ behavior has seemed to only tick off sensible people. Besides, 2014 is just around the corner.
    Put it this way: if 9/11 had been committed by a group of cassock wearing Catholics, I can tell you that I would not have been able to convert in 2005 because Catholics would have been locked up or run out of this country so fast, and Catholicism made illegal so rapidly — socially, if not legislatively — it would have made your head spin.
    Apologies for sounding so bitter, etc. this morning. But I’m sick of the political B.S. People — including children — had limbs blown off and were killed. I don’t give a rat’s behind who perpetrated the crime or why. I want them caught and actually brought to justice. Thrown in a cell of squalor never to see the light of day again or, if it’s your preference, hanged.
    But that won’t happen. We’ll just get political kabuki theater because that’s what America’s become since some of my un informed neighbors voted the Lightworker to two terms in office.

  6. Oh yes, we wouldn’t want another “backlash” against innocents, would we?
    You know, like all the North American mosque burnings and lynchings that happened after 911, Fort Hood,USS Cole,etc., etc.

  7. Well, they’ve finally got me. Yes, I must confess I am part of the great white male conspiracy and must own up to my past of being in cahoots with other white males (and some females) working to arrest violent individuals and protect the innocent from harm. Even now I am preparing to spend the day treating the sick and injured, work hard, and pay taxes — things that send chills of horror down the backs of lefties. Why just last night I met with other white males to plot the issuing of contracts for (brace yourselves) . . . road repairs and various maintenance projects around our condominium complex. Imagine: getting things done on our own initiative and paying for it with our own money — plainly a threat to the lefty way of life.

  8. And if the bomber turns out to be white, and it may be so. The leftwing media will pound the world for months and years, and try to use it to whitewash the fact that The Religion of Peace has been murdering, butchering, mutilating, bombing, hacking, stoning innocent men women and children 24/7/365 for years and years. http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/

  9. You know, when one faction in Pakistan bombs another faction in Pakistan (or in Iraq or Saudi Arabia or wherever), I’m pretty sure they also figure it is an exisential threat rather than a lone wolf.

  10. The bombing murderers are white!
    They are every Liberal sympathizer that has allowed the destruction of western civilization to occur. They have promoted, financed, and enabled it.
    Now the streets, schools, and places of work across America are filled with hedonism and violence.
    They the Liberal Left from Communists to Anarchists to Abortionists to Hollywood cocaine sniffers have brought this on American society.
    Al Qaeda is a manufactured terrorist organization, built by American money and training in the 1980’s, never forget that.

  11. Drudge reports the trail has gone cold. I don’t believe it. John Batchelor had a reporter on Monday night who said that a runner told her that bomb sniffing dogs were all over the areas where the runners stage before they begin the race. He hadn’t seen that in 10 years of running the marathon. I think they had advance warning. And i don’t believe DHS when they say there was none of the usual AQ chatter post event. And does anyone really believe that Saudi isn’t still a suspect after they removed bags and bags from his apartment? MASSIVE COVER-UP.

  12. My friend (a physician) literally just said this. She actually just st down next to me as I started writing this. Timely and sad.

  13. Leftist degenerates,trying very hard
    to destroy America one day at a time.
    It’s what they do.

  14. On The Blaze they showed the cover of a (dare I say it) Muslim magazine that had an article titled Make a Bomb in the Kitchen of Your Mom (can’t make this stuff up).
    A Muslim soldier had made one in a failed attempt to use it at Fort Hood (and who has ever heard of him?).
    So, maybe an angry group of right wing Christian Bible thumping global warming deniers found a copy of the magazine and thought to themselves: Now there’s a good way to get the attention of the Big One – let’s make a couple of pressure cooker bombs and set them off where there will be a large group of innocent people, including children. And let’s jam pack it with everything that will do the most damage to the human body.
    Flies for me. But, then, I’m gullible.

