10 Replies to “Free Ethical Oil!”

  1. There is nothing left to discuss. Global warming has proved to be a false prophecy. And a prophecy is all it ever was. The twisted science used to perpetrate the fraud has been roundly debunked by honest scientists.
    To quote the late great Roy Orbison, “It’s Over”.
    So you green slimers must find another unicorn to flog. This one died and you know it’s pointless to flog a dead unicorn.

  2. I have been researching and following this discussion for the last twenty years. Initially, I was worried about what may be happening and decided to throw myself in feet first to acquaint myself and see see what I could do to help the planet. As I discovered, like McIntyre et al, there was very little hard data to support this conclusion. Two decades were spent searching for the smoking gun and there was none. Beyond the sensational headlines, and political talking points, there was no credence or substance to this fear. Now, we are subjected to comments like global warming will cause more hooking, or that the heat is defying physics and heading down to the bottom of the ocean. I never thought of myself as a denier, I always thought I was someone who looked for answers and information to substantiate and verify findings. I have stopped, as I have realized, this is a P.T. Barnum exhibit, and we are the rubes. To quote Kate, “Not showing up to riot” is a failed conservative policy, and it is time to change that policy before these people gain any more traction.

  3. The witch doctor is meeting with the chief of the tribe to talk about which one of us will be thrown into the volcano.
    The more things change the more they stay the same.

  4. Heh! Kate and SDAer’s, notably Ron from Kelowna, were on the cutting edge exposing this hoax about glowbull conflagration! Even before PM Stephen Harper and Mr. Monckton caught the UN 21 Agenda frauds with their panties down in the Hopinhagan cult fest, SDA was debunking the hoax. The ‘scientists’ were exposed as propaganda ‘useful idiots’ in the ‘plan'(agenda 21) to bring down any prosperous person or nation and reduce all people to babbling idiots living in tiny cells and working 14 hrs. a day for “dear leaders’ and their pals.
    Once again: SDA gets results!
    Ezra is incredible – he must be the ‘source’ of many human hater cult/CBC meltdowns. He makes me smile every day.

  5. SDA was a main stay in fighting off this court of foreign invested Vampires. Shoving this Religion of Fanatical environmentalism. Paraded as Global warming, from infesting this Nation. With all its lies , deceit , Political espionage by other powers.
    I well remember the fanatics trying to convert or criminalize even talking about it. Much like Islam today.
    Thank God for people who stood up to this insanity, that would have crippled our free economies by hostile powers.
    Now they meet in secret, like the cabal they are.
    These folks should have been investigated years ago when we knew where there funding came from.
    The true believers are those who stand to lose the billions they imagined where theirs by tax payers.
    SDA & others headed off a disaster that Global warming , next to it would have been insignificant.
    Now the same forces want us to believe Islam is just another Religion. Not a Killers creed , founded by a child molester- serial killer.

  6. You fit right in. Most of us on SDA did not start out as “deniers”. All we wanted was a logical answer and all we continued to get came under the heading of ‘follow the money”. Still the primary driver in this scam. Taxing nothing has always been a wet dream for politicians and this is as close to that as we can get. Simply a abundance of useful idiots with a herd mentality.

  7. Every bandwagon that the leftards lemmings and msm jump on is wrong. This proven over and over and yet there remains no shortage of gullible twits who will march along with them… no matter what tune is being played. There is also never a shortage of bastards ready to take advantage of the confusion.
    Remember that the prime goal of the media is to find the angle in any story that they can play on and the measure of what makes a good story is the possibility of commotion that can be caused and perpetuated.
    As people are now observing the chain of events in the climatechange/AGW scam this is the perfect time to reiterate the how and why of these frauds that are foisted on the credulous public.

  8. OMMAG;
    What difference does it make if ‘Global Warming’ has been debunked? IMO it has never been the real objective. Progressive control of the narrative is what is important. These people will simply move on to the ‘next’ imperative. As we creep closer to the inevitable economic abyss I am sure the progressive play will be the ongoing deterioration of life style by the declining middle class. The re-election of Obama was the obvious result.
    When these ‘progressives’ control education, social justice, MSM and government spending what conclusions can we draw?
