Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?

Ottawa Citizen;

Canada slammed a top United Nations official today for suggesting the Boston Marathon attacks were the result of the United States “global domination project” and Washington’s policy on Israel.
Richard Falk, the UN special rapporteur on human rights in the
Palestinian territories, made the controversial remarks in an April
21 commentary published in Foreign Policy Journal.
Falk wrote “the American global domination project is bound to
generate all kinds of resistance in the post-colonial world.”
“As long as Tel Aviv has the compliant ear of the American political establishment, those who wish for peace and justice in the world should not rest easy.”

Related: CBC corrects reporter over use of word “attack” in Israel story

22 Replies to “Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?”

  1. Shorter UN: 8-year-old American kids deserve to die for the (supposed) things their ancestors did.
    If I ran for president, one of the main planks of my platform would be immediate and unilateral withdrawal from the U.N. — with a big, fat FOR SALE sign on that prime piece of real estate in NYC. They hate us, they can find digs elsewhere.

  2. Everyone knows the majority of 3rd wold backwater nations comprising the UN are anti-American back stabbers (unless it comes to shaking the US down for foreign aid) so this revelation is a non-starter.
    Of more interest to me, as far as the Boston attack is concerned, is what Israel, Saudi Arabia and Russia have to say on the matter. These nation’s intelligence network were familiar with the suspects and knew more about their activities than US authorities are admitting. The tell here is Russia’s and Israel’s official silence on the matter – which to me seems like a professional courtesy between intel communities more than diplomatic respect.

  3. Thank God we still have good friends that stand up for us north of our border.

    “As long as Tel Aviv has the compliant ear of the American political establishment,
    those who wish for peace and justice in the world should not rest easy.”
    Tel Aviv?
    Dumb Ass doesn’t even know the capital of Israel.
    Israel designated Jerusalem as its capital in 1950.
    Ahh, who gives a Shiite,
    these socialists bastards can’t read either.

  4. As badly as the world needs a forum this bunch that control the UN is a sad lot. Canada as well as the USA should reduce funding until accountability is delivered. The ‘Food for Oil’ program was the end for me. No accountability for the profiteering that went on.

  5. Why is Canada still a member of this odious, useless and expensive organization which accomplishes absolutely nothing?

  6. My fantasy phone call:
    Canada: Here’s the issue. Rgardless of whatever funds we are contributing to keep the UN afloat, we have a payment due of $82 million in support of peacekeeping endeavours. We’re not prepared to do that unless you fire this jerk’s ass out of his position. And by the way, let’s make a two-fer with firing the idiot racconteur who came up to Canada last year and slagged us for not having sufficient food resources. K?
    UN: You can’t place demands like that on us, we’re the United Nations.
    Canada: Just watch me.
    Ahh…if only we lived in a perfect world.
    I am so tired of paying leftist idiots with our own money only to have them turn around and slag us…

  7. “Israel has barred Falk, who reports to the 47-nation UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, from visiting the Palestinian territories because he has compared Israel’s treatment of Palestinians with the horrors of Nazi Germany.
    He also is an American professor emeritus of international law at Princeton University”.
    Say no more. The UN, the EU and lawyers slowly but surely racing towards extinction.

  8. Falk wrote “the American global domination project is bound to generate all kinds of resistance in the post-colonial world. As long as Tel Aviv has the compliant ear of the American political establishment, those who wish for peace and justice in the world should not rest easy.”
    How is Israel involved in any of this? Answer:
    Marxism meets Islamism.
    Both meet anti-Jewish bigotry.
    IOW same old bs different day.
    However it is obviously difficult to wish for peace and justice in the world and plan your next terror or rocket attack at the same time. So many to kill, so little time.

  9. Hey Bruce, here’s a better fantasy.
    President Rand Paul addressing the UN General Assembly: “I have only one announcement to make. You all have twenty minutes to vacate the building. The demolition charges go off in nineteen minutes, fifty-six second.”

  10. No serious nation could say that they are in a war on terror and be the chief underwriter of the UN. The UN is the world’s foremost brokerage house for terrorists. Islamists dominate the General Assembly and the Security Council is a Bull fight where the US chooses to be the Bull, charging mindlessly at the tag-teemed Red Flags while being stabbed continuously by most of the members. Never mind the world governance – Agenda 21- Green Fascists.
    The enemies of the West aren’t the parasitic scum that inhabits the UN so much as the domestic intelligentsia and their mindless drones who think any good can come from UN membership.

  11. This Falk guy was appointed AFTER he had already clearly and publicly stated his opinion that Isreal was a terrorist/apartheid state.
    Then he delivered his report without setting foot in Palestine. Quelle surprise. No wonder the Isrealis bared him entry and when he petunantly arrived at Lod airport, detained him and then shipped him back whence he came.
    Ban Ki Moon denounced his latest outburst….probably in an attempt, to defuse the UN being evicted/defunded by the US.
    The UN brass may be biased/prejudiced but they ain’t completely stupid.

  12. I’m trying to figure out what a “rapporteur” is! But, I think I figured it out. It is a reporter already having confirmed he is a shill for the liberal/socialist/communist/marxist agenda.
    Yes would should leave the UN. Really what does it do for us that we couldn’t do out of our embassies? Well, that is, other than blow our membership fee on dictators, despots and terrorist states.

  13. Why not move it where its heart is. Pakistan, or Afghanistan.
    It would be like removing a used toilet roll from Americas front door.
    This organizations of weasels should have been abandoned 20 years ago by Canada.
    Its does no good but evil. From spreading Global Jihad to buggery. The biggist crooked deals done by these people to the most outrageous injurious lies. It thates the West, but begs for its money.While crippling our economies with green BS. Than fund to ruin our societies. Spreads totalitarianism, while hating any free Nation. Its the Diplomats answer to having their own Mafia. All in the name of Human rights which they invert to state rights by fascists.

  14. The question “Are we still a member……should be changed to “Why are we still a member…… .
    Another question might be since this UN nonsense was an attack on the US why is it left to Canada to criticize this bunch of UN nuts, has the Obama’s clique gone so far down the road to insanity that they now agree with very bit of stupidity that comes out of the asylum on the Hudson.

  15. Obama to staffer: Please pass me the Global Domination Project file. I’ve been busy with gun control and tax reform, so it’s about time I put a few more hours into Global Domination.
    Staffer: Coming right up sir!
    P.S. Tel Aviv having the compliant ear of the American administration will do Tel Aviv no good. The seat of the Government of Israel is in Jerusalem.

  16. Better tell those nice union boys in New Jersey, that a few tons of fill is available for reinforcing the new sea wall they need to build.
    And that the building is already clear of human life.

  17. Obamba was the first US President to chair the UN Security Council.
    The fact that it was an impeachable offence by the US Constitution seems to matter not, disarming the public is the only priority that seems to matter.
    Apparently the fact that +4000 militarized police with state of the art surveillance, weapons, and active bomb squads in Boston could not stop “Terrorists” from murdering joggers does not seem to sway “Progressives” into thinking that your town also needs a few thousand well trained and armed militarized police searching your homes, computers, vehicles, and persons on a daily bases.
    Just whatever you do, NEVER think that open borders and “multiculturalism” is a problem. After all if they lock you up in a sweatshop and some government housing blocks you can’t be hurt.
