Baby Boomers

Reading, writing, reloading;

This month, Hamas introduced its new training program in Gazan schools, where for one hour a week terrorists from the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades – Hamas’ military wing – train 16-year-old boys to use Kalashnikov assault rifles and other forms of weaponry. […] Its new program is now part of the mandatory curriculum for every public school in Gaza, and every male student is required to attend. A program for girls is in the works, said Mohammed Syam, general director of educational activities at Gaza’s Ministry of Education.

28 Replies to “Baby Boomers”

  1. Meanwhile, North American boys are skipping with the girls, reading digested pablum, and studying gender issues.
    Bring ’em on….we’re ready for ’em!

  2. Does this mean when they are inevitably killed by Israeli soldiers they can whine about Israelis killing children. I guess the boy soldier thing only applies to the homicidal prick who spent 10 years in Gitmo and is now back in Canada as the Queen’s guest..

  3. Well Mike, if every Israeli of military age is a legitimate target, then how about tit for tat. Every school in pali-ville would be the same. No?

  4. Life just ain’t the same since the islamic practice of kidnapping Christian boys to do their fighting for them – Devshirme – came to an end.

  5. They are going to win. They are committed.
    Not only is it frowned upon, but it is nearly impossible to have a gun and practice using it. We are not even allowed to see a cigarette display in a convenience store. We have counselors to guide us through normal freaking life now. We cannot win this way. The Morlock are coming and we are peeling mangos with a guitar on our lap and a a hash pipe in our mouths. We are dead meat.

  6. Mike, I think this might be a little different??
    But in a video shot at the Gamel Abdul Nasser school near Gaza City and uploaded to Youtube, a Gazan boy fires a live artillery shell at a fake IDF watchtower. At the end of the exercise, the students tear and stomp on the Israeli flag. Mohammed Syam declined to comment on the video.

  7. Yes, they are going to win against US because of the communist 5th column living as vipers in our bosom.
    Russia and China aren’t going to be such pushovers and the only thing holding India back since the attack on Bombay is trade with us.
    We’re going to be the sacrificial lamb, but They aren’t going to win in the end is what I’m saying.

  8. I recall my first 3 years of high school (age 13-16) where I was trained in the proper use/respect of firearms as part of the compulsory cadet program. It seems to me that they are just now catching up to the ’60s of Sask.

  9. Meanwhile our kids are being indoctrinated in school to turn their parents in to police if they see a gun in the house (even if it is legally registered). The operative underlying agenda here is to harass civilian firearms owners with regulatory tyranny (searches, CPS, social workers, legal stigmatization) until they surrender their tools of self defense.
    We live in a decaying society which fantasizes there are no more monsters to protect against.

  10. I spent a brief time in the cadets in high school as well. Learned to shoot rifles and took target practice. Loved it. I have never felt nerveous holding a gun since then.

  11. In the 1960s I was too young to be in the cadets. Did your instructors instruct you that there was a particular religious or ethnic society that was your enemy and that you were training to kill them all? Mike Mellor might like to know, he was asking (see earlier comments, c. 09:30 a.m.)about how this Hamas training and indoctrination of all Palestinian schoolkids differs from actual military training of adult conscripts in the established armies of a couple of democracies that operate under the rule of law and don’t espouse terrorism.

  12. “NRA approved!”
    Hey puddin, You’re obviously in the leftist camp that believes the NRA is responsible for gun crime.
    I suppose you believe CAA is also responsible for car jacking’s, car accidents, and drinking and driving?

  13. The essential difference is that the Cadets, the Swiss and the NRA don’t promote genocide.

  14. I presume the girls will be shown how to don bomb vests and press
    the detonator. As usual, females get short shifted in Islamic society.

  15. FKA gord “I spent a brief time in the cadets in high school as well. Learned to shoot rifles and took target practice.”
    Nowadays Cadet curriculum consists of learning to squat when you pee. No weapons – good clean fun with a uniform.

  16. To think Harper sends these people 300,000, 000 of our dollars to learn how to kill us.
    You cannot but weep at the insanity.
    We have already lost the war against terrorism, or even be able to talk about it.Human rights boars will make sure of that. You can point to Obama winning a second term to our demise as a culture.
    The rank cowardice, stupidity of Government officials at war with their own electorate.
    The craven fear to let the truth of this abomination called Islam to be known.
    The corruption of Immigration ( colonization) filled with kickbacks, as well as fraud.
    To steal jobs from Canadians, while leaking all our banking information. Which you can bet, none of these fellows worry about, because their accounts are off shore.
    The Media licking the foetid feet of Islamists or Marxists.
    For money or oil. Mostly I think out of fear.
    Its become so obvious the treatment of Canadian citizens , that even the Colonists don’t bother becoming slave citizens. Why should they? Being Canadian born is now a detriment.
    That byou can have any benefits , if not better , by not integrating or becoming a slave to the tax ponzi scam of any Government in Power.
    We have been sold out. It matters not which Party is in power. Just how quickly they are destroying this Nation.
    One caste at a time through Multiculturalism, PC mindset, plus Marxist lies.
    Unequal laws for most, except the favoured few.
    Where all just numbers in a caste system the is segregationist by , race, gender, creed or birth.
    We are not individuals any more. Just collectives in a hive.
    With the Canadian at the lowest rung, a worker bee.

  17. My son just quit the Air Cadets…all they did during the 3 hour meetings was drill–every week. He did go gliding with them–but that’s being cancelled due to budget cuts.

  18. My dad bought me my first .22LR Can Tire Cooey single shot at age 9, had a .177 pellet gun prior to that. I aced any Junior & High School PhysEd shooting classes, some fond memories.
    Piss on what the Liberal Left is making of our country!