  15. Boston has a half-dozen criminal organizations who know who’s who and what’s what far more than the FBI ever will.
    Offer them something in return for their help and they’ll have the bad guys in hand in no time.
    I’d guess that they’re already pitching in. They’re a fairly proud lot, and don’t suffer amateurs gladly, and this is certainly the work of amateurs, probably from out of town.
    It’s a great pity that public hangings are no longer bearable.
    Nothing would be a more effective deterrent to another bombing than catching these people, giving them a fair and open trial, and stringing ’em up on the spot in Copley Square.

  16. In a funny way I suppose we could have all hoped for that. If the bomber had been white, he’d have been dragged in front of the network news cameras by yesterday morning at the latest. Timothy McVeigh and Richard Bain were arrested on the spot or close to it.
    Says Salon:
    …if he turns out to be a member of the Irish Republican Army we won’t bomb Dublin.
    No. Trust me, they won’t. For starters, too many Teigs tending bar in London for cash upfront or minding NHS hospitals, because all the competent English doctors and nurses were leaving for Australia.
    Which is why during the Troubles the only people bothering to bring the fight to keep Ulster British to the enemy were the Ulster Volunteer Force. The Dublin and Monaghan bombings of May 1974 were the UVF’s finest hour.
    And they worked. It wasn’t just that the bombings were instrumental in bringing down the Sunningdale Agreement, London’s first modern attempt to palm the North off on Dublin and throw Ulstermen under the bus to look good in Brussels. The British ambassador to Dublin at the time remarked: “It is only now that the South has experienced violence that they are reacting in the way that the North has sought for so long”—that is, that those among the plain people of Teigland who valued their own pale, hairy skins started, finally, to turn on Sinn Fein. A teachable moment, I think our moral and intellectual superiors call it.
    By extension, I am not the first to remark that the immediate aftermath of 9/11 should have been the conversion of the cities of the Muslim world into piles of highly radioactive ash.
    Collective punishment. It works, my friends.

  17. Knight, you are 100% right. Their equivalents in the 1930s are also to blame the deaths of 50 million people during WW II. Some, such as Churchill, recognized the danger Hitler posed and wanted to nip him in the bud.
    The difference today is that the people you mention are at the same time aiding and abetting the Islamic radicals and in some cases allied with them in order to take down liberal democracy.
    Amy P., good for you and to all the other great comments above.
    The left desperately wants the perpetrators of this bombing to be unhinged white Americans, preferably of Timothy McVeigh’s ilk, to advance their agenda and demonize anyone who disagrees with their Weltanschauung.

  18. Dear Moby Dick, your continued efforts to portray a traditional English Monarchist boor from the early twentieth century grow tiresome. Such people, if any are still alive, are 90+ years old and wheezing out their last days in a rest home, not posting on the Internet.
    It will not surprise me to discover that you are in fact a government apparatchik purposefully trolling this blog in an effort to create more frivolous lawsuits against our hostess and the readers who comment here.
    In any event your comments are uniformly disgusting. I prefer the bilious falsehoods of Salon to yours. Please shrivel up and bust from your own poison at your earliest opportunity.

  19. Once again the MSM and the PTB are up to their old tricks – lying and obfuscating as usual. And where we find one lie there are very likely others.
    There’s no way a self respecting terrorist would use expensive ball bearings for an IED – it’s pure bullshit to say otherwise.
    The perp(s) used 00 buckshot which is easily extracted from shotgun shells – cheap, lethal and impossible to trace, just as common nails are.
    Dealing with adversaries requires one to think like them. Sun Tzu’s “Art of War” comes to mind. Deceit will invariably trump any technology, no matter how advanced.

  20. Let’s all remember to leave sympathy emails for Salon when the perps ARE nailed. Jackwagons.

  21. Except that it’s true. When a brown dude commits a crime, everybody poops their pants and demands they be shipped off to camps. When it’s a white guy… it’s an aberration. If it wasn’t the case, the gov would be monitoring this site, since most anti-government activities come from the right these days including the worst terrorist bombing in US history before 9/11.
    In the meantime, you guys can talk about how you buy guns in part to fight the government without worrying about being called terrorists.

