Hot, Wet Hands

Terrorists, winning!

According to the Dedham Patch, Williams-Sonoma has pulled pressure cookers off the shelves out of respect for the victims of the Boston Marathon bombing.

24 Replies to “Hot, Wet Hands”

  1. The pressure cooker has absolutely nothing to do with the explosion. An ordinary Presto cooker will not hold much pressure. I believe the valve lets go at 15 PSI. Any sealed container that can hold that pressure would work. It`s like building a piggy bank. Does it matter if it`s a pig or a chicken?

  2. When I thought I’d seen the depths of dhimmitude, this idiocy goes one step further. OTOH, I shouldn’t have been that surprised since idiocy knows no upper bound. If we get another shoe bomber on a plane will Nordstroms stop selling shoes in sympathy with the victim? Or will they simply ban that particular brand of shoes?
    To bring this idiocy to the level of the greatest group of braindead Dumbocrat voters, perhaps we should nudge some of the islamofascists into using some of their expendable bomb making machines to create the ultimate weapon – the tampon bomb. Just need a group of burkha clad bombmakers carrying nitroglycerine filled tampons in regions that the DHS will never search, especially given their protected status. All it takes is a quick bomb retrieval action for the bombmakers in the privacy of their portable tent and a careful handoff to the martyr (who will be carrying a detonator in her tampon), and who, carrying all of the tampons, will then go to the appropriate washroom and blow a large hole in the airliner as it flies over a populated area hopefully incinerating a large number of infidels.
    Given the dhimmi logic of the DHS, they will only apply increased security to kafirs. Thus, expect a nationwide ban on the sale of tampons and a careful cavity search of every women who appears to be within the menstrual age group. This will likely make an impression even on the most brain dead single young female voter who voted for Obozo because he was the most likely to give her free stuff. OTOH, maybe these women like to be penetrated involuntarily by strangers. I guess we’ll find out soon and, in the parody-deficient modern statist environment, I’ll note that this post was an example of reductio ad absurdum applied to the moronic statist mode of thinking. Yes, I think I still have the freedom to call statists morons.

  3. They could ban baseball caps and hoodies, too.
    Except then the city ghetto gangsters wouldn’t be able to tell to which gang they belong.
    For those who truly wish to live in a country governed by Sharia Law, there are 56 whose Constitution guarantee it’s supremacy. Canada isn’t one of them. Though I’m not too sure about Toronto.

  4. Seems insincere to me.
    If home-goods retailer Williams-Sonoma really cared they’d be pulling all the pipes they sell off the shelves too because of the pipe bombs the Tsarnaevs had.
    Just an empty gesture otherwise.

  5. OMG, Loki, don’t give the jihadists or statists any ideas! Although you admit that your post is “an example of reductio ad absurdum,” we’ve reached the point where reality matches reductio ad absurdum and then some.

  6. Maybe they just don’t want a steady stream of dirty hippies, university students and Occupy-types wandering into their stores and fondling the pressure cookers. Most of them have never seen one and don’t know anything about them.

  7. Williams and Sonoma should not fear any run of the mill terrorist wanting to purchase one of their pressure cookers to fashion an IED. Have you seen the prices they charge?!
    Much cheaper to go to Walmart and buy one at about a tenth of the W&S price.

  8. Like all these matters handled by “the security/intelligence community” we are in Plato’s cave – all we are allowed to see in the controlled information bubble they have created for us, is shadows on the wall – we never get to see the real actors.
    That said, regardless of how real or fabricated any given threat to national security is, you must agree that capitulating to that fear (either real or created) is surrender to the attacker. Giving up rights and freedoms in our open society, is doing exactly as the terrorists want. We create our own societal gulag – just like the one the terrorists live in. This politically correct stunt by the pressure cooker maker is capitulation to terror. Free Americans should boycott them off the market on that point alone, but I fear the larger threat will come from demented politicians who will remove rights and freedoms and extend the police state tentacles deeper into our freedoms and private lives.
    FYI: Latest Boston bomber revelation has it that Israeli Intelligence has confirmed these punks were double agents who got away on their CIA keepers and pulled off this attack.

