Now Is The Time At SDA When We Juxtapose!

Eric Holder, April 24th“The way we treat our friends and neighbors who are undocumented – by creating a mechanism for them to earn citizenship and move out of the shadows – transcends the issue of immigration status. This is a matter of civil and human rights.”
CBS, April 25th“I am an informant and all I can tell you is that Talibans are walking freely right here in the soil of America right now, right now.”
h/t Frank

12 Replies to “Now Is The Time At SDA When We Juxtapose!”

  1. Also from the oximoronic Mr, Holder –
    “To change the hearts and minds of the people in Washington, DC in how they look at guns. – What we need to do is change the way in which people think about guns, especially young people, and make it something that’s not cool, that it’s not acceptable, it’s not hip to carry a gun anymore, in the way in which we changed our attitudes about cigarettes. Every day, every school, at every level, – We have to be repetitive about this – We need to do this every day of the week, and just really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.”
    This from the man responsible for “Fast and Furious” a clandestine DoJ black-op which illegally put automatic weapons and handguns into the hands of Mexican drug gangs and resulted in hundreds of innocent deaths. Why isn’t this “criminal attorney” rotting in a federal prison? Answer that and you will have found the reason why the US republic has become so dysfunctional.

  2. Human rights are by definition the rights of humans.
    Civil Rights are by definition the rights of citizens.
    Your undocumented neighbours have human rights BUT THEY DO NOT HAVE CIVIL RIGHTS.

  3. Ah yes – Eric Holder – the only federal cabinet minister designed by Tom of Finland.

  4. 1) I think I’ll wait for some more evidence before I get excited about this ‘informant’s’ claims. Another Bush-documents style of ‘reporting’ a la Dan Rather?
    2) Even if it’s true, so what? It does nothing to lessen the need for a path to citizenship (ideally mass amnesty). At this point the nativists are down to throwing whatever they can at the inevitability of immigration reform and hoping it sticks. They are bankrupt intellectually and morally.

  5. Did I understand you correctly, LAS- it’s no big deal that Taliban may have infiltrated American political and social life?
    What matters is that legal immigrants who have applied legally, paid their fees, gone to ESL and citizenship classes and now may be American citizens or close to are being short-changed by a government that thinks eleven million illegal, undocumented Mexican immigrants who make no effort to assimilate or acclimatise to American society will now be given a free pass to be used as indentured servants by the “nativists” you fear are bankrupt in every respect.

  6. No you did not understand me correctly. Poor reading comprehension. I was saying that the fact that the Taliban are (supposedly) here has no bearing in immigration reform.
    You clearly have no idea how byzantine America’s immigration system is. It is IMPOSSIBLE for unskilled labor to get in legally. To say that because some jumped through rings of fire others should have to or just get kicked out is insane. BTW, no one is being given a free pass. Amnesty isn’t in the bill.

  7. Man. LAS. You believe that because no one is being given amnesty(look it up,not AI’s libtard version)shows your one brain cell is now an orphan.Under this bill,ANY illegal alien will be given green cards or outright citizenship,regardless of any criminal background. If that isn’t amnesty,then the socialist and fence sitting bullies have truly corrupted the English language for propaganda purposes.(why am I not surprised)
    You call keeping unskilled welfare leeches out of a country byzantine?
    But as the saying goes…you cannot reason with a person who’s gained his/her belief without reason.

  8. No, I understood your poorly worded post and your arrogance and rudeness came across quite clearly. It DOES matter that you have Taliban or Taliban-friendly people walking about. It also matters that amnesty, which IS being bandied about, could very well be passed. If you want to talk about streamlining the immigration process, fine. That discussion can be had. I certainly never said people should jump through rings of fire or whatever fit of delusion you’ve had. Amnesty will not better the lives of the average American or the illegal Mexican worker who got a free pass while his erstwhile legal compatriots had to jump through hoops. You’re assuming that these unskilled, undocumented labourers will be a win-win scenario for everyone. Do explain how. There is no work for the average American. How much yard work is out there for the huddled mass who climbed a fence? Unskilled, illiterate labourers will be used and abused because there is no legal mechanism in place to protect them. The idea of just letting them is totally unfair. Don’t forget the cultural and social ramifications of letting in decidedly un-assimilable people.

