29 Replies to “Miss Me Yet?”

  1. In which Krauthammer lazily slathers lipstick on a pig and forgets to mention Bush’s massive increase in government spending and debt in favor of hagiography.
    He did not just keep us safe. He created the entire anti-terror infrastructure that continues to keep us safe.
    1) There’s no way to demonstrate that he kept us safe. 2) The anti-terror infrastructure is largely costly and a toxic detriment to our civil liberties. Who will keep us safe from the anti-terror infrastructure that supposedly keeps us safe?
    Louthammer caps it off with the classic Neocon lament that Obama should have worked harder to keep America in Iraq forever (which Obama did try to do but thankfully failed). For Neocons like Kraut and Frum, there is no greater sin than letting a war end.

  2. Good. The only problem I ever had with George W. was that he seemed to lose confidence in his policies in the second half of his second term. And he never defended himself vigorously.
    George W. Bush was subject to the most vicious calumnies possible. I think that the US will never be psychically whole until the tens of millions who libelled and slandered him get down on their knees to apologise to him. George W, being the sort of man he is, will undoubtedly accept their apologies.
    Then the scum can apologise to Sarah Palin – a lesser figure no doubt, but entirely undeserving of the filth that was piled on her.

  3. Just figured out why LAStupid is a “libertarian”.Since one will never be elected to even dog-catcher,he can downgrade and slime all politicos,boosting his sorry little ego,and not having to get off the fence by making a choice.Watch them thar splinters.

  4. Why yes I can slime basically all politicos, as they deserve. Except for the ones of our kind that have gotten elected past dog catcher: Ron and Rand, Amish, Johnson, and the other Fifth Columnists we are using to infiltrate and take over the GOP.
    Bush will be remembered as he should be: an idiot with too little mental capacity to either truly deceive someone or hold true to principles. Without Bush, Obama would be a leftist pipedream

  5. IMO Dubya made several bad decisions, the most harmful the creation of DHS, followed by his failure to be a fiscal conservative. However, he was/is a sincere person and for a politician, a humble person. Before you bash Dubya compare him to the messiah.

  6. L-ASS
    U are an idiot, and a perfect example as to why I’v always considered Ron Paul an idiot, both of U have yer head securely logued up yer rectum
    I was never much of a president Bush fan, but he does seem to be a sincere and rather honest person on most levels

  7. I look forward to looking back on the Obama presidency. What will people in the future have to say about “the time we elected a black president”?

  8. “What will people in the future have to say about “the time we elected a black president”?”
    The same as what happened as a result of electing black democrat mayors in Detroit.

  9. That’s an excellent, balanced take, angel.
    Add that, tho a blue blood, he has the common touch; remember those famous comfort hugs he provided to the grieving. Feeling the pain in a non-Clintonian way.
    You’re so right about DHS, but also remember the Saudi pandering, and rushing to the mosque right after the 9/11 attacks. The second term was a disaster as he over-delegated to the lovely but hopelessly naive Condi Rice who likened mass murdering, holocaust-denying Mahmoud Abbas to MLK.
    A good man like his thoroughly decent father.

  10. LAS keeps destroying some of you guys in debate. The responses are amusing but ineffective.
    Bush destroyed the Taliban in Afstan. Needed to be done. Probably wouldn’t have even been an issue if we weren’t involved in the ME but we were.
    Iraq got more Americans killed than any terrorist response, wasted billions of dollars for no good reason. Now we’re also saddled with the Patriot act and further civil liberties threats from bigger government.
    Bush is a more humble and ethical man than the current disaster I will give him that.

  11. Thanky Forest. I actually supported the initial Iraq invasion-which I saw and still see as a needed and procrastinated denoument to Bush Senor’s foolish decision to intervene in 1991 and his worse decision to allow Sadaam to stay. It was the nation-building in both Afghanistan and Iraq that were disasters.
    mass murdering, holocaust-denying Mahmoud Abbas
    Who has Abbas murdered?

