14 Replies to “O, Sweet Saint Of San Andreas”

  1. I’m always torn about things like this. On the one hand, there are far more important things for the state legislature to address, like the fact that the state is on a path to conservatorship (bankruptcy for a government entity) in the near future. On the other hand, I really don’t want the people in the state legislature addressing anything important, because they’ll make tbings worse.

  2. Sidewalks are gender neutral. California’s recent ‘homeless’ law means a person can evacuate themselves anywhere, like herd animals, so the progressives are already ahead of this issue.

  3. Well I’m certainly not torn on this non-issue. The state has no business in your bedroom and it sure as hell has no business in your bathroom – or in the public bathrooms on private property. Obviously progressives are so completely adrift from reality that they haven;t the basic knowledge of what a washroom is or its primary purpose – it is for the elimination of bodily waste with as much personal privacy as can be afforded to maintain personal dignity – the washroom is not a place for social experiments and our personal privacy is not part of the civil compact with government. And yes, washrooms ARE a matter of “plumbing”. If they want to experience the burden of their stupid relativist gender policies they should start by inviting confused gender politics into the washrooms in legislative buildings.

  4. When some individuals are genuinely suffering in some way from having to share facilities either with other people whose physiology is the same as theirs or with those whose is different, the only proper solution is to make single bathrooms available to them one at a time – no sharing, no problem. But even if there were the resources to implement this, the agitators who are pushing this legislation wouldn’t be satisfied because they aren’t really trying to help any individuals. Their real objective of self-styled “progressives” is to undo all real progress that has been made before so that their failure to contribute anything worthwhile is less apparent. Marx is their hero because he sat around making up bullsh*t theories about how “the system” was all wrong, living in the house and off the generosity of his friend, (who felt guilty because he inherited his money,) while literally screwing the lowly workers who served him.

  5. Two words: home schooling. School board budgets are made based on attendance. It is possible to make them behave if you get enough people together.

  6. Anyone with ‘boy bits’ found using the same washroom that my daughter is, will encounter the business end of a baseball bat in short order.

  7. What part of “your plumbing decides” is so effing hard for these freaks to understand about using the bathroom? Oh! Right-it’s not hard to understand. Therefore it is yet another attempt to confuse and groom children for abuse.

  8. Yeah well, generally I’m traditional and slightly to the right of Attilla on most things.
    Having to share a public washroom with an aggressive “funny boy” ain’t fun neither.
    I got 2 washrooms in my abode, neither disignated as per gender, and I get no complaints from familly/guests.
    That sitcoom, Alley McBeal, featured a unisex bathroom, which made some sense…..like most guys Luci Lui was my prime interest.

  9. I don’t see what the problem with gender identity is. They have DNA tests for that.
    For the minuscule percentage of the population that has an ambiguous gender identity, I’m sure they will figure it out the way they have for thousands of years.

  10. Just another way to marginalise the Female sex. I the name of toleration, even the right of privacy is stolen from Women. Not t mention putting them in danger of rape, or murder.

  11. To use a well-worn, but appropriate phrase: “What could possibly go wrong?”

  12. Ok.
    I’m a (perpetually) pre-operative transsexual lesbian. Does that mean I get to go in the girl’s bathroom now? Goody…
