“When the Democrats do it, that means that it is not illegal”

Dem Voter Fraud Caught On Tape in Colorado

The Colorado legislature is in the midst of considering a bill to pass same day voter registration, so if Brandon had done this on election day, he would have subsequently been given a ballot and could have voted.

Related: Like hundreds around the nation, these two [Mississipi] counties have more active registered voters than there are voting age-eligible residents, according to data from the U.S. Census and state voter registration offices.

10 Replies to ““When the Democrats do it, that means that it is not illegal””

  1. My God, they’re going to have to make them ink their finger after voting, just like in Iraq, Egypt, Lebanon, etc.

  2. Having heard that “Blacks outvoted whites” in some districts in the November Presidential election, I read this story and wonder, “Are you sure?”
    Inking the finger, as Grok (above) suggests, is a great idea. Photo ID would, too.

  3. According to liberals and democrats in the US. Photo ID is “racist.” After all, it would help combat fraud.

  4. Well now ya get some clue how Alan West lost in a constituency with 167% turnout……..
    That election needs a do-over with the IDF and the Legion D’etrager as poll watchers……photo ID and the inky fingers.

  5. Even in the Soviets Unions hight. No one was stupoid enough to say they got 100% in election areas with only one candidate.
    Only in America.
    This is how Obama was elected a second time. Fraud as usual for him.
    A castle built on lies.

  6. Alluring as the ink on the finger is it won’t work with computerized voting. There is nothing stopping an enterprising programmer from giving two votes for every time someone votes Democrat or giving the Democrats a vote for every Republican vote cast. Who’s to know since there is no paper trail. Personally I removed the US from the list of democratic nations years ago.

  7. It would be interesting to see the voter turn-out figures for that district with 124% registration – was there greater than a 100% turn-out as well?

  8. Puleeeese – I keep telling you, it’s not “voter fraud” it’s called “community organizing” when Dems do it.

  9. There’s nothing in the articles to suggest a preponderance of Democrats at fault. Has anyone collated the Red and Blue states/counties to show this is the case?