  12. Truman and GWB were remarkably similar people. Moderate, courageous, modest, loved america.
    But they also shared the same fatal flaw: the couldn’t say no to their friends and tolerated their corruption. That, along with controversial wars, destroyed both their approval ratings.
    And i beg to differ with the second link – It should come as no surprise that GWBs popularity is has risen after seven years. Again like truman he is recovering from near record low popularity when his term as POTUS ended. Thus there was no where to go but up.

  13. LAS- I don’t often agree with you, but the Bush years were a waste of resources. The Obama term is even worse. By far. I fear what awaits the U.S. in the next term(Hillary?)
    And the GOP just keeps waffling. The U.S. needs a real economist to pull them out of this downhill slide.
    ” A weak currency is the sign of a weak economy, and a weak economy leads to a weak nation.”

  14. The Reagan was the last conservative POTUS – Krauth is either going senile or has lowered his standards to a point where the mundane merits praise.

  15. My eldest son, 4 second cousins , and a daughter in law have served in Iraq and Afghanistan; most for multiple missions. Their sacrifice has been in vain. I will not go into details of why I feel so, but I will say we, as a civilization, have failed to address the real issue: We are, whether or not we wish to address reality, at war with Islam. The messiah embraces the caliphate, I sometimes wonder if its too late to nuke Mecca & Medina.

  16. W was a middle of the road president in performance. He wasn’t outstanding positively or negatively. For every positive you can point to a negative and for every negative you could point to a positive. I don’t know if he personally holds this view but from my perspective through the actions and outcomes of his administration his public persona was about as delusional as ET who likewise suffers the delusion that democracy and decency is just waiting to burst forth if you simply give it a chance. Thus he went into Iraq and Afghanistan with the crazy idea that democracy and Islam are compatible. To use a Justina expression W didn’t understand root causes and thus squandered his nation’s treasure chasing a will-o-wisp. Trying to get a culture that believes in the ‘strong man’ to accept the ‘equality of man’ without replacing the reason for the former belief is madness.

  17. Forest
    L-ASS only destroys others in your mind, no place else,(well, maybe in his own mind also) the fool is an idiot, and now you have me wondering about you!!!!

  18. I have been most impressed with W since he left office.
    Said he would not criticize the Zero and he hasn’t.
    Bush derangement syndrome is still alive and well, except even liberals realize they now look stupid ranting about Bush doing what Obama continued.
    After 4 full years of Obama even Krauthammer is probably loosing his terms of reference, after all if Bush was so bad, what is one to make of Obama?
    And after Boston, it is clear the, politicizing everything all the time, Obama technique has spread to the CIA,FBI and HLS, winning is more important than doing your job.
    Bush was never this loonie

  19. Crazed neocon Krauthammer says: “George W. Bush is our century’s Harry Truman”
    I think that is probably a very apt comparison since Truman was a Liberal Democrat.
    Truman supported FDR’s New Deal programs, similar to Bush II’s “No Child Left Behind”, Medicare part D and auto and bank bailout abominations.
    But more importantly, Krauthammer’s analogy exemplifies the surreptitious takeover of the Republican Party by Trotskyite Neocons who successfully infiltrated the GOP adopting the failed foreign policy of the liberals, which the Republicans now claim as their own.
    In this sense, the comparison is even more apt since it was the people being fed up with Truman’s liberal foreign policy that ended the Republicans’ two decades out of power and kept the Democrats in the political wilderness for decades to come.
    Similarly, Bush II and the crazed neocons’ liberal foreign policy will keep the Republicans in the political wilderness for decades to come at best or it will probably mean the altogether disbandment of the GOP.

  20. Justthinkin and NME666 , care to name 3 conservative accomplishments of W you are most proud of?
    He was a sincere and honest person, doesn’t cut it.

