Boston Marathon Bombing: Lone Wolf Update


The FBI is leaving open the question of who fired the fatal shot that killed a man being questioned by authorities in the Boston bombing probe. The bureau initially said that an FBI agent fired the fatal shot when the man being interviewed, Ibragim Todashev, initiated a violent confrontation.

19 Replies to “Boston Marathon Bombing: Lone Wolf Update”

  1. Oh shoot! Those gosh-darn loose ends keep showing up. It’s getting harder each time to deal with them.

  2. I wonder which high ranking WH official would have been implicated if the suspect had not been executed?

  3. Meh, spook world just scrubbing up some loose details on their back tail. Anyone heard anything from the mook in custody? Didn’t think so.

  4. This is the same guy that beat up a couple of guys over a parking space. Obviously he was not too tightly wrapped, if he thought he could get violent with two state police AND an FBI agent. Now we have to wonder if he knew something and chose suicide by cop; or was just a violent, idiot asshole?

  5. “Now we have to wonder if he knew something and chose suicide by cop; or was just a violent, idiot asshole?”
    Why do we have to choose?

  6. Hearing this, my first thought was how f-ing stupid these cops must be. If there was ever anybody on Earth who’s going to die fighting rather than go peacefully with The Authorities, its a hard@ss from Chechnya.
    Former Soviet block citizens don’t have good history with The Authorities, choosing to go down fighting is a no-brainer for those guys.

  7. Not sure when conservatives abandoned their distrust for government. Must have been when their distrust for Islam became their obsession. Personally, I’m not so sure I buy anything that comes from this administration or its agents even if Muslims are the apparent villans.

  8. Now they have to wait until the White House whitewashes this as an act of occupational violence for the FBI agent who was stabbed.
    Susan Rice, John Kerry, Hilary and Obama will soon blame the youtube video trailer about the life of Mo. and apologize.
    Meanwhile in the U.K. the P.M. David Cameron will soon be apologizing for British police shooting the guys who beheaded the soldier on a city street in broad daylight.
    P.M. Cameron will then remind Britons that personal possession of handguns for self-protection by law-abiding infidels… er…citizens is banned in the U.K. as per Sharia Law.
    Back in Canada, only about 250,000 to 350,000 Muslims want Sharia Law here.
    Heck if you think the streets aren’t safe… well you can always take the train.

  9. Your comment makes no sense at all. Of the preceding comments, none could be taken as a whole-hearted endorsement of the actions of the authorities. Most of us here probably agree that the Progressives are using muslims as tools to help them tear down Western civilization, with the (probably false) expectation that once we conservatives are liquidated, they can then put the muzzies back in the bottle.

  10. Update #2:
    With some transcript for those without solid connective internet…
    “The man shot dead by an FBI agent in Orlando, Florida early today was “about to sign a statement” admitting to a role, along with Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev, in an unsolved triple murder in Massachusetts in 2011, two people with direct knowledge of the case told ABC News.”

  11. Well, someone HAS to say it: Never bring a knife to a gun fight.
    More oxygen for the rest of us…good riddance.

  12. Gosh, that’s terrible – for the US to lose three promising bright young immigrant men in the prime of life. Such a waste.
    I do hope they’ll be replaced by other fine young Chechens.
    What’s that? Already done, eh?
    Wow, talk about proactivity!

  13. Shooting a man during interrogation? Did he know something that they didn’t want out?

  14. Sure. That’s it.
    This Chechen lowlife was about to spill the beans on:
    a) The “TRUE” story about 9/11
    b) The Masonic Lodge’s blueprint to take control of the world’s finances
    c) Who shot Kennedy from The Grassy Knoll
    d) Monsanto’s ties to (take your pick) big oil; The Chi-coms; George Bush; or the Bilderburg Group
    e) The Tea Party’s secret funding agreements with Hezbollah and Al-Qaeda
    e) All of the above
