28 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. So if I understand the cartoon correctly, the paper and cartoonist are creating a joke concerning the death of volunteer fireman rushing TO the scene, as well as the other people who died.
    Gee, I wonder what they would have published as a “joke” concerning the 343 firefighters who perished on 9/11…first responders rushing INTO a doomed building in order to save those teying to rush out.
    Has the so-called “legitimate press” lost all sense or decency and propriety??

  2. Fcuk Rick Perry. He is the a-hole who said that “less regulation is the key to the miracle economy in Texas.” Then the less regulated plant exploded.

  3. Iberia (if that is your real name), continuity is SO important; thanks for always being a jerk.

  4. ESPN anchor Hannah Storm will return to the air exactly three weeks after she was seriously burned in a propane gas grill explosion at her home.
    Miss Storm suffered second-degree burns on her chest and hands and first-degree burns to her face and neck. She lost her eyebrows and eyelashes and roughly half her hair.
    The award-winning sportscaster and producer was preparing dinner outside her home when she noticed the flame on the grill had gone out. She turned off the gas, and when she reignited it, “there was an explosion and a wall of fire came at me.”
    “It was like you see in a movie; it happened in a split-second,” she said. “A neighbor said he thought a tree had fallen through the roof, it was that loud. It blew the doors off the grill.”
    Now if we just had a disgusting cartoon of Miss Storms hair flying off..

  5. “Iberia”
    From the Spanish word for “squats when peeing”.
    California is acting like those radical nations that relish in the misfortune of the USA when disaster strikes. It’s all fueled by jealousy. California has been circling the porcelain bowl for many years now and always lashes out at States that are more successful while they continue to ignore the elephant in THEIR room. So long, Californy. You’re done like dinner.

  6. West, Texas is a wonderful little Czech / Spanish / Mexican / German / Polish / English town of really good folks. They have excellent public and Catholic schools, and host the annual Czech Fest, which is a big deal for Czech-Americans and everyone else who enjoys a good party. West represents the best of America.
    If you visit central Texas, do make a point of spending a few hours in West, for the Czech bakeries (Best [pause] Bread [pause] Ever) if for nothing else, but also for the German restaurants, the antique shops, the pleasant park along the railway line in the center of town, and to meet some really good people.
    You might also stop by the volunteer fire department and help fill the boot, for the reality is that while this nation funds infrastructure for countries that hate us, the surviving first responders in West will have to hold bake sales to replace destroyed equipment.
    God bless West.

  7. Excessive regulation and taxation isn’t all bad. My nephew in Denver just got a job with an outfit that is fleeing California. The company is bringing 600 jobs with it.

  8. Given that Calif is losing much of its viable business base to Texas, the cartoon is just so much sour grapes media whining. In wider optics, who cares? – Calf is a devolving power center in the US which has strangled itself with punitive regulating and taxing and will soon be bankrupt from suicidal over spending, the culture is degenerate, the political culture is too dystopian to survive and even the Agricultural base is dying – maybe Spain will take it back off their hands for a few pesos if they deport all the progressives to Chicago first.

  9. The “cartoon” (if you want to call it that) is depicting that Rick Perry is the one who is responsible for those deaths.
    The libertarian in me screams within! Typical Liberal/Socialist attitudes always places blame while Conservative/Libertarian takes responsibility for their actions.
    Accidents happen. Preventable accidents happen. Terror and “planned” accidents happen. Grief and pain come, regardless of what happened.
    Jackohman is a liberal. His belief is that there are rules to be followed, and if you aren’t following the rules, then there need to be more rules to make sure you follow those rules. He is relying on government to feel secure and it is Rick Perry who needs to be blamed because he holds the buck when the dust settles.
    If only Gerry Brown had been the Governor, then there wouldn’t have been an explosion or any carnage. Jackohman will have plenty of fodder to lampoon in the years to come in his own state. Wonder if he will have the same sense of humour when it does?
    So sad that it takes disaster to expose the yellow underbelly of the liberal mindset. But, the only ones really surprised by this are the liberals themselves…hopefully!

  10. Mack, thanks for the insight. But I believe “lberia” [Spanish for ‘squats when peeing] would rather ‘Fcuk West’ instead of try their bread.

  11. Sometime stuff happens. The San Andreas fault cuts the city of San Francisco in half and no matter how many regulations you have when that one goes San Francisco is done. I wonder if Google has a back up head office.
    The left really has it’s priorities backwards.

