Government by certain people, for certain people

Looks like it wasn’t just conservative/Tea Party groups drawing special attention from the IRS:

…at least one purely religious Jewish organization, one not focused on Israel, was the recipient of bizarre and highly inappropriate questions about Israel…from the same non-profit division of the IRS at issue for inappropriately targeting politically conservative groups. The IRS required that Jewish organization to state “whether [it] supports the existence of the land of Israel,” and also demanded the organization “[d]escribe [its] religious belief system toward the land of Israel.”

28 Replies to “Government by certain people, for certain people”

  1. clearly questions trying to politicise the IRS. The author of these questions should be sued in a civil court or better yet in a criminal court!

  2. Boy. Bernie and his Yank counterparts are gonna nail ‘bama & Co. to the Wailin’ Wall on this one!
    No? You don’t figure?
    Why not?

  3. Seems like just yesterday we were joking and laughing about them coming to our home and burning books, but that was almost 30 years ago and it was my Mom and I making fun of the language police in Quebec, all of a sudden that does not seem so funny anymore

  4. I’m guessing there’s a crapload of high profile Jewish law firms willing to take on the IRS in civil litigation pro bono over this. Sue the antisemitic scum back to Gaza.

  5. I think you are onto something there. Basically progressives run the US and Canada and they are becoming increasingly anti-Semitic, as well as anti-Christian.
    Darkness and pain is coming. Maybe it is time to read the Gulag Archipelago again and brush up on how Solzhenitsyn survived the paradise that progressives bring.

  6. There’s some scattered chatter that the Landmark Legal Foundation, which is Mark Levin’s legal group, played a part in exposing this, no doubt we’ll know more monday. …
    “Conservative radio talker Mark Levin appears to have touched off the investigation into Internal Revenue Service targeting of conservative political groups back in March 2012.
    In a letter last year on behalf of the Landmark Legal Foundation, an organization he heads, Levin requested an investigation into what he called “misconduct.”

  7. The f ascists rise once again. And only 29% of the U.S. population believes armed insurrection may be necessary? The Obama administration is by far the worst the U.S. has ever seen.

  8. The IRS is built for abuse and political strong-arming. I would go so far as to say it’s a feature, not a bug.

  9. Marc: the draft of my post ended with that exact William Jacobsen quote, but I removed it at the last minute. What odds?
    Anyway…there is a curious burning smell coming from down south in the last two or three weeks – a smouldering cultural war, at the very least, seems to be getting started, in a much more serious way than has been the case in the last few years. The would-be rulers – the Dems, the Beltway insiders, the “Swiss Palace Guards” as Malcolm Pollack (I think) put it – are overstepping their bounds, and becoming waaay overconfident.
    It’s going to be a problem. I think anyone who’s been closely watching American blogs/newspapers/networks recently has a sense that something’s going to hit the fan in the weeks and months to come.

  10. “It’s going to be a problem. I think anyone who’s been closely watching American blogs/newspapers/networks recently has a sense that something’s going to hit the fan in the weeks and months to come.”
    Yes. But I’ve had that feeling for about four years now, and so far nothing.

  11. I’ve also had the feeling for years that there will be a reaction, Black Mamba, but I just get a sense lately – fwiw – that things are coming to a head. The collusion between the “Swiss Palace Guards” in the MSM and the Obama administration, for example, is starting to make the news in the *MSM* – and I’m talking about the usual suspects – in a way that’s somehow…different.
    There have been traces of it before, but since Benghazi it seems like a lot more previously “onside” journalists realize that their long-term reputations are on the line — you know, rats, sinking ships, and all that. MSNBC panelists, for example, have been talking about the Benghazi lies/fallout as an impeachment-worthy issue, there have been reports (in the last couple of weeks) of people at ABC who are miffed about being silenced and forced to tow the party line, and even worms like Bill Maher are starting to turn.
    The proverbial cultural war is starting to happen in places where it wasn’t supposed to, and where it wasn’t anticipated. When something is deemed by the hubris of key figures to be colossal in scope finally collapses it’s usually because of overreach and arrogance.
    That disturbing tweet from the WaPo’s official twitter feed, for example, the one that transparently attempts to demonize/slur anyone who’s even thinking about the Obama administration’s reaction/non-reaction/coverup of the Benghazi incident, sounds more like pathetic desperation – or a death rattle – than an official statement from a historically venerated (for investigative journalism) news organization.
    I don’t know, we’ll see. Personally, I think the Benghazi story has long legs, that the arrogance and entitlement and overreach of power it exemplifies will become more widely acknowledged over time, and that we’ll be seeing (relatively) mainstream TV documentaries/retrospectives in five or ten or fifteen years that will be quite damning to the Dems and to the Obama administration.
    That’s just what I think. If it is coming, it’s coming rather late, though, I agree.