  9. Ooh I know this game! “How many logical fallacies can we commit in one post, nativist head-up-ass edition”
    amnesty, which IS being bandied about
    No it isn’t stfu that’s a lie. There is a path to citizenship being floated.
    It DOES matter that you have Taliban or Taliban-friendly people walking about.
    Begging the question.
    You’re assuming that these unskilled, undocumented labourers will be a win-win scenario for everyone. Do explain how. There is no work for the average American. How much yard work is out there for the huddled mass who climbed a fence?
    This is called Econ 101. Required viewing.
    Unskilled, illiterate labourers will be used and abused because there is no legal mechanism in place to protect them.
    That’s because the government has made it impossible to legally immigrate, the easiest solution to which is AMNESTY. Of course you’d use the problems you’ve helped create as justification for more of the same.

  10. LAS, because you’re an emotional (possibly mental) retard, I’m going to use simple words. Amnesty IS being offered if illegal and undocumented immigrants can be fast-tracked and if those with criminal records can apply:
    Read the proposed bill. It’s no accident that Democrats are trying to rush this in. Figure it out.
    Immigrants don’t show up and have jobs magically created for them. Pause for a second and think about this: is it fair to bring in droves of anyone and not let them have any way to support themselves and their families? Where are the jobs, LAS?
    As I said before, streamlining the immigration process is a discussion one can have as long as it doesn’t mean illegal immigrants are given a free pass. Explain why the government is giving $50 million dollars to immigration groups to fast-track the undocumented. Did everyone else get that kind of money? How many illiterate and unskilled people are you willing to support, especially when there is no impetus to acclimatise immigrants into speaking the language of commerce, thereby decreasing their opportunities, or having them live as Americans?
    As a Canadian citizen, I’ve created as much of America’s problems as I have done for Jupiter. If you ever resort to even insinuating that I’m some knuckle-dragging racist again, you’ll have to do it to my face, you lazy-minded liberal twit. That’s your default argument whenever you don’t have a leg to stand on. Stop being a coward and a mental midget and say it within earshot.
    Did I go too fast, LAS? Let me know.

  11. Okay, I’ll stop insinuating that you’re a knuckle-dragging racist and state outright that you are probably a knuckle-dragging racist. Plain enough? Was it ‘poorly worded? Did you watch the link I gave you? I can’t educate you if you don’t do your homework. And you don’t know what amnesty means btw.
    Immigrants don’t show up and have jobs magically created for them. Where are the jobs?
    They create wealth and that creates jobs. Singapore lets in masses of people and is fantastically as a result. This idea that THEY TRK R JERBS is the same crap spewed by anti-free trade protectionists and it’s just as destructive.
    when there is no impetus to acclimatise immigrants into speaking the language of commerce
    A perfectly stupid statement right there.

  12. Oh, LAS, you’re so sad. And a coward (ie- can’t say it in earshot). But, then again, no one expects anything more from you, anyway.
    Where are the jobs in the US, LAS? Did all those Americans magically regain full or even part-time employment? Do you mean to tell that Obama has scrapped his unpopular healthcare plan thereby freeing employers from that financially onerous debacle? Did he clear the way for Keystone? Have manufacturing jobs returned? I hope the textile industry has returned so we can hear no more about poor dead Bangladeshis working for a pittance, rather like the illegal Mexicans (who, by the way, have no wealth of their own or marketable skills with which to generate wealth, otherwise they would never have left Mexico or end up on welfare in the US- I can’t do your homework for you so you’ll have to check for yourself)you have no problem condemning to a life of indentured servitude. That’s rather knuckle-dragging of you, LAS. If I didn’t know better, I’d suggest that your “libertarian” attitudes were paternally racist. But as I’m not you, I’ll take the high road and just say that you’re stupid and all you’ve got in your bag is insults instead of facts. People who have an over-inflated sense of ego often do that.
    The employment rate in Singapore is high due mostly to older women returning to work. The immigrant workers you allude to are highly-skilled but even those numbers are not constant because the opportunities dry up. How highly skilled are the lawn-mowers who slipped into the country and are paid four dollars an hour (if that)?
    As for the language of commerce, why would you want people to be illiterate? That is, essentially, what these undocumented immigrants are. Assuming there WERE jobs for them, how do these illegal immigrants acquire them with the zero language skills they have? Their opportunities are few or non-existent. Would you bring immigrants to the country without giving them a way to provide for themselves and their families? Would you isolate them further culturally and socially? That’s fair? Really? I guess you don’t have a problem with people who think Western values are a joke. You’re more than welcome to stick with them if you like.