  9. From the company website:
    “”Frightened” Franky Williams was a noted chicken $### and Steve “Shaky” Sonoma was a notorious scaredy cat, pussy, so they decided to join forces and sell dull knives, oversized, weak (non pinching) chip bag clips and prohibitively expensive kitchen ware… ”

  10. Went to buy some 30-06 at WalMart the other week, and the girl filling out the book and ringing through the order was clearly uncomfortable. It seemed to be her first time handling an ammunition sale. I asked her if she was OK with the sale and if, maybe, I could answer any questions she might have. In a nervous and exasperated tone, she asked “Why would you even need something like this?”
    I explained that my wife and I are new to shooting and that we want to learn how to accurately handle something larger than a beginner’s 22. It requires discipline and control and practice and persistence to accurately and safely handle something like this. I did my best to answer in terms of wanting to develop a skill so that the wife and I, who once may have felt like she did, could educate ourselves and no longer see firearms in terms of fear, but in terms of skill and respect.
    Earlier this week, I went to Cajun Tire to buy a pressure cooker. The woman at the checkout was clearly uncomfortable. In a nervous and exasperated tone, she asked “Why would you even need something like this?”
    I explained that my wife and I are new to cooking…

  11. The safety valves on pressure cookers are designed to bleed off the slowly-building steam pressure from boiling water. They cannot pass nearly enough volume of gas to relieve the near-instantaneous pressure built up when black powder or other propellant ignites.

  12. As far as I’m concerned,Al-Qaeda won the war when Canadians were required to have a passport to enter the U.S. America has been a paranoid basket case since 9-11, getting worse every year.
    If the U.S. had leadership with the balls to take the war to the terrorists homelands,with the only rules of engagement being,”WIN”, this could have been stopped a long time ago.
    But the Muslim leaders are more wise and much more ruthless than ours,and they know how weak-kneed our politicians and progressive classes are. So we’re in a slow decline into dhimmitude,or a Marxist type totalitarian State,whichever is worse.
    And our political whores would rather cater to a burkha-clad voting block than respect their own citizens.

  13. Any crime has 3 primary elements – Motive, means and opportunity.
    Of the three, motive is virtually impossible to predict or control, given that humans are primarily emotional creatures, especially so when blind faith or religion zeal clouds their thinking.
    Seeking to control/minimize means and opportunity is a fool’s errand, in that motive will inevitably trump both. Guaranteed to inconvenience if not anger 99.999% of the citizenry while minimally mitigating risk.
    JT’s comment “Why” comment was very badly timed, but worthy of consideration nonetheless.

  14. Have you considered JT’s comment is “blind faith religion zeal” on fetal drugs?

  15. *
    i’m just wondering what will happen to the
    machine tool & construction industries,
    respectively… when the obama whitehouse
    bans ball-bearings and nails.

  16. Just think of the children people. If it saves just one life it’s worth it.

  17. Sorry for the confusion…
    The fullness of Justin’s “Why?” question was likely a whole lot smaller than mine.
    Truth be known Islamists have never been happy anywhere – yet we invite them to Canada and then benignly watch them promulgating their dysfunctional ideology. All the while they breed like rabbits.
    IMHO they aim to dominate – whether through peaceful or violent means – the end goal is the same.
    Europe is now reaping the sour harvest of their immigration policies.
    The playgrounds at my neighbourhood schools here in Calgary tell the tale – very few Caucasian kids.

  18. Yeah well, Bostons finest found a dump of fireworks that had the powder removed….consistant with my initial guess at gun powder….part of the triggering device was a remote control for a battery toy…maybe a toy car….
    What’s next….stopping sales of battery toys….garage door openers?….cell phones?
    Re idiot store help an d store policy…..
    Year or so back I went inta CTC to pick up a boxa ammo. I had ta wait until “the keeper of the key” to the glass cabinet arrived…the guy with the licence. OK this fella of tender years arrived and duly inspected my PAL and entered the transation in the book. Then I had to wait while an other fella who was 21 arrived to bear the purchase to the check-out.
    I challeged this guy for HIS PAL/POL….response….”don’t need one I’m 21.”
    Being a good citizen, I promptly reported this situation to the local cops…911 ya know…
    Cop Sergeant chewed them out…..the kid with the licence was legal to carry the ammo…the “21 year-old was not”….
    The store manager successfully sea-lawyered out of this….the appointed 21-year-old was at all times under the direct supervision of the licenced customer…..
    The sergeant let it go but pronounced that if ANYONE with a PAL/POL even touched ammo…he would get busted all the way…

  19. Unfortunately all mocking the staff, over the ammo sales rules will do, is encourage CTC to stop selling ammo.
    Exactly the aim of C68.
    Oh we do not want to prohibit guns, its just that all gun owners are now criminals, as this legislation is impossible to legally comply with.
    Making fools of the kids and bringing in the law, will not help profits.
    At least my Canadian Tire has a good stock of 30-06, 12 gauge and .22 LR.

  20. gordonkneehill:
    My point with regards to the 15 PSI valve on a Presto was merely to reiterate that the vessel is designed for low pressures. A steel vessel such as a portable air tank can take pressures up to 200 PSI.