  12. spoiler alert:
    Solzhenitsyn initially survived the gulags by faking being a nuclear engineer during the infancy of the Soviet rush to build the A-bomb. Later the publication of “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” and the international recognition it brought kept him alive after being branded ‘an Enemy of the State’.
    With the so-called ‘End of the Cold War’ and complete communist infiltration of the western media in the 21st century I doubt that a contemporary ‘Enemy of the State’ would survive under similar circumstances.
    When was the last time any western news agency mentioned Dr. Shakil Afridi?

  13. 29% is very close to the percentage that supported the American Revolution in 1776!

  14. EBD, here’s hoping folks will not forget who is/was most culpable: Media. Politicians will only go as far as the media will let them. The current resident of the WH has been given a free hand by media and he ran with it. He couldn’t help himself. The media should have known better. It will be interesting to see if the Republicans have the guts to call them on it, or if they once again make a deal with the scorpion.

  15. Williams Arms in Port Perry has Norinco .223 available for less than 5 bucks for 20 rds….
    It isn’t Remington or American Eagle but it will do in a pinch.

  16. The American Republic is dead. Killed by brazen indifference to the Constitution, if not undermining the Document.When the organization set up for taxing people is this compromised Politically. No one is safe. Equality before the Law becomes a joke.The States organs become a means of repression.The key words here are”a special unit”. Like his version of the Gestapo.How Americans don’t see what’s happening, is a greater mystery than the so called Bermuda triangle.
    Meanwhile in Egypt Obama’s Sharia law, Arab winter is doing just fine. That’s all that matters to the Muslim in Chief.

  17. “Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of anything other than Obama For America?”

  18. And again, all praise to occasional commenter dwright for his immortal words:
    To hell with Godwin’s Law. The Nazis are here.
    EBD is right. MSM now realizes that some small semblance of professionalism, some small chance of continued commercial viability trumps their Dem-Obama advocacy. They are probably realizing that they’ve been suckered into their Pravdaesque sycophancy by a Marxist gangster america-hater who has nothing but contempt for them.

  19. Maybe they should crack down on the B’nai B’rith. Who knows, they might open a hospital in your neighborhood. Since no Jewish organization opposes the State of Israel, the fascist administration thinks they have found a way to take an elephant dump on Jews. Frigging Yanks put someone with the name Barak Hussein Obama in charge and all the Jews voted for him. And it’s a big surprise that they reap what they sow?

  20. Scary times for the media parties, even they know who will get the blame.
    Tough, they blew it, by complying with the Clinton- Obama group, they became propagandists and are responsible for the unchecked lunacy of the progressives.
    Even a media arts major should realize politics is about power. All the power possible.
    Hence politics, the art of the possible.
    As a man who merely wished to be left alone, when forced into a corner by the greed and rapacity of the political bureaucracies, I will give no quarter.
    Same applies to the UN driven power grabbers and muslim terrorists.
    I did not declare war on them, or try to steal from and control them.
    I do regard liberals of the modern school, as fools.
    History should be better taught.
    As a descendant of people who exterminated any threat to their children, I almost feel sorry for our modern soft progressives.
    Civilization is a luxury built by people who plan ahead.
    Savagery, destruction and chaos are easy. Frustrated and frightened people will protect their own.
    Taxes, anything but a single rate flat tax on all, is a power tool to beat the governments enemies with.
    The tax form is an insult and designed to rub your face in it, your powerlessness before the state minions..

  21. Yeah well, y’all thought that lefty tactic is winning every argument/debate by yelling “racist” had lost it’s thunder….
    What the **ll has given this fascist administration carte blanche to commit more and more blatant offences….the MSM suprression of Fast and Furious, emboldened them to Sandy Hook and Benghazi… sloppy and obvious that even the LIVs might see through it.
    Only the spectre of “The first black POTUS” being dismissed in disgrace has empowered this train wreck so far….
    But even that magic is powerless to protect his and his….
    “To hell with Godwin’s Law. The Nazis are here.”
    ….may become the war cry…..

  22. An incredulous Nixon is quoted on tape as saying “Who was the asshole who ordered it?.” He still wore Watergate and it brought him down. Mind you, he was a Republican so it’s okay.
