32 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. A bold and daring gambit comes to naught:

    “An Ogden man who pleaded guilty to charges stemming from falsely claiming diplomatic immunity during a traffic stop and then billing police and other government agencies $53 trillion in damages is headed to prison for three years…..Court documents show that the 55-year-old Goff told police that he had diplomatic immunity during a traffic stop about two years ago and then demanded $53 trillion in damages.”

    Well, he was probably just drunk, and then came to his senses the next mor…

    “When he wasn’t paid, he filed liens on 77 parcels of land in Weber County. Some of them included personal property of government officials..”

  2. EBD: Tonight might have been a good choice to salute Rita McNeil.
    A talented lady who overcame a lot of tough circumstances in her life.

  3. Ogummer is pissed.
    Senate rejects bill for unlimited background checks on all Americans at all gun shows and all gun dealerships.
    too bad,
    so sad..
    Midterm elections coming up,
    gun bills going down.

  4. Fox News reports-
    Saudi National asking if any were killed,
    and then tackled at the Boston Massacre,
    is to be deported Tuesday because of National Security reasons .
    WTH with that?

  5. johnbrooks……don’t know why they are annoyed. Shirley they know that Maggie was the very opposite of the commie muzzie Chimp in Chief. Come to think of it,she was/is the anti-thesis to 90% of limeys today.

  6. RIP Rita MacNeil. We enjoyed Rita’s music and went to her last concert with Frank Mills in Saskatoon.

  7. It was a local shark. It’s safe to go back in the water.
    T’were a unsophisticated “homegrown terrorist” what blew off peoples legs in Boston, declared Royal Roads University Head of Human Security and Peace Building Program. Not at all like those much more sophisticated savages with al-Qaeda:
    Boy I feel safer already, seeing it’s just days before the big event.

  8. So, the Saudi National apprehended after the Boston bombing is apparently being deported “on national security grounds” next Tuesday:
    I knew we’d never get to the bottom of this because of the Obamanation. Apparently, he had an unscheduled meeting, reported by Reuters, with the Saudi foreign-minister Prince.
    There goes a mother lode of information about the Boston bombing, so the Saudis won’t be embarrassed.
    Whose back does Zero have anyway?

  9. All the news that’s fit to uPad x 100 urinalists.
    H/T MSM Dino.
    “La Presse makes a big bet on the future of news”
    “La Presse is making a $40-million bet on the future of news, hoping that readers and advertisers will embrace a new tablet edition that could one day replace its printed newspaper.
    The Montreal-based daily unveils its new digital edition today, the result of 2 1/2 years of research and development that has seen the 129-year-old newspaper add more than 100 journalists to its newsroom at a time when others across North America are shedding staff.”

  10. “EU Refuses to Resuscitate Its Dying Carbon Market”
    “The European Parliament just voted down a measure that would have attempted to revive its carbon market, likely dooming it to a slow and undignified death. This was a last-ditch effort to drive the EU’s carbon price back to a level that would incentivize green reforms. And it failed.
    The EU’s carbon market was the flagship program of its recent green efforts. Ideally, it would have given companies a reason to emit less carbon. Companies that emitted less than allowed could have sold off remaining carbon credits to firms that emitted more. But the authorities gave out too many credits, and as Europe’s economy faltered the price for those credits plummeted. The vote today was meant to save the program by addressing this over-allocation, creating an artificial shortage that would drive permit prices back up, but in a time of financial crisis, the European Parliament chose industry over green ideology. The WSJ reports:
    “It was a vote of reason,” said Poland’s environment minister, Marcin Korolec. Poland, one of the EU’s less-affluent members, has been outspoken in its opposition to the measure, which it said could hamper development. […]
    After the vote, the price [of carbon credits] dropped to €2.55 before recovering partially to €3.2…down from nearly €30 in 2008.”

  11. “Rothschild to pull out of gold market after 200 years”
    “The investment bank that has chaired the London meetings setting the world gold price since 1919 is quitting the market.
    NM Rothschild will withdraw from all its commodity trading activities, which also include an oil trading business set up less than two years ago, as part of a strategic review.
    The move brings to an end nearly 200 years of tradition. NM Rothschild was founded in London in 1810 by Nathan Mayer Rothschild, who helped finance the Duke of Wellington’s army in the Napoleonic wars through gold trading.”
    More: “Horse meat discovery knocks £300m off Tesco market value”

  12. O’narcissist speaketh.
    “Obama says Boston bomber ‘picked the wrong city'”

  13. Mao Stlong* Lepolt.
    Mao say, come fry with me.
    “Canada is a hit with Chinese tourists, as Americans stay home
    Globe and Mail”
    “H7N9 Bird Flu Cases In China Rise By Five To 87; Deaths Unchanged At 17”
    “The number of confirmed H7N9 bird flu cases in China increased by five to 87 today. Shanghai, Henan province and Jiangsu province each reported one new case, and Zhejiang province reported two, the official Xinhua news agency reported this evening. The number of dead was unchanged at 17.
    Authorities haven’t confirmed any human-to-human transmission. However, the government-controlled Beijing Daily reported this week that 40% of those sick have had no contact with poultry, and state media has said it can’t be ruled out.
    Beijing and major eastern Chinese cities have closed live poultry markets and are taking other precautions to limit the spread of the new virus.”
    *Ex-Liberal leader Bob Rae’s uncle, c/o Red China.

  14. Of Lizard May’s Red-Green Supercilious Rant.
    H/T Neo-AGW PR.
    “Environment Canada name stripped from weather website”
    “‘Spring makeover’ for federal government weather website removes department branding”
    “”Is there no end to Conservative gall when it comes to promoting themselves with taxpayers’ money?” May asked in a release Wednesday.”
