“When the president does it, that means that it is not illegal”


The head of a group accused of illegally taping private meetings of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s campaign visited the White House days before the group’s Twitter account began actively attacking the Kentucky Republican, according to White House visitors logs.

Probably nothing.

8 Replies to ““When the president does it, that means that it is not illegal””

  1. Obama’s on the way down. This is just the start.
    Your lips to God’s ears. There can only be so much B.S. this administration can get away with before the house comes crashing down around his socialist ears.
    By the by, did any of you catch his afternoon presser after the anti-gun bill was shot down in the Senate? Takes him hours (or days) to respond to something like Boston (or Benghazi), but his dream of a gun grab goes down and he’s out in front of the cameras, surrounded by his props, in a matter of minutes. Not only is he out in front of the cameras and on time, he’s angrier than he was when nearly 200 people were blown up in Boston or some of his own government staff were slaughtered on the other side of the globe.
    There is something seriously, seriously wrong with Barack Obama.

  2. I hope Patsplace.
    People have seen (or at least should have seen) in the previous four years how rotten and tyrannical he is. Unless people are willing to route the new King George, I’m not seeing a heck of a lot people can do.
