29 Replies to “Things You’re Allowed To See On The CBC”

  1. What? No requirement that you must be born in the Southern Hemisphere? How about card carrying member of the Communist or Socialist Party?

  2. When a progressive does it, it’s not racist. (Sorry – couldn’t resist pilfering from Kate!)

  3. I’m a white, left-handed heterosexual – is the left-handed bit enough to offset the other disqualifiers?

  4. Sorry, but this is a case of Stephen Taylor using selective editing for political propaganda purposes. The actual, un-redacted casting call clearly stated “Any race except Caucasian, Negro, or Jew.”
    That’s hardly racist, is it?

  5. Here’s what I want to know: was the CBC employee who put out the casting call prohibiting the hiring of Caucasians for this CBC job a Caucasian, or a non-Caucasian?
    Creates a very ripe host of issues either way, obviously.

  6. well one must commend them on their honesty, usually they don’t let the cat out of the bag so publicly!

  7. ” … was the CBC employee who put out the casting call prohibiting the hiring of Caucasians for this CBC job a Caucasian, or a non-Caucasian?”
    ‘Almost invariably it will have been a Caucasian with a heavy burden of white man’s guilt.
    The idea of these very well-off “Caucasians” is that they want some in the underclass to have the same perks as they have in order to assuage their guilt. This means bypassing hard-working “Caucasians” on the middle and lower end of the economic scale while using their tax dollars to elevate non-Caucasians to positions of economic and social-standing gain.
    The MO of the Left-Libtards — who, BTW, are largely male and Caucasian — is to obliterate the middle class, despite their bleating to the contrary. There will be two classes: them at the high end and the rest of us as serfs. They’ll throw a few crumbs to “non-Caucasians” in order to feel less guilty that they and their family and friends are commandeering most of the economic assets of the country.
    What “open” and “tolerant” poseurs/thugs. They’re not called Librano$ for nothing …

  8. I think this is very kind of the CBC. Nothing is more frustrating as a job seeker to apply for a position that you believe you are well qualified for, only to find out that there are hidden qualifications that you do not meet. Think of all the time that might have been spent by white men applying for this job, following up, getting their hopes up, etc., only to find that their dreams are dashed because of skin colour. Here they know they have no chance up front, so they won’t invest time or hope in a position that they will never win.

  9. Actually, if that’s the original casting call actually said “Any race except Caucasian, Negro, or Jew.”, then, yes, that IS racist.

  10. This is a damned shame,two of the best candidates for this job can’t apply, neither Joker Tsarnaev,or Justin Trudeau,who’d be a great children’s entertainer, can apply!
    Y’know,I have always suspected that “The Friendly Giant” was secretly Caucasian, but that was long before the era of PC. Of course,Rusty and Jerome were “diversity” itself.

  11. actually Ian Hanomansingh would be Caucasian by definition and to be politically correct, reflects less light back to our receptors than Obama

  12. If this add is acceptable, and many have argued that it is, because the producers want a non-white person for this particular role. If so, then logically an add stating the reverse would also be acceptable: Wanted male caucasian actor.Don’t think so.

  13. You mean they’re excluding the Tsarnaev clan? That’s a gross insult to Terrorist-Americans and Terrorist-Canadians. To the Human Rights Council, at once!

  14. So could we take the CBC to a Human Rights Tribunal for open racial discrimination. Yes I know that I’m just dreaming, when the left do it, its not discrimination or racism.

  15. Racism is alive and blooming in the halls of progressia.
    Seeing how this is a public broadcaster and it has immediately excluded a large portion of the public from employment on a racially biased basis, is there not a legal liability here? They must be very sure the CHRC and federal courts are as racially bigoted as they are to openly show such contempt for a certain race.
    Hypocrisy thy name art progressive.

  16. Rther than blather on and on about this discrimination, I have filed a discrimination application with the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal. I suggest you do the same if you reside in ontario, rather than moan and wail here. The link is:
    It’s easy. The more the merrier. The pertinent data:
    The Respondent:
    Larissa Mair Casting and Associates Inc.
    9 Davies Ave, Studio 305, Toronto, ON, M4M 2A6
    Telephone: 416 466 1450 E-mail: larissamair@canadafilm.com
    Website & Advert: http://www.larissamaircasting.com/host
    Discriminatory Advert:
    If you’re here to find instructions regarding a self tape audition submission for the male Kids’ CBC Host, you’re in the right place! Below, you will find a PDF with the audition material and all of the instructions.
    Please only submit if you match the following criteria:
    · Male between the ages of 23-35yrs (**)
    · Any race except Caucasian (**)
    · Non-union
    · Must be able to carry a tune (ability to dance or move well is a bonus but not necessary)
    · Comfortable being in front of a camera and not afraid to show a silly side
    · Great with kids; the type of guy that pre-schoolers would love to be around
    · Loves physical comedy, would enjoy hanging out with puppets all day and can be funny on the fly
    Key dates for this project:
    Audition video deadline: Thursday, May 9th
    Call back: May 24th or 27th (exact dates TBD)
    Shoot: 1-2 times a month for approximately one year
    Those chosen for this project will be financially compensated $300/day”

  17. Grok said “But what does Justine Trudeau have to say about the issue?”
    He would agree with the CBC 100%. After all it was his father who made this legal when he drove the Charter of Rights down everybody’s thoat.

  18. Regarding CBC – has anyone watched the morning news hosted by Suhana Marchand?
    Her hair looks like she just got out of bed – wouldn’t be surprised if she wears bedroom slippers on the set.

  19. I’m only surprised they didn’t want only Imams for the show.
    As for the real ad its shows just exactly who the real bigots are.
    That the “progressives” can’t see they have replaced the delusions of fascists is what is really fascinating. Considering they are using the same MO.
    From segregating the population into castes, to making special laws for different ethnic groups, or gender. Its all divisive. The exact opposite of so called “Inclusiveness”.
    These people in the name of Tolerance have made a graveyard of equality.

  20. Get used to it, well at least let your kids get used to it, unlike Zimbabwe they may as well have a fighting chance to get out over time. If there’s anywhere left on earth to run of course.