  22. Feeling guilty?
    Don’t project your guilt onto the rest of us.
    We’ll see who’s who eventually. Equal punishment is what you should be demanding instead of making it about skin colour.

  23. We mustn’t blame the NAZI ideal for the behavior of a single NAZI.

  24. OMG …
    Tim Wise: “White privilege is knowing that even if the bomber turns out to be white, no one will call for your group to be profiled as terrorists as a result, subjected to special screening or threatened with deportation.”
    Wise? Are you kidding me? This guy Wise is a total eedjit.
    Seeing as white people don’t make a habit of flying into skyscrapers and murdering innocent people indiscriminately in all sorts of imaginative ways — as non-white terrorists do on a regular basis — why would “white” people be subjected to special screening or threatened with deportation — especially seeing as hypothetical white bombers would probably have been born in the U.S.?
    This incoherent drivel is the end-result of leftist, Kumbaya, multicultural crap taught in our public educational institutions and pushed in our “schools” of journalism. It’s the way Justin Trudeau thinks.
    God help us all.

  25. “Let’s Hope The Boston Marathon Bomber Is A White American”…
    If thats not the most bigoted saying, than I never heard one in my life.
    The left is all about segregation, stasis, group rights granted to those groups who follow their dictum. As opposed to individuals who want rights for every person. Always ready to lump people into categories. I despise Islam (They just happen to be todays World would be dominator’s), Communism, fascism. In fact every totalitarian system of any sort. Including religious tyrannies of any bent ( If this where the middle ages I would be ranting about the inquisition). It does not make me despise individuals, only its collective Ideology. Not even a group ,but those that adhere to the Dogmas of Hatred of Humanity in that camp of people.
    These folks would exclude those who are a favored group, just to cover for traitors.Not excluding Ideological bedfellows from their target. They want a goat for the slaughter that they hate.
    If not, they will hide the truth.

  26. John @ 2:32 >
    “since most anti-government activities come from the right these days….”
    You must be talking about all that praying and singing the Tea Party grannies were doing in front of the Whitehouse last summer.
    Yea, real “anti-government activities”, don’t complain about those taxes or we’ll lock you up.
    The problem with you people John is that no matter how tyrannical or murderous a government becomes you tell everyone to STFU like there’s going to be something in it for you. Sorry pal real history is full of tyranny and useful idiots that help carry it along.
    Recognizing real tyranny and speaking out against it is not anti-government. We The People are the government, those elected to office are nothing more than servants that either recognize that fact or not. Obviously slaves such as yourself cower and piss yourselves when your improvised Masters look your way; however the rest of us get the fact that they work for us and stand on our own inherent strengths to keep it that way.
    Which is precisely why the mentally ill left hates the so called “right” so much. You’re simply pathetic and weak, jealous of conservative strengths and ability of self determination. We get that, and simply don’t care.

  27. john said: “When it’s a white guy… it’s an aberration.”
    no john, when its a white guy its always a friggin’ lefty. every single time. even the batman shooter nutcase has his nuts lined up on the left side of the crazywagon.
    oh, and just to clear up your misunderstanding about the gun thing, let me ‘splain it to you. see john, there is a -difference- between blowing up innocent people at a sporting event, and blowing up a guy who kicks in your door at 3am to drag you off and kill you and your whole family in a jail someplace.
    i know these subtle distinctions are sometimes hard for you big hearted lefty pacifist types, but work with me here, ok?

  28. “‘White privilege is knowing that even if the bomber turns out to be white, no one will call for your group to be profiled as terrorists as a result, subjected to special screening or threatened with deportation,’ writes author Tim Wise.”
    Whites as a group don’t have any specific characteristic that gives them a reason to be profiled. Islamic radicals or “Islamists” do. This is not rocket science except to someone trying to pawn off the fraud of “critical race theory”.
    “White privilege” is just a way of trying to get whites to feel guilty for no reason. Nothing else.
