Reader Tips

Tonight we watch 100-year-old newsreel footage of a horse race marred by the actions of a suffragette who stepped in front of the thundering pack in an attempt to stop Anmer, a horse owned by King George V, who was a man.
Spectators “claimed that they heard a woman shout ‘Votes for women!’ before leaping out in front of the king’s horse. [Footage] shows clearly that (Emily) Davison stopped in front of Anmer…and it appears that she tried to make a grab for the reins of the horse but the speed of Anmer and the impact on her were so great that she took a terrible blow.”
To some people “the iconic image of the suffragette being trampled by George V’s horse has come to symbolize the bitter struggle that women fought to win the right to vote in Britain”; to others, perhaps, it’s reminiscent of a panel from an Edward Gorey tale. The only thing everyone can agree on is that when women in the UK were enfranchised five years later there was one less female voter.
Putting politics aside for a moment, here, at last, for all you fans of horse racing, is some grainy footage of the exciting 1913 Epsom Derby, won by 100-1 long-shot Abboyeur.
The King’s horse was fine, btw, and finished the race sans jockey.
The comments are open, as always, for your Reader Tips.

45 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. There was something terribly enthralling about Edward Gorey’s work. I have the book called Amphigorey that I will have to dig out and read again. For the rest of you, just click on the image at the link and enjoy.

  2. This is Clark McAdams, columnist for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, writing shortly after the sinking of Titanic:
    “Votes for women!”
    Was the cry,
    Reaching upward to the Sky.
    Crashing glass
    And flashing eye—
    “Votes for Women!”
    Was the cry.
    “Boats for women!”
    Was the Cry.
    When the brave
    Were come to die.
    When the end
    Was drawing nigh—
    “Boats for women!”
    Was the cry.

  3. pulled this from bloomberg , elecric car maker Coda goes bankrupt
    Louisette Lanteigne 2 minutes ago
    By the end of this year, the province of Ontario will be coal free in terms of electricity and they have experienced such high volumes of electricity being produced from new wind power projects that they had to pay the US to take it. The government is examining power storage options and Electric cars can help. They gather energy from the grid at night when energy demand is at it’s lowest and that can take off the burden of excess power and it could save the province up to 200 million annually. With the wind projects and hydro projects along with conservation efforts, we can phase out nuclear power right now. With greater efficiency standards and better building codes the potential is there to realistically phase out gas dependency as well. The biggest source of new energy is actually in better efficiency. For municipalities, water treatment and transportation is the biggest user of electricity so water conservation can save a bundle by mandating low flow taps and toilets. We also have solar for electricity and water heating and don’t forget geothermal! All of these systems can take a chunk out of gas demands. It’s really up to taxpayers to push these ideas through because most engineers/consultants get paid a percentage of the projects they pitch and boy do they love mega projects. Low cost renewable energy solutions rarely gets the attention it deserves simply because it’s too cheap and affordable! I’ve been working on energy solutions for quite some time and if more citizens spoke up and politicians actually used some measure of common sense rather than blind faith in engineering reports, we’d all be better off.
    Like Reply
    Replying to Louisette Lanteign

  4. Should someone stupid enough to leap in front of a running horse be allowed to vote?

  5. EDB, it didn’t work for about half an hour, then I was able to enjoy it later. Thanks anyway.

  6. 18 minutes of the most fascinating TV viewing ever.
    A closer look at the first moon landing in July 1969. You couldn’t see in on the internet or tweet about it because the internet was not yet invented. That happened a little bit later in 1969.
    Seen on WUWT.
    (view in full screen mode – Click your F11 key)

  7. 100 years later and one of the top jockeys in North America is Rosie Napravnik.
    60 Minutes did a profile of her last week “There’s lots of great things in life – but there’s nothing like winning a race.”
    Trust me, she can ride! She’ll be riding in the Kentucky Derby this Saturday.

  8. Toronto Police
    Are pulling out all the stops to find a guy who spit on and swore at a hijab wearing woman.
    Can’t recal how hard they worked to stop ISM thugs at UofT or Ryerson….

  9. Running in front of a running horse to be able to vote? Whoa there! How about, she was crazy??

  10. So everyone realizes that the U.K. suffragettes gained the right to vote based on their promise to back conscription during the first world war – once they obtained the vote of course?
    Except it was British men that did the dying for women’s suffrage. By the ten’s of thousands.
    Kind of puts this whacked-out broad’s stunt in perspective if you ask me.

  11. ” RICK: Sam, if it’s December 1941 in Casablanca, what time is it in New York?
    SAM: Uh, my watch stopped.
    RICK: I bet they’re asleep in New York. I’ll bet they’re asleep all over America.
    The fundamental things apply, as time goes by.”
    “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised”
    “While the US is focused on its own domestic dramas, Europe as the Economist puts it, “is bleeding out”. Silently, exsanguinating below the fold, but bleeding all the same.”
    “Yet that would not appear remarkable to anyone who understands what state-controlled economies really are. Hope and Change economies are crony capitalist systems which pick winners and losers. They maintain the status quo at all costs — and reward those who have captured government over those who innovate. Thus the Reuters headline “Banks saved, but Europe risks ‘losing a generation’” is perfectly comprehensible.
    What else would happen but that?
    Naturally this plight is explained to the desperate voters as the consequence of the remaining vestiges of capitalism. The growing impoverishment, we are told, is occurring because socialism hasn’t gone far enough. Only give the government more power and all will be well. And so the low information voters turn out in the streets offering to exchange what little freedom they have left for some low paying jobs and a little welfare. The poorer they are the more eager they become to trade their last liberties for one more benefits check.
    It wasn’t supposed to be that way.”
    “Freedom is the only way out. The last exit.
    The Left has now set the fuse for its own demise. Like Kim Jong-un of North Korea it can do anything but produce. The bureaucracy it generates can do everything but govern. And therefore the poverty will deepen.”

