27 Replies to “Oh, Shiny Pony!”

  1. This ads by the CPC are a clear illustration of bullying which is even further evidence of global warming.

  2. No, I’m not on crack. I just wanted ad the next inevitable link in the chain before the CBC or the Toronto Star did.

  3. Akin should understand better than anyone that the ads didn’t actually have to run. That would cost money. They just needed to be released to the media, which would take it from there. It’s only Conservatives that actually have to pay for positive coverage.
    N.B. Track the use of the terms “bullying” and “cyber-bullying” over the next little while and reflect back on Kathy Shaidle’s “The Tyranny of Nice”.

  4. “Akin should understand better than anyone that the ads didn’t actually have to run. That would cost money. They just needed to be released to the media, which would take it from there.”
    You hit that one on the head, Roseberry.
    Just like Harley-Davidson customers pay for the privilege of being able to strut around in leather and bandanas to do H-D’s advertising, Pierre’s Pup can absolutely rely on the media to do his all his branding.

  5. Poor wittle Justin. Boo hoo. Cry me a river.
    Rex Murphy on the CPC “bullying” ads: The Conservative ‘attack’ ads against Justin Trudeau are anything but
    Good Gawd. If Trudeau Jr. can’t stand up to CPC-style criticism — legitimate, BTW — how will he withstand the world’s criticism if — please, God, no — he becomes Canada’s PM and has to play with the big boys? His old man isn’t held in the same esteem internationally as he is in some parts of Canada, i.e., the press rooms.

  6. BTW, when I Googled “rex murphy, bullying ads” nothing came up, even though this article in the National Post appeared just a week ago. I guess Murphy’s message is one that Google and the media whores don’t want aired.
    We all need to see poor Justin as very hard done by. That Stephen Harper is such a bully.
    We all know that the real bullies are the media whores who are pimping for Justin, but seeing as they live in the rarefied atmosphere of the Ottawa Press Gallery, they are absolutely incapable of recognizing their utter hypocrisy and disingenuousness.

  7. Re-word that tweet there flitting David to read “anti stupidity ads being run by the CPC” that is all they are doing, since the metamucil media is so horny over this effemenate voiced “substitute” drama teacher. How sick was the permanent drama queen teacher anyway, none of you swooning millies in the media ever care about that?

  8. Apparently the Degrassi PM ads ran during Glee. CPC: NHL, MLB, Idol. Shiny Pony: Glee. Hard to argue they don’t know their demographics.

  9. What a strange morning I go to a story at the cbc about Suzuki and the comments are all against him.
    I read the comments after the story by Rex Murphy and the comments are all against him.
    It is hard to keep track who is who anymore.

  10. 1. Liberals are past champions of smear – as opposed to attack- ads – Soldiers in our streets, stock and the dinosaurs
    2. And lying ads: “zap! You’re frozen!” ; “we will get rid of the gst”
    3. The CPC ads are neither of the above.
    4. While JT says he won’t “attack”, he doesn’t need to – wells, Martin, Harris and a fleet of other columnists and journos are doing it for him.
    5. JT has attacked, been hysterical in the past – saying that more yeaes with the cpc in power may push him to fight for a separate Quebec. And his dad most certainly was capable of lying and smearing and attacking his opponents.
    6. And will any intrepid journo ask JT if he repudiates his dads and the lpcs past conduct in this regard?

  11. The Conservatives should run one one those do it yourself internet animations.
    See no evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil, Media Party monkeys in overflowing
    diapers worshiping their savior sitting above them on a pile of BS strewn with
    love letters from the world’s dictators and terrorists.

  12. What, is this some kind of secret code or something?
    What happened to the English language?

  13. Yes,batb,imagine Justin Trudeau negotiating trade deals with China,Russia,India,Brazil,etc,and brokering “peace” in the ME!
    Instead of Neville and Adolf, we’d have Justin and Mahmoud, with similar results.

  14. Well the reason the Liberal ad is only seen during the news cast is because the Liberals don’t have any money so the media does a ‘donation in kind’ and runs the ads for them.

