5 Replies to “You can’t believe that”

  1. For the past 30 years the MSM has been dismissing the brutal truth as “conspiracy theory”. That’s what they do, that’s why they exist.
    They are a truth filter and distorter given a corporate monopoly on public information dissemination by the governing class. They have a symbiotic relationship with the governing class and their smug monopoly on information was shattered by the internet – now the truth leaks out despite their best efforts – you have to know that the MSM and their patrons in government are working hard to either destroy internet freedom or control it so they once again have a monopoly on information/disinformation. It’s a natural cycle for a ruling oligarchy.
    This is no more apparent than in the core narrative of our own state broadcaster which is fully aligned with the Laurentian elite oligarchy – CBC’s entire out put feeds the political agendas of its partisan patrons – a self proclaimed ruling class oligarchy – they even call themselves “Canada’s natural governing party (cabal)”. The CBC being a virtual information monopoly doesn’t even bother dismissing inconvenient truth which damages its narrative as “conspiracy theory”, it simply omits any mention of counter opinion or damaging truth. The way they sat on the climategate scandal was a prime example. Most established media elsewhere operates like the CBC – whoring out its influence to political class patrons.

  2. Gee pill, is your neuron bothering you again? Leave the poor thing alone, it can’t compete here by itself. You should try to grow some more if you want to play with the big kids.
    Us blind squirrels just got every damn acorn under the tree, pill baby. IRS going after Bary’s political enemies list, Benghazi renamed to Ben Dover, Big Brother surveillance of every US citizen, journalists getting strong armed and/or paid off… pretty much every theme on SDA that’s been playing since 2007 got confirmed this week. That’s just a sighting the iceberg, they haven’t even hit it yet.
    Wait until post-impact when the rats start deserting the USS Obama as it starts taking on water. We’re going to find out all kindsa things about the DemocRat party laundering money through the “Green Jobs” program, lots more Fast & Furious fun, ballot stuffing, theft, scandal, probably murder, oh yeah.
    Good times!