  12. For the “Another Poll goes Horribly Wrong” file –
    It seems that with all the hysteria whipped up by the media over Sandy Hook and Boston, the majority of Americans are not ready to trade their liberty for security. Neither are they convinced the “terror” threat is as great as the authorities say/act. Perhaps there is hope for a rise of the Republic yet.
    So how come no outrage over the martial law house to house searches in Boston for one teenager?

  13. Watching that suffragette walk in front of the horses was sad. I’m just glad the horse and jockey weren’t harmed.

  14. Good link Jema – We need to be reminded Harper stabbed gun owners in the back when he didn’t remove the criminalization of lawful firearms possession by going back to a certification of fitness system (as was promised in the party policy book). He left the job of reforming civilian firearms law half done – on purpose? Is he afraid of the martinet brass hats in the police chief’s lobby?
    Now he twists the knife with this UN civil oppression crap, after going back on their position not to sign any arms control treaty that affected civilian ownership. Then he removed amnesty for expired licences and raising the licence fees. Following this he removed the shooting clubs from the firearms advisory committee and replaced them with anti-gun cops. We should have seen this treachery coming when he put Garry Breitkreuz on the back benches and duct-taped his mouth.
    What a disappointment this Harper government has been for duck hunters and ranchers – who are still criminalized 20 years after Chretien’s UN confiscatory gun laws.

  15. Neo-AGW PR.
    “Amazing, Historic Snowstorm Texas to Michigan”
    H/T Big Bobby Clobber:
    “… clobbered by their biggest May snowfall on record. In many cases in the major cities in the Plains, those records date back to the 1800s.”
    “Storm Delivers Historic Snowfall Nebraska to Minnesota
    May 2, 2013
    A storm has delivered record snowfall from Nebraska to Minnesota and is not done yet.”

  16. As Ontario bleeds out*.
    “Ontario’s green disaster”
    “Ross R. McKitrick and Kenneth P. Green, Special to Financial Post”
    “Ontario’s pursuit of windpower was particularly ill-considered because provincial demand tends to be out of phase with wind patterns. In Ontario, 80% of wind-power generation occurs when demand is so low that the entire output is surplus and must be dumped on the export market at a substantial loss. The province’s Auditor General estimates that Ontario has already lost close to $2-billion on surplus wind exports: Figures from the electricity grid operator also show the ongoing losses are $200-million annually. The wind grid is also inherently inefficient due to seasonal variability. Seven megawatts of installed wind energy capacity are needed to provide a year-round replacement for one megawatt of conventional power.”
    *The Economist.

  17. The term “Kafkaesque” comes to mind when watching the CRTC hearings on Sun News this am. The chair appears to take great pleasure in his role as chief enforcer of the quid pro quo: Which is to keep all newcomers out of the media “castle”, now that the drawbridge has been raised. He would be well advised not to grin like Cheshire Cat so often. What a spectacle.

  18. Wow! CBC ‘no caucasions need apply’ controversy hits the US news! See Newsbusters today.

  19. Mao Stlong* Lepolt.
    “Chinese incursion leaves India on verge of crisis”
    “NEW DELHI — The platoon of Chinese soldiers slipped across the boundary into India in the middle of the night, according to Indian officials. They were ferried across the bitterly cold moonscape in Chinese army vehicles, then got out to traverse a dry creek bed with a helicopter hovering overhead for protection.
    They finally reached their destination and pitched a tent in the barren Depsang Valley in the Ladakh region, a symbolic claim of sovereignty deep inside Indian-held territory. So stealthy was the operation that India did not discover the incursion until a day later, Indian officials said.
    China denies any incursion, but Indian officials say that for two weeks, the soldiers have refused to move back over the so-called Line of Actual Control that divides Indian-ruled territory from Chinese-run land, leaving the government on the verge of a crisis with its powerful northeastern neighbor.
    Indian officials fear that if they react with force, the face-off could escalate into a battle with the powerful People’s Liberation Army. But doing nothing would leave a Chinese outpost deep in territory India has ruled since independence.”
    “Two Chinese kindergarten students die after rival school poisons yogurt”
    “Chinese state media say two girls have died after eating poisoned yogurt placed outside their kindergarten at the direction of the head of a rival school.” (NP)
    *Ex-Liberal leader Bob Rae’s uncle, c/o Red China.

  20. A. Red’s Alberta: Do as I say, not as I do.
    May 2, 2013 – Union Billed $6.5M for Illegal Strike
    May 1, 2013 – $430,000 Bridge Loan to Alberta PC’s, no law broken…..

  21. AGW-Neo gives up/concedes. It’s not AGW.
    Last report this season. Merci.
    Say goodnight, Lizard/Suzy/Goreable/Hansen.
    “Temperatures Friday are forecast by the GFS model to be 30 to 40 degrees below normal from northern Louisiana into southern Iowa.”
    “Kansas City also is forecast to get its first measurable snow in May since 1907.”

  22. Yikes, Glenn. We stopped in the Houston airport last year. It was like an armed camp in there – eye ball scans, brutish customs persons and line ups blocks long. The customs is in a big closed metal barn like place and it is all closed in.
    I hope your buddie’s girlfriend is out of there by now.
