Oh, Shiny Pony!


The political debate in Canada is heating up, with the Conservative party recently launching a series of attack ads aimed at the new Liberal party leader, Justin Trudeau. Whatever you think of these kinds of ads — and I am of the mind that it sucks to see them getting more and more popular in Canada, no matter which party is using them — former Liberal leader and current Liberal MP Stéphane Dion has now shown everyone how not to respond to them.

h/t Howard

20 Replies to “Oh, Shiny Pony!”

  1. Spoke with a 93 year old gentleman yesterday. He is a life-long conservative. He says he will never donate money to the Conservatives to promote the attack ads on Baby Trudeau. He claims that we should just let Trudeau blow his wad and let him bury himself by his own hand.
    Somehow, I tend to agree.

  2. One should never assume that Trudeau will trip on his lisp and rule himself out, not when the MSM is solidly behind the Shiny Pony.
    The Liberals need to be challenged too, regarding the “attack” ads. These particular ads allow, in this case, the Pony, to speak in his own words. These aren’t Willie Horton ads.
    And they are no where near the “Soldiers in Our streets” hate message. Libs should always be challenged with that response, they started it, and there’s no reason to stop.

  3. I wonder if Elections Canada should also rule that Leadership contest loans outstanding for the better part of 7 years should ALSO be ruled as illegal political donations and be punished accordingly.
    I think the Conservatives have a better chance pursuing that line of thinking than Dion does pursuing his. Not that the media would concur.

  4. I miss Stephane.
    No matter how hard the “earned media” tried to spin him into a genuine force,he would just have to face a camera,open his yap,and everything was for naught.
    Many are hoping and/or hyping that Justin will ‘grow’ into the role of saviour of the Liberal party and eventually Canada,but I have my doubts about that.

  5. It will ALWAYS be the Shiny Media to Son of Commie’s rescue.

  6. I would tend to agree, don’t waste money on him. BUT he has all of the media in Canada backing him, by all the media, I mean the new electronic media, Twatter accounts, CBC, CTV all the major daily newspapers, all the magazines, all of the CBC Radio network etc. And all of the old worn out Soiled Doves of the Liberal Party. He has all of the Teachers, and University Elite and all of the thousands and thousands of civil servants who owe a lot to the Liberals and Harper never flushed them out, he never cleaned the stables in Ottawa of 50 years of Liberal supporters burrowed in like ticks on a half dead hound dog…Yah go Nuclear on the little Lisping NutCase, ruin his FFFFing day. I LOVE ATTACK ADS and so do the Liberals, they used them for years.

  7. Maybe Shiny can lend his party the money to pay back the adscam bucks still owed to the people of Canada.

  8. It’s a pity we didn’t have these back in the `70s. The Canadian media presented Pierre Trudeau as a statesman respected internationally. I was living and working in the Netherlands at the time, and in fact the Dutch and French media, if they mentioned Trudeau at all, portrayed him as a dilettante playboy. It was during that period that Canadians living abroad were disenfranchised – for not knowing what was going on back in Canada – HAH! We knew too much, not too little (I did take an Ottawa newspaper, and corresponded frequently with my politically astute mother – above all, I knew how badly the Canadian dollar was doing under PET’s “astute stewardship”!

  9. I don’t much care for attack ads but the fact of the matter is, the media isn’t doing its job. If not for the ads, no-one would ever hear what JT is really like, what he really believes, what he actually said. The media will spin anything and everything to try and make Harper and the Conservatives look bad, but nary a contrary word about any lefty politico. CPC attack ads are just informing us of what the media leaves out and even tries to suppress.

  10. Ah yes those “backfiring” attack ads that they need to shut down immediately with copyright complaints… It looks like we’re right on target apparently.

  11. Totally agree if the MSM covered Trudeau in an honest matter rather than like ET covering the life of Justin Bieber ; ads would lose their effectiveness

  12. You would think liberals would be quiet on this line of attack, what with baby Trudeau having possibly used an in kind contribution from CTV’s Degrassi set to film his response to the CPC ad. Did he pay for studio time? If not it’s an in kind contribution which would vastly exceed the corporate limit I would assume.

  13. Everything — everything — about all of this Liberal stuff is pure Groundhog Day.
    Another Trudeau, another set of systematic media distortions, another round of media-Liberal outrage — outrage! — at the Tories upsetting their apple cart, etc. And now, drum-roll please, another letter from Stephane Dion.
    If the media yarn is to be believed, it was Stephane Dion’s letters to the last PQ government of Quebec that killed separatism. Whatever!
    How about something new, for a change!

  14. I would think the last skeleton Librano spinners want escaping from the Liberal bone yard into public sight is the specter of Neon Dion (AKA Citroen Dijon) frothing at the mouth and saying nothing coherent once again. He was such an embarrassment for so long they had to literally yank him off stage in mid-gaffe and replace him with the ultra stiff Count Igula. Now he helping Pony boy? I think not.

  15. For all the bluster and whining (from both sides) on this issue, you gotta admit they are pretty good ads. Quite entertaining. The circus sideshow music when El Lispo is taking off his shirt is a fabulous touch.

  16. Right on RFB. The mistake Harper made is not cleaning house at beginning of his first majority. He should have started with Deputy Ministers and worked down through the legion of Assistant Deputy Ministers and so on. These parasites are aligned with LPC
    leftist ideology and from day one have been actively working to have Harper government replaced by liberals, especially now with Trudeau Jr as leader. Makes them dream of the good old days of
    Trudeau Sr and his intrusive socialist agenda.

  17. “The mistake Harper made is not cleaning house at beginning of his first majority.
    I rather suspect if he’d tried that, there wouldn’t have been the subsequent CPC electoral victories. Now’s the time for PM Harper to clean house. He’s got his majority and who knows what will happen in our next election now that the Shiny Pony’s got Canadians in thrall?