  15. The root cause of so few Liberal pony commercials on TV is that THEY HAVE NO MONEY! …they’re broke, busted, actually in debt. Alas, with the Media Party’s megaphone they don’t need much money to get their message out.
    From now until the election of 2015 the Liberals 2-part “advertsing strategy” will be:
    a) create whiny, vapid, content-free commercials of Shiny Pony being shiny and post them on YouTube
    b) issue a press release telling their coalition partner, Media Party, that their brilliant new commercial is now on YouTube, and rely on “news” of their commercial to get their “message spread far and wide.
    That’s it – simple and oh so cheap … rinse, repeat.

  16. If Harper and company would defund CBC, as any responsible government would, the Liberals advertising budget would vanish.
    Taxpayers would be rid of one of the most pernicious parasites every created and the Dippers and Libtards would go completely apeshit.
    Who actually listens to CBC?
    People who enjoy having their nonsense repeated back to them?

  17. “If Harper and company would defund CBC, as any responsible government would”
    Amen to that. The wailing and gnashing of teeth would be monumental and the ongoing demonization of PMSH would be ramped up to previously unheard of levels. It would take a good deal of political courage to make such a move however those that would whine and protest the loudest would never vote CPC anyway.
    If the average Canadian had even the slightest inkling of the CBC’s annual handout, the uproar would be much less deafening. I enlighten people every chance that I get about the $1.5 billion a year that is flushed down the big CBC toilet.

  18. After the Fiberals released the “Soldiers in the Streets. Now. In Canada” ads, I don’t beleive the Tories have any reason to EVER stop their version of political ads. Pedal to the metal!
    The Tory ads focus on the individual, and what the individual said and did. In a Liberal world, that’s bullying……..in the real world, its making a stronfgpoint. The MSM is busy carrying water of course.

  19. Right you are biffjr and John Robertson.
    At the same time the Prime Minister sells the CBC he should cut everything else to bring the country back to reality from the socialist Truedopian deathmarch we’ve been on since the 60’s. The shitstorm by the STATIST media and the STATIST trough suckers will be over the top no matter how small he makes any cut at all, and no matter what he cuts every single entitled rent seeker will pile on, so get it over with all at once .
    Let Maggy Attwood and Heather Mallick have their meltdown that’s unavoidable.
    Just don’t make it a never ending meltdown.
    There is no need to have multiple never ending ####storms over and over again as the Prime Minister tries to limit the bleeding and waste through countless ongoing small cuts consecutively paced so as not to anger too many of the “takers” at a time.
    Drawing the process out will do irreparably damage to the conservative brand because of the relentless squawking from those who vote for a living and their entitlement STATIST media like the CBC.
    Don’t give them daily articles to use against Conservatives, give them one.
    Cut Taxes, cut the size of government, cut entitlements, cut overlapping services, cut regulations, cut red tape, cut arts grants, ban government unions, cut government benefits and pensions, grant property rights, eliminate the Human Rights scam-courts, eliminate grants and subsidies for global warming and biofuels, burn the Indian act, etc, etc.
    Do it all at once because the volume and intensity of bat#### craziness of the response to anything they do is going to be the same no matter what he does.
    Without the CBC, CTV would be forced to move right.
    There are so many positives for acting now and acting decisively in a conservative matter to decentralize and reduce the size and coerciveness of the STATE it’s amazing Prime Minister Steve hasn’t done this yet.

  20. Cutting the umbilical cord that supplies obscene amounts of taxpayers’ money to the CBC is a no-brainer. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to determine that $1.5 billion annually could be used for a multitude of infinitely more productive endeavours.
    Now we all know that PMSH is not a stupid man. Even his most strident detractors will concede that fact. This gives me hope that he has something in mind to eradicate the gigantic lamprey that has attached itself to the Canadian taxpayer. As the lefty sore losers are so fond of spouting … “a hidden agenda”.

  21. I wonder how much of the bat hit hit storm we would be subjected to if the lefts message service CBC had it’s government handout cut off?

  22. Don’t be silly Cal of course not.
    I don’t think the leadership hopefuls from two leadership conventions ago have payed everything back.
