Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors

For the millions of Canadians who don’t recognize the name, Doug Saunders is the “International-Affairs Columnist, The Globe and Mail” and resident expert on the “far right”.

67 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. Poor Doug . . . Having to expose his cluelessness day after day in his role as a journalist. Amazing anyone would pay him for his talents but then again it does explain the decline of newspapers.
    Experts like him probably believe Nazis were right wingers, despite being National Socialists.

  2. These so called reporters deal in BS because it works for them. In a world of zero accountability it obviously works for them. It is unfortunate that the majority of people do not move past the headlines.
    If Nazis were ‘right wingers’ then where does that leave de Gualle and the western Allies? It was pretty clear their second enemy as they liberated western Europe was the communists.

  3. Try as I may, I can’t understand the attraction of Twitter; to me it’s typewritten cacophony.

  4. Two things:
    a. This is why people with common sense don’t keep Facebook accounts, or archive personal photos online where any jackass can find them. Buy a photo album.
    b. Doug Saunders has some cheek, accusing people who have the nerve to take the side of the the British people against traitors of being traitors themselves. Had it been left up to the likes of Doug Saunders, Great Britain and Ireland would have been German provinces these past 75 years.
    That, rest assured, would have been quite all right with Doug Saunders. He’d have gone a long way in the Propaganda Ministry of the collaborationist British government. Writing what his masters want him to write is what he does. Only the master would change, and the master for whom his master worked would not change at all.

  5. You know the old saying, Dougie is so obsessed with right wingers he can taste them in the sandwich he has for lunch.

  6. Heh, I thought it was supposed to be the “far right” who had the reactionaries.
    Obviously this scribbler has less knowledge of Farage than he has of the principles he and UKIP stands for. All he reacted to was an unsupstantiated rumor with a Nazi connotation started by UKIP’s political enemies. This is the level of MSM understanding the issues, it is not surprising this kind of ignorance and rumor mongering has people fleeing the broadheets for the net. Perhaps the only thing social media is good for is exposing the stupidity of these Jurassic journos

  7. Doug wouldn’t recognize a National Socialist until he was goose-stepped in the backside.
    You don’t use your left hand for a salute, Nazi or otherwise…Doug Saunders is a fool.
    Then check the picture of the candidate in the picture clearly using his LEFT arm rather than right. Obviously, the media getting excitable and getting it WRONG.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  8. An amusing Twitter thread. The other Twitter-er finding the Nazi photos of Hillary and Obama just proves what we already know about them.
    An amusing thread, but Kate’s comment cracked me up:
    Really, since it’s May Day, ought not you be celebrating the achievements of Stalin, Castro, et al?

  9. He told me once that:
    1. Erdogan is not a Islamist and that
    2. Caroline Glick was a marginal journalist.
    He was very mice about it though.

  10. Me too
    I wish someone would come up with an anti May Day “celebration”, along the lines of a “remembrance” day for the 150 million or so slaughtered last century by the left, a little detail the “useful idiots” would like us to forget.

  11. Saunders really doesn’t belong writing for a mainstream publication. He’s more at home in a university student paper or maybe the Toronto Star. Two days after the Boston bombing, at a time when 30 of 31 of the FBI’s most wanted terrorists are Islamic, he writes this column:

    The vast majority of these incidents are right-wing or otherwise domestic in nature, with Islamic terrorism falling to fewer than 19 incidents or arrests per year (none of them violent in recent years, and most involving fighters going to other countries). But Americans (and to a lesser extent, Canadians) remain fearful and persuaded that the Boston atrocity is part of some large, homogenous phenomenon.

    It’s hard to believe that he believes what he writes. Thanks for putting the boots to him Kate.

  12. Hans Rupprecht:
    “You don’t use your left hand for a salute, Nazi or otherwise.”
    That’s true but there’s a 50-50 chance that the negative was inverted when producing the print.

  13. Hitler was a socialist just like Doug.
    Too stupid to know that making shit up to smear your political enemies when you’re supposed to be an impartial observer explaining how the world works in the era of google is just bad business and intellectually dishonest.
    How’s that working out professionally ?
    Liberals have to mischaracterize a conservatives argument because they can’t win a debate based on merit of the actual points made by either side.
    Partisan dirt bag story teller for idiots.

  14. “Far Right” is anyone who does not like having their pockets picked or property stolen, to then be wasted in the game of facilitating someone else’s quest for power. “Professional journalist” has become synonymous with “useful idiot”.

