Reader Tips

Tonight, ein Lied für unsere alten SDA Kameraden Hans Rupprecht: Here’s violinist/conductor André Rieu leading a brassy outdoor-spectacular performance of Alte Kameraden in front of a vigorous, happy crowd.
h/t gunney99
The comments are open, as always, for your Reader Tips.

31 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. A bit of revenge on the short-term climate-trend alarmists:

    If this alarming trend continues, the planet will be completely covered with Antarctic ice in 1,000 years,” said Real Science, using University of Illinois data to map out the trend and reach its conclusion.

  2. Is there no end to ManBearPig’s selfless nobility? He helped avert a “violent revolution”.
    (Does it bother anyone else that so many highly-placed people are pretty obviously insane? I find it disconcerting.)
    Kind of related: Sandra Day O’Connor admits she’s a political hack who didn’t really care about the Constitution or have a clue what she was doing (my paraphrase). Of course she’s beating herself up over a good decision, but at least she knows she’s useless. Still, first SC Justice with no Y chromosome, and that’s what really matters, amirite?

  3. if you’re going to do a march , then march, these at 160steps a minute, the first regiment is the almagamation of my grandfather WWI regiment and another. formed during the American Rebellion to combat mobile behind the tree type fighters, it paced at 160 instead of 120

  4. Ah yes, the Las Vegas of classical music. Cheap, cheesy, and low class. Come to think of it, even Vegas has more class than Rieu.
    The decline of Western Civilization continues apace. Luckily the we have the good stuff recorded so we can always enjoy it while the West rots:

  5. “Does it bother anyone else that so many highly-placed people are pretty obviously insane? I find it disconcerting.”
    It used to bother me more than it does now. And whereas I used to “find it disconcerting”, as you say, I now find most cognitively-dissonant things somewhere right about hilariously-ironic (as I know you do also, judging by your superb sense of humour that you always share with us).
    Take Mr. Gore, for example: he was the one who put the 2000 presidential election into the courts, for the precise purpose of “creating a revolution”; and now he’s defending his decision on the basis that he prevented one? WUWT? The only thing I am able to infer from his current, er, “self-re-positioning” (Let’s play, “Twister”) is that he’s angling for a grudge-match shot at Jeb this time round.
    Besides which, does anybody, including Justice Day O’Connor, really believe that Al Gore could ever, in their or his wildest dreams, have given the impromptu speech that George W. Bush gave to the firefighters at the wreck of the World Trade Center at about 4:10 p.m. eastern on Friday, September 14, 2001: “I hear you. The rest of the world hears you…” Not even Churchill could have done that, famous as he was for practicing his impromptus. Why would anyone second-guess themselves on any of that, or consider the possibility of depriving us of any of that? WUWT?

  6. Pamela Geller … re: Boston Marathon bombers refused entry into Saudi Arabia, “security concerns” …
    “First the Russians, now the Saudis.
    Further evidence of Obama’s epic failure in keeping this country safe. He scrubbed counter terror manuals and training materials of jihad and Islam. His director of the CIA, John Brennan, speaks of jihad “as a legitmate tenet of Islam.” Obama’s pro-jihad foreign and domestic policies have resulted in the slaughter of American citizens here and abroad.
    UK DAILY MAIL: Saudi Arabia warned USA IN WRITING about Tamerlan Tsarnaev in 2012, and rejected his application for an entry visa to visit Mecca in 2011″

  7. TJ:
    I checked that number out. Sorry, but I just can`t see the relationship! Andre Rieu`s performance of Alte Kamaraden (and many others he has performed) consists of hundreds of skilled musicians and singers in an outdoor setting. Rieu attracts tens of thousands of spectators in one performance. (IE Sydney, Australia.) Yours is a piano solo. Am I missing something??

  8. Take away the musical instruments, and replace them with automatic weapons, and here we go again.
    Leopards don’t change their spots, and you can’t keep these people down for long.
    There is real hope, however, that this time around their ideology will be less insane.

  9. While we are on the subject here are couple of tunes to hoist a few:
    Großherzog Friedrich von Baden C. Haefele
    Ein Heller und ein Batzen – Heidi Heido
    “Ich hatte einen Kameraden”
    Schutztruppen: Paul Von Lettow Vorbeck “Heija Safari”
    Es Wollt Ein Mädchen Früh Aufstehn
    Tipperary Song (Das Boot)
    Highland Cathedral – Musikschau der Nationen 2008 – Das perfekte Finale
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  10. Does anyone else notice that the CBC website has not offered a comments section on their news items for the past several days? I’m going to miss them as they were one of my main choices of entertainment

  11. From the “our best and Brightest” file:
    Seems Miami Fla. is competing with Calif. for the most mindless Americans trophy. Posing as a liberal activist, the petitioner makes her case by claiming pressure cookers, “were actually used in the Boston bombing, so we’re just trying to limit who can get them,” adding that her organization is, “just trying to keep people safe by reducing the number of them.” The best and brightest were more than happy to oblige.

  12. Peter O Keefe: Andre Rieu is Dutch, not German. This recording was made in Maastricht, Limburg, a province of Holland. I thought it was a wonderful musical experience. But then, being a musician myself, I love and appreciate Andre Rieu’s music. His enthusiasm and musicianship always gives me a lift. Thanks, EBD!

  13. Obama wants to use executive orders and congressional permission to close Gitmo prison and remove the terrorists.

    Please set them free in the Grandfather Mountain area North Carolina,
    and give us a 30 day license with a 5 per day bag limit..

  14. Neo-AGW PR.
    “British man dies in Greenland during Arctic expedition”
    “A British man who had described his planned trek with two friends across part of the Greenland ice sheet as a “frankly nutty adventure” died after their tent was reportedly blown away in a snowstorm early into the 400-mile expedition.”
    “Current Ontario Wind Output”

  15. Neo-AGW PR.
    “tinkering with nature.”? Risky.
    “Low levels in Great Lakes best left to nature, says Sarnia mayor”
    “Sarnia Mayor Mike Bradley says there is a risk of further damage to the Great Lakes by tinkering with nature.”
    “Spring snowstorm hits flood-stricken prairie residents”
    “Prairie residents in Manitoba and Saskatchewan, already struggling with severe flooding, were hit with a spring snowstorm Tuesday, causing at least eight municipalities including a First Nations reserve to declare a state of emergency.”

  16. Mayor Mike Bradley may have liberal leanings but he is right 99 percent of the time when dealing with municipal affairs. He has been mayor for over 20 years and has done wonders for the community. I’d trust him on this file and agree messing with mother nature can have consequences.
    On the other hand, putting a dam or whatever between Stag Island and the mainland would upset a lot of the city’s elite. Folks like the Hadfields (as in Astonaut Chris Hadfield )reside on the island.