  12. Our beloved troll’s moniker is NOT “iberia”,it’s lberia, as in Lavrenty Beria,the chief of Stalin’s secret police (NKVD) and a psychopathic butcher.
    Using that nickname is like choosing “Clifford Olson” as an internet name,although Olson was small change compared to Beria. The character behind it must be one twisted individual.

  13. Go regulate some breadlines.
    “Is this breadline a satisfactory racial makeup?, Hey that guy used the N-word! These people sure don’t seem grateful for all the other people’s money we’re spending on them, what’s their issue?”

  14. California does appear to be emulating Detroit in its efforts to strive for a better future. Just 40 years ago Detroit was a powerhouse and then they chased out all the money and all the people with money.

  15. Iberia it’s simple – make the rules, let the owner take the risk and make as much they want, and if they break the rules, they go down hard. Regardless of the outcome of this investigation, accountability isn’t happening currently in the bus and govt world. Instead many nations are stuck with between socialism and crony capitalism, both of which have been demonstrated to be complete economic failures.
    If you don’t like Rick Perry well I guess that’s your business.

  16. Manitoba and Winnipeg have pretty heavy regulations, yet basically the same thing happened here at the speedway plant. Luckily nobody died.

  17. This ‘cartoon’ is not a joke. Gov. Perry is stating the obvious the designer was obviously demented enough to think that it was an attack on Gov Perry. Some human haters would squeal with glee seeing this as a clever play on words. ‘Boom’ and ‘Bang” are interjections and both can be used as an adjective or a noun; however, the noun, bang, is a fringe of hair. The cartoon designer fails to make any point except that he/she is ignorant, brutal and stupid.
    God Bless West and Thank-you Gov. Perry.

  18. I think the cartoon is offensive and stupid! What bothers me more is the deaths of brave volunteer firemen and others. Surely, a farm supply building on fire would raise the hair on my head! Had no-one thought of Amonium Nitrate, my goodness, no-one heard of Oklahoma city and Tim McVey? Just go and try to buy Amonium nitrate at your local farm supply, you have to fill in enough forms to fill a septic tank! A fire burning out of control would be the necessary accelerant for the A.N. and it was. God rest their brave souls.

  19. First of all, may God bless the souls of those brave men.
    Second, the only way to make sure there is never an accident is to do nothing. Mix no chemicals, drill no oil wells, pour no cement, build nothing, run no electric lines, fly no airplanes, etc. For any given industrial activity there is always a risk, no matter how many safety measures are implemented. The reason that this tragedy was more likely to happen in Texas than California is because there is more industry (also known as economic activity) in Texas.

  20. how well did those “regulators” make out with the xl meat plant in Brooks. seems like regulators are like most civil servants , minimum work for maximum wage
    the biggest regulation there should have been the border , 25% of the workers came from a country where they hadnt seen a flush toilet

  21. “Second, the only way to make sure there is never an accident is to do nothing. Mix no chemicals, drill no oil wells, pour no cement, build nothing, run no electric lines, fly no airplanes, etc. For any given industrial activity there is always a risk, no matter how many safety measures are implemented. ”
    Oh, you mean like in BC where there is an election going on and the NDP are against EVERY industry that creates revenue for the govt.
    No pipelines!
    No mines!
    No refineries!
    No fracking!
    And of course more pay for the bully brigade. I.e. teachers
    Have no use for CHristy Clark(even though one commenter suggested she was the politicians with the nicest boobs) and I think she should be in jail but the alternative is Dix,who appears to have a serious problem with honesty. I.e. admitted to forging documents and got caught for fare evasion on transit(hmmm,do you see a pattern here)
    Some choice!!!

  22. Two Points:
    1. The fertilizer plant was built out of town, the town grew up to and around it, and,
    2. This has to be one of the most crass, tasteless cartoons I have seen. Seems like hard working Texans are fair game to the “enlightened”.

  23. I’ll bet the plant blew up BECAUSE of over regulation by a bunch of STATIST unemployable bureaufats not doing their “job”, just like the Walkerton leftards killed and maimed all those people in Ontario.

  24. The cartoon is in extremely poor taste, so soon after the tragedy.
    But that has NEVER stopped a leftist before, and won’t in the future. Count on that.
    Again they’re not waiting for the asteroid.

  25. Thomas Menino says, “Races are exploding all over Boston”. KABOOM
    Boston Mayor says, “We’re head over heals for races in Boston.” BLAM! … BLAM!
    Boy, sure put muh foot in muh mouth that time.