  15. This has nothing to do with the pub candidate and his camera. This is a smear for Farage. It kind of becomes apparent when the pseudo-journalist equates being anti-European Union with nazism.
    This is just there way of getting of Farage and nazi in the same story. It’s weak. It’s dishonest. Good job calling him on it.

  16. All this from Mr.”Who’s Afraid of the Muslim Brotherhood?”
    The Globe and mail’s resident Duranty.

  17. Which of course would make them doubly stupid…or more precisely UBER IDIOT.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  18. Doug Saunders derives his political theory from the 1940’s Kremlin.
    “far right” = opponent of the marxist/leninists….or Stalin…
    The Nazi’s were labeled far right by the Soviets in 1941 at the start the Nazi Invasion of the USSR.
    Leon Trotsky, a charter Bolshevik, was named counter-revolutionary (far right) because of a power struggle with Stalin.

  19. Agreed. Twitter is rather like the old telephone party-lines where when someone called you , all your neighbours would listen in . Twitter is just an electronic gossip medium.

  20. It’s funny that Nazis, being leftwing socialists that they are, would make their home in Canada’s most rightwing province.
    Calgary is currently home to the Neo-Nazi movement in Canada. You, the rightwing, might not believe there is a link to Nazism, but Nazis sure feel comfortable with you guys for some reason. You should probably go explain it to them that they’re really a bunch of leftwingers and that they should get off your turf.

  21. Saunders sneeringly dismisses UKIP as “a rather comical UK fringe party with a Nazi problem”. This silly Nigel Farage character is beneath the notice of an savvy Man Of The World like Doug.
    What’s “comical” about UKIP, you pompous shill?

  22. “What’s “comical” about UKIP, you pompous shill?”
    That the party’s leader is actually trying to convince people that this candidate was “reaching for a phone”. This is hilarious, because he believes that the majority of people will believe that explanation. It’s also pathetic and dishonest which makes him comical at best, terrifying if people actually do fall for his ploy.

  23. Every time some MSM type denounces a political leader as “far right” I become very skeptical. In the last election in France, journalists routinely claimed that Marine Le Pen was “far right” despite that fact that other than her plank on immigration, her political platform was literally indistinguishable from that of the Socialist party.

  24. John, you are a rather comical fringe troll with a Nazi obsession.
    a) there is nothing about UKIP which would suggest any affiliation with the Nazis.
    b) the guy in the picture is not heiling Hitler. It’s just a random picture of him reaching towards the photographer. You’re just a fool.

  25. As the term is used by people like Saunders, “far right” means the right side of an exclusively totalitarian ideological spectrum.
    Commie socialits are far left; fascist/corporatist socialists, far right. Both are socialists like coke and pepsi are colas.
    On the full ideological spectrum, far right would be occupied by Libertarians and to their extreme right, anarchists, who, properly understood, are not advocates of violence, only the disappearance of the STATE and are therefore dreamers/fantasits, not unlike beauty contestants pining for world peace. Blush.
    There’s no better acid test of punditistic moronicity than the mischaracterization of the terms “far right” and “right wing”. You can save yourself a lot of bother by not pursuing the “ideas” of such ideological illiterates.

  26. Jah, you are right, John. All SDAers are for sure Nazis.
    Und, I tell you other very, very, scary secret: Das ist just ein surface scratch!
    Are many, many millions more Nazis in Canada, John. Maybe 10 millions John.
    So, lock zee doors, jah. Und stay Mutti’s bed under, John.

  27. A nice swift kick to his daddy Bags. I salute you Kate for yet again showing us the the soft bottom of the left fascists.
    Always a delight to see these morons exposed to the public for what they are.

  28. There is no Neo-Nazi “movement” in Canada you retard. There are maybe a dozen or so jackasses who shave their heads and play dressup for the cameras once a year. Half of them are probably police agents because of paranoid twits like you who taste Nazis in their sandwiches. A dollar wasted investigating those clowns is a dollar that could be spent preventing an explosive Allahu Ackbar.

  29. Compared to the average slow brained journalist like Doug, everyone else IS far right….
    That’s all he is saying, though he likely doesn’t understand that himself.

