16 Replies to “And the Narratives came down”

  1. This is not about politics. No. This story is about the craven actions of leaders with cold souls , frigged ethics. An absolute zero morality. All to cover themselves up from actions only Monsters think about.
    Lying to the peoples relatives face front.Lying to the Nation ,blaming it on a video. Gun running yet again. To top it off pretending the dead where buddies, while using the corpses as props in the fairy tale created.
    Persecuting others for their incompetence.
    The press going along with the con.
    These people where their own. They abandoned them as human sacrifices, to Obama’s bid for power.
    Most especially to themselves to hide the misdeeds they created by indifference.
    Frankly if I where in Obama’s administration with scorpions like this running the show , I would count my life forfeit already, to the goals of these ghouls.To the make believe World of the Islamophiles.
    This is a story where human decency was ravaged on the alter of self interest.

  2. bob woodward got threatened by this admin and we haven’t heard anything from him since. Surprised?

  3. The man placed integrity for what is right above his political loyalties, for that he should be congratulated

  4. We’ve seen lots of talk, when are we going to see some actual consequences? i.e criminal charges, impeachment, etc.?

  5. However, we all know that the democrats would rather eat their own children (four dead in Benghazi) that lose a political fight, let alone an election. This is par for the traitorous president currently in office. He must be brought to justice. That fat ass hag Hillary needs to be slapped down too.

  6. When politically pimping the mindless back into slavery is job number one, protecting the head of the snake is job number two. Individuals as well as the masses, even those loyal to their leaders have little inherent value external to the mission. The dour and humourless left have demonstrated once again, the hollowed-out morality behind the statists (progressives, fascists, socialists, etc).

  7. Wonderful cosmic justice. These insider toadies who fart-catch and do the bidding of the new criminal governing order, hoping it earns them a soft chunk of the empire, seem shocked when their dissolute overlords throw them into the snake pit, reflexively and without remorse, to save their own butts. To criminal autocrats, everything and everybody is expendable – all that matters is continuity of the ruling autocrat/cabal. Hicks et al have just learned that the hard way.
    The real story here is the fact such a lame lie was accepted by the media and such a malefic black op and venal expending of American lives could happen in a total info vacuum so tight it never even put a dent in the re-election of the responsible parties. This is a Watergate sized crime which never could have happened without the complicity of the MSM.
    The media is complicit in these high crimes – you are just starting to see some of its more culpable minions setting up their plausible deniability for when the backlash strikes.

  8. Ambassador Chris Stevens was a registered Democrat too.
    Considering what happens to people who grass on a Clinton he’s lucky to be alive.

  9. One thing people tend to forget about the political left is that the cause is ALWAYS the more important than individual grievances. You will gladly take one for the team or else you will be disowned.

  10. I wonder what it feels like to suddenly realize that you are one of Marx’s useful idiots? It’s crowded under that bus.

  11. Frank Q. “Where is Bob Woodward anyway?”
    Bob Woodward hated Nixon and drools over Obama. You actually think it has something to do with journalistic integrity? Ah ha ha ha.
    Bob Woodward and the Washington Post, to put it simply, is Obama’s whore.