  21. LAS, Mahmoud Abbas was 2 IC of the PLO, Arafat’s partner in terrorist mass murder.
    Now the leader.
    Surely you don’t deny the murderous history of this operation.
    As to your truly stupid question ‘who did Abbas kill’, at the risk of invoking that infamous law, who did Hitler kill?
    To be clear I also initially supported the Iraq invasion but after much self-directed study on the nature of the beast I came to see it as a tragic mistake of historic proportion. I continue to believe Bush and co. meant well, but even that opinion is open to review.
    Krauthammer is a brilliant, snobbish fool. I first got that when he saluted Bernanke-Geitner for “saving the economy”. I am unable to take any man of that opinion seriously.

  22. Was Abbas 2 IC when the PLO was a-murdering people? If so, you have a point (which you lose by Godwinning). Nonetheless, Abbas as president has been the best thing to happen to the West Bank and Israel in a long long time (next to the Syrian civil war). Netanyahu had best pull his head out and start acting like it.

  23. George W. Bush was not a perfect president and no one can pretend he was. He took North Korea off the terrorist sponsorship list. That was a big mistake. However, if he was so horrid, why, then, did the craptacular murderer and liar now occupying the White House keep his tax cuts, Guantanamo and water-boarding? Not to mention that Bush has an infinite lot of class and charity than the African dictator and his vain tart of a wife.

  24. All of you should recognize that your view of George was skewed by the image created by the MSM. Having actually met the man and watch him handle a two hour q&a without the benefit of a teleprompter or some cheat sheets, everyone was impressed with his candidness, humility, intelligence and most of all his love of country. Reflect a little on how it began for him. He won the presidency over Al Gore (thank you Jebus) in what has been portrayed by the MSM as a theft and so it began. They were out to get him and there was no tactic too odious. I was not happy with his expansion of government and the deficits that he ran but if you check the record,he was on his way to balancing the budget in 2006, Unfortunately, the Dems took control of the house and the senate turning a potential surplus into a stupendous deficit, a trend that continues unabated to this day. I personally thanked him for keeping all of us in North America safe and for his continued involvement with the Wounded Warriors program. After this experience last fall, I share Charles Kraurhammer’s perpective. The Bush presidency will be viewed as flawed but it will be recognized very positively for the initiatives put in place to contain and defeat the Jihadists.

  25. the initiatives put in place to contain and defeat the Jihadists.
    We’ll drown them with our own blood, bury them with our treasure, and then kill our freedoms that they hate us for!

  26. “We’ll drown them with our own blood, bury them with our treasure, and then kill our freedoms that they hate us for!”
    Hahahahahahaha. Perfectly summarizes the crazed neocons’ foreign policy.

  27. Bush may be likened to Truman in this: the blasts at Hiroshima and Nagasaki killed nearly 200,000 civilians.
    3000 people were killed on Bush’s watch in 9/11; 4500 American soldiers were killed in Bush’s Iraq war; some reports have up to 1 million civilian deaths resulting from his war in Iraq.
    So: both presidents were responsible for sizable amounts of civilian deaths….which, needless to say, in Bush’s case, were created with absolute compliance of his “Christian” right-wing robotic followers.
    Let us also remember the specifically anti-Christian kiss-the-feet-of-the-rich economic policies which amounted to a controlled demolition of the economy for the sake for the super-wealthy, Bush’s self-admitted ‘base’. The ‘projected earnings’ scam run by Bush’s friends at Enron became standard operating procedure for the banks and the rich to suck the national treasury dry and leave the 99% with the bill — all with Bush’s approval.
    Of course, none of this would have been possible without the blind obedience of right-wing robots like yourselves, who’d rather die than think for themselves, and who remain enslaved to the specifically anti-Christian cruelty of the radical right-wing.
    Why? Because you were all picked on in school and think you’re buying security by sucking up to the bully.
    The real political companion for Bush is Hitler, who also maintained secret prisons throughout Eastern Europe, illegally invaded sovereign countries, and tortured and waterboarded.
    Unlike Bush, though, Hitler began as a ‘painter’ while Bush has chosen to end as one.
