16 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: “You’ll See This Trend Continue””

  1. Internet scrubbers working around the clock, . Some amazing stories of sheep living under snowfall in Britain earlier this month.
    In april.

  2. This is the equivalent of the corrupt Liberals’ shredding machines which ran 24 hours per day, for days on end, after the victory of PM Stephen Harper in the election that ousted Paul Martin.
    Now the “shredding” is done online.

  3. Joe is spot on with his analysis of the trend. Over at Climate audit, WUWT,NASA, Jaxa, hadcrut and every single legitimate science focused endeavour supports this analysis. The only objection to the conclusion of this data comes from the political venues. The good news is that if this trend continues, we won’t have to scuba dive to investigate the ruins of Yonaguni.

  4. I am fascinated by the excuses that are yet come.
    As Joe says this trend will continue, as the oceans cool, land surface temperatures will fall.
    As the last slug of warm water cools in the Arctic Ocean the ice will return to “normal”
    Now a whole bunch of righteous, arrogant fools are exposed as wrong.
    What they are about to do, will provide hours of entertainment as they spin, twist and deny.
    However, their utter stupidity, inability to read history and lust for power has cost Canadians massive losses of public treasure and opportunity .
    Our efforts to assist the worlds poor has been set back at least 1 generation and people have frozen and starved because of public hysteria over global warming driving obscene government policy.
    We are all poorer.(Except for the promoters of CAGW)
    Our government minions are heavily implicated , we should be so proud, Canadian officials helped set this UN corrupted nonsense in motion,government policy was imposed without rational justification and now the government apparatus works to prevent investigation and punishment of our “public servants”.
    Now as science reveals the UN lies, they are openly stating its all about wealth redistribution and sustainable communities.
    In other words openly acknowledging “agenda 21”.
    It is time to reward all involved, especially the UN , but lets not exclude the high priests and profits of this anti-humanist cult.

  5. Soooooo ….if global warming was bad, then the coming global cooling must be good. Can we sell the windmills and solar panels for scrap and have some of our money back now? Will BC end the CO2 tax on gas that is now about 12 cents a liter. We are broke for god sake. We cannot afford this fraud anymore.

  6. Ontario Liberals are spending a $billion more to put heaters on our windmills, so stop all the squawking!

  7. We must do something about global warming! It’s wreaking all sorts of havoc upon our world, even lower temperatures!

  8. There is a huge highly paid political apparatus just chomping at the bit, waiting for this cold weather to end. When summer heat arrives this machine will spring into action spouting the same tired theme of the evils of CO2 and global warming and man is to blame. This cold weather and the refusal of winter to leave will be soon forgotten.

  9. Did see a great slogan on a SUV of a heating and refrigeration company a few days ago. “Until You control the weather we are your best hope” 🙂

  10. While the truth should be obvious to most with any common sense until politicians have the courage to stand up to the political correctness of AGW or there is no power or money to be gained by promoting these ideas we’ll not see the end of this stupidity. The elite who are promoting this garbage have gone too far and have too much to gain to admit that they are wrong.

  11. Hmmmm … we should have believed Jim Hansen after all – Jim Hansen in 1978 Mr. Global Cooling himself.
    Green kills – the attempts to cut back on greenhouse gases has resulted in the deaths of thousands of elderly Britons, and countless birds, including members of endangered species.

  12. Whether or not temperatures are warming long-term, it is evident that medium-term forecasts have no skill whatsoever, and it is no consolation to think that it may be really warm 100 years from now if we freeze to death first.
    There are so many aspects of the AGW belief that are stupid and destructive that it is tedious to enumerate them.
