It’s Probably Nothing

The Chicago Purchasing Managers reported April’s Chicago Business Barometer fell 3.4 to 49.0, a 3-1/2 year low. Except for a minor gain in New Orders, all Business Activity measures weakened in April with five of seven now in contraction. BUSINESS ACTIVITY: SUPPLIER DELIVERIES, PRICES PAID, and PRODUCTION: all lowest since 2009; ORDER BACKLOGS: ten months of contraction in the past 12 months; EMPLOYMENT: third month over month decline. BUYING POLICY: CAPITAL EQUIPMENT longest since August 2012; MRO SUPPLIES shortest in five months.


6 Replies to “It’s Probably Nothing”

  1. Obamanomics . . . Because you can only juice an economy with Stimulus & Quantitative Easing Forever for so long before you run into the brick wall of reality.

  2. It goes beyond “obamanomics”, there are global forces at play and the global economy teeters on the health of fiat monetary systems (US reserve currency) which have little value any more. A crash is imminent and the big players are going to gold as a life raft. All the poor spuds who have left assets in the banks will lose (as we witnessed in Cyprus).
    What appears to be looming now is a systemic global monetary contraction which will be accomplished by international Keynesian fiscal authority (IMF/World Bank/EUCB) crashing banks (or allowing them to crash)leaving the recapitalizing of the system to be done with stolen wealth. It will be the greatest transfer of wealth from private individuals to banking institutions ever.
    You must realise that as a depositor in a bank you are fully liable because you are ultimately not protected by way of your being a willing INVESTOR in the bank. Your status, in contract, is that of AN UNSECURED CREDITOR TO THE BANK and the BANK IS IN LAW A DEBTOR to you. You are deemed to have “lent” your money to the bank for the bank to apply to its banking business – so they can gamble it in the biggest casino in the world – the global derivatives casino. You see your precarious situation – that and the fact NO government has the resources to insure deposits in the event of a banking or monetary collapse, and the IMF and World Bank will only aid you AFTER you have recapitalized your banking system. You should be seeking tangible assets as investment because the whole global economy is very unstable now and I doubt there is enough free capital and productivity to keep the printing press solution alive much longer.
    The symptoms are everywhere and more frequent – economic contraction coupled with monetary inflation.

  3. Contracting economic growth is the least of the worries with Obamanomics – the world’s reserve currency has been inflated to a point of collapse. Everyone using US dollars as trade reserve or banking reserve will be affected.

  4. When it comes apart, Obama will be hunted down with Torches and Pitch Forks. Any pundit who doesnt see this writing on the wall is ignorant or a true believer. But yet so many of them forecast a Democratic majority for decades to come. Just this week I saw Hillary 2016 fluff pieces. When this bubble pops, even Hillary will go down with the ship.

  5. Dust off the How-To-Invest-in-inflationary-times people.
    When money printing is rampant, money will become worth less.
    And we’ll be sucked right along into the Keynesian abyss, if featherweight Justine Turdo ever gets the controls of state.
    Shudder, banish the thought!
    The two-plus-two-is-22 crowd must never again be allowed to destroy our economy. Look at Europe, the 0bamanation abomination to the south. It is like juveniles witlessly fiddling with forces beyond their comprehension. The inevitable result is another Greece, Italy, Spain, California, et. All Mugabe wannabees.

  6. Yep, President Obama is doing real bad the economics from “Chicago Business Barometer.” Only is (WSJ) the “S&P suit in Connecticut Stays There” from 17 cases filed by states attorney general merged from the federal court. “S&P took its own financial interests into consideration when rating structured securities and misrepresented that fact in the fact to the public.” Only from the 2Q Stimulus & Quantitative Easing!