  30. Schtum! Gott in Himmel! Bist du verruckt!? Ve cannot be tellink him ze trus just jezt, not fen ve are so close!

  31. Not once have I ever heard of Doug Saunders. Heard about Nigel Farage quite a bit though.

  32. Yes, just reaching for the phone. Your little Rorschach fails only say anything about you.
    Have you considered taking your camera phone and hanging around men’s toilets with Warren Kinsella? I mean, you know, if you aren’t already doing that. I don’t like to make assumptions. You never know what interesting images you might stumble upon.

  33. Hey john. You remember OWS in Canada? Bunch of people getting beat up and stuff? How about the G20 with the burning cop cars and the looting? How about Caledonia? Montreal student riots?
    Lets stack some of that Lefty sh1t up against some “Nazi” goof that started a fire, shall we?I’m a hell of a lot more concerned about your fellow travelers than I am about some mythical Nazi infestation.
    Nazis are like unicorns. You hear about them, but you never see one.

  34. Nothing screams “Nazi!” like a party whose main goal is to prevent a united Europe.

  35. Nothing says “leftist-loser” like resorting to insults. Right on cue.

  36. Nope. No neo-nazis in Canada. Just friendly unicorns:
    Did you guys seriously look at the photo? There is nothing near the dude that he could be reaching for. And if so… why would he put a photo like that up on FB if it’s a blurry shot of him reaching for something that makes him look like he’s giving a salute? And as for Kate pointing out that it’s the wrong hand… yeah, like nobody would ever mix something like that up, would they now?
    And dude… at the very most, a few dozen people at the G20 behaved badly. 99% of people on the left condemn this sort of action, and I’m very sad to say that it’s not 100%. The cops on the other hand also behaved badly, beating and arresting hundreds who were doing nothing more than exercising their democratic right. It was an all around loss for reason that day. But we’re not here to talk about that. We’re talking about the fact that A) Nazis are in fact rightwing, especially neo-nazis, and B) The dude in the photo is a cowardly, lying sack of excrement, and the party leader is a con artist.
    And to be clear… they’re not fighting against a United Europe because they’re unlike Hitler, they’re fighting against it because they don’t like “foreigners”.

  37. Ooops overreaching, and John has no clothes..!
    I think the germans did a song about that:
    “Ohne Hemd und ohne Höschen” (No shirt and no panties)
    da gehn die kleinen Mädchen zum Tanzen in das Städtchen
    ohne Hemd und ohne Höschen mit einem Feigenblatt.
    there go the young women to town to dance,
    without shirt and without panties sporting only a fig leaf…
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  38. The similarity between today’s progressives and communists dwarfs any comparison with conservatives and nazis. Replace “rebels” with “conservatives” and today’s progressives agree with and have largely succeded in implementing the communist manifesto’s 10 policy points. And the national socialists (Nationalsozialismus) were still socialists, komrade.

  39. Hah! This is reminiscent of the fat ponytailed bicyclist finding neo-Nazi symbolism in the Tennessee state flag.
    And has it ever occurred to anyone here that the subject of the picture might be mocking the Nazi salute? Betcha even “John” has done that, when confronted by a parking commissionaire who told him to get his hooptie out of the handicapped space.

  40. John: you make yourself look pretty low brow when you claim someone is a Nazi without any proof. Perhaps you have some writings or a speech from the guy you are slandering that documents his Nazi beliefs?
    He could have been reaching for the phone in front of him being held by the person taking the picture.
    I mean based on your intellect, and it is debateable to attribute the word intellect to someone such as yourself, this picture below proves Hillary Clinton is a Nazi:

  41. Doug Saunders: The unfounded fear of Muslim immigration.
    He is thrashed in the comments by G&M readers.
    Dougie wrote a few books on Islam. His latest best-seller was titled
    ” The Myth of the Muslim Tide: Do Immigrants Threaten the West? ”
    His very long sop to the new multi-culturalism is based on the premise that when the Irish,Jews,Asians,etc. emigrated to western civilization,they were shunned,feared,targeted,and generally treated badly,and vice-versa. These new communities did not slide seamlessly into the existing society. Over the years,they have.
    Dougie,believes that Islam will eventually ,after a few burps,do the same.
    BUT,Dougie(due to ignorance,wilful blindness,or severe personality flaw) overlooked the fact that the Irish,Jews,Asians,etc. were immigrating from societies that held similar values to ours. They were not coming here with an iron-clad idealogical belief that was not to be compromised.
    Doug seems to believe that a hug and a bend-over will earn us one in kind.
    Doug Saunders is a fool at best.

  42. Nice takedown Kate. Little poopie pants will be in a hissy fit as he flops into his pod.
