10 Replies to “O, Sweet Saint Of San Andreas”

  1. This kind of thing has been going on for years in some (rural) jurisdictions here in Canada.
    My elderly parents live on the South Shore of Nova Scotia. For many years now, the trash collectors have been performing random “trash inspections.” Basically, they put a small slit in the top of the trash bag and peek inside. If they find any contents that could (should) have been put in the recycling bin, they proceed to slice the side of the garbage bag open – so that it can’t be re-used – and then they put the bag back into the container. You are then expected to sort through the trash and properly separate the contents.
    My understanding is that such a policy is not feasible in urban areas and so, they were just focusing on rural communities for the time being.
    Perhaps San Francisco is simply the first major city where it’s being done.

  2. for awhile the city council of Calgary (who cant keep their nose out of anything) contemplated DNA testing dog dumps to determine who wasnt cleaning up. this of course would mean starting a DNA data base for dogs.
    they stopped in mid stride when their budget went awry on everything the snivel servants touched . bridges to nowhere at twice the price and double the cost open air LRT stations with dripping glass roofs that are wetter and hotter underneath than an open platform.meanwhile the infamous Duh Farrell insists on 10% of the over budget go to art in addition

  3. There’s a reason why I diligently make sure all of the worthless paper and plastic gets recycled but absolutely no metal (unless it’s a decoy). They must hate to find cans stuffed with AA batteries or bacon grease in the blue bin, or do you think they’re not that thorough?

  4. A lot of fun could be had there, stuffing “contraband” trash into the garbage bins of neighbours known to be moonbats.

  5. I recently visited family in Halifax and they are only allowed to use clear plastic bags, no green baggies for them. The clear bags allow an inspection of the garbage so no contraband (recyclables) go into the land fill by accident. They also leave a slip of paper with items checked off if they refuse to take it.
    But public servants like the garbage man work for the taxpayer….. not the other way around. Right? You wish. They own you, your land and your wallet. Servitude no matter how cunning or charming the cage is still servitude.

  6. My time is valuable. I never signed any contract to be an unpaid garbage sorter for the city/county/province. Any attempt to force my compliance to work for nothing will be met by a billing for my time remitted to the appropriate authority followed by a civil judgement for retroactive pay.

  7. In Thunder Bay awhile back, me ma was putting out blue bags with only paper.
    I asked the fella picking them up where it goes.
    He said, to the dump. There wasn’t any industry to recycle.

  8. Yeah here in Morontario the handwringers mourned the closing of Consumers Glass in Mississauga that took the recycled glass out to maybe a 30 km radius…the rest of Morontario’s blue box glass went to landfill……….always did….
