27 Replies to “House Committee Hearing on IRS”

  1. Former IRS Commissioner Doug Schulman is a complete evasive, unaccountable, purposely vague, prevaricating weasel. When asked who, specifically, he met with at the White House on several specific occasions, he replied “I met with a variety of people” then immediately digressed into talking about about the panoply of subjects unrelated to the IRS issue that he talked about with all these unidentified people.
    When asked “What does it take for someone to be disciplined at the IRS?” Schulman replied — quote — “it depends if it’s someone in the union or not.”
    When Jackie Speier pointed out to Schulman that he was Commissioner of the IRS for five years, he made a thoroughly perplexed face, and pointed out that no, he was Commissioner for four years and eight months.
    When she pointed out the damning fact that during his tenure he received 132 letters about targeting of conservative groups, he said “This is the first time I’ve heard that specific number…” — as if his knowledge of the specific number is the salient point, and that there’s in this context a big difference between, say, 128 and 135 letters.
    Every bit of the testimony from all of them is part of a coordinated coverup, full stop.

  2. If you condense down the testimony of the IRS head today it comes down to this: the IRS is too big to manage, too big to be responsible for.
    One small step to evading responsibility, one giant leap for the cause of limiting government.

  3. Rep. Trey Gowdy. R. South Carolina 4th.
    Just replay his questioning during the next election, Oct. 2014

  4. Of course Kansas can survive a tornado, but the US will not survive political targeting by the IRS.
    All brought to you by a nation founded on the revolution of the Boston Tea Party…! The irony is staggering.
    The evasiveness of the former IRS commissioner Shulman is astounding; this guy was not in the least bit curious and lifted not finger to investigate the shortcomings of his department, even when he learned of the Inspector General making inquiries.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  5. Politically appointed head of the IRS commissioner Shulman, has now testified that he didn’t ask anybody and did not consult with anybody before assuring congress that the targeting of tea party organizations had stopped when it had in fact continued and still continues today. His previous testimony was that no targeting of tea party organizations was taking place at all.
    He now admits it happened under his watch but he’s not responsible, oh, and he’s sorry.
    He also testified he thought his misinformation and lying about IRS targeting people and organizations for their political belief would not affect the federal election at all.

  6. That was the best “tv” I’ve seen in a long time. Too much there to even blog about, up to and including revelations that IRS representative was present in all of the auditor’s interviews and that Lerner may have nullified her 5th amdmt protection by giving an opening statement, and is being called back to answer questions.

  7. Just following orders is no excuse here. These people all belong in jail and they should be thoroughly audited.

  8. Back in the day of the big-time Mafia investigations, mobsters who were taking the Fifth would not so much as acknowledge their name, for fear that answering any question might void their Fifth Amendment protections. So Issa has strong grounds for contending that Lerner has indeed done so.

  9. What she said was not some generalized introduction. They were a series of statements following her taking her oath that go to the heart of the right to remain silent – specific proclamations of innocence. As with the abuse of others’ rights under tax act, she is abusing the right to remain silent. Silent means just that. What she appears to be asserting is the right to be free from scrutiny following the act of not being silent. Last I checked there was no such a right (though the belief in lack of scrutiny is certainly understandable in the Obama administration).
    As there is no “right to give selective self-interested statements…and then be silent” she can be compelled to testify.

  10. Lois Lerner:
    “The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) official who apologized for targeting conservative nonprofit groups for extra scrutiny is married to an attorney whose firm hosted a voter registration organizing event for the Obama presidential campaign, praised President Obama’s policy work, and had one of its partners appointed by Obama to a key ambassadorship.
    IRS Exempt Organizations Division director Lois G. Lerner, who has been described as “apolitical” in mainstream press coverage of the IRS scandal, is married to tax attorney Michael R. Miles, a partner at the law firm Sutherland Asbill & Brennan. The firm is based in Atlanta but has a number of offices including in Washington, D.C., where Miles works.”
    The 400-attorney firm hosted an organizing meeting at its Atlanta office for people interested in helping with voter registration for the Obama re-election campaign.

    “Earlier this week The Daily Caller reported that Lerner personally signed the tax-exemption approval for a shady charity run by Obama’s half-brother, after an inexplicably brief one-month application process.”

  11. Lois Lerner:
    “Under the direction of Lois Lerner, the Federal Election Commission sued the Christian Coalition in the 1990s. She harassed the Christian Coalition for three election cycles. She lost her case. Lerner even asked one conservative during the case if Pat Robertson prayed over him. …
    These actions landed her at the IRS where she used the same tactics against conservatives and Christians…”

  12. Delightful “All in the Family” piece of news…welcome to the “OWE-bama-Nation(tm)”.
    I’m sure that the recall of Lois Lerner, who has now waived her right to the 5th Amendment, will be a most cooperative witness after her introductory remarks to the Oversight Committee.
    No doubt Trey Gowdy’s stellar performance today will be repeated in encore fashion for all the good taxpayers beholden to the IRS.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  13. The consummate Bureaucrat.
    Will not answer a single question.
    Keeps refering to the “chain of command”, or “Organisational procedure”.
    These are the types who allowed millions to die in camps, or gulags.
    Its stunning to watch the American Republic die from the ministrations of these gutless weasels.

  14. In a perfect world, these people would be cuffed and taken from the Congress and placed in cells, only to be brought out for more testimony. Sooner or later it’s GOT TO HAPPEN if this mess is going to get cleared up. Watching them frog-march Holder out would be priceless.

  15. Waterboarding would get some answers from these apparatchiks. If it’s good enough for America’s external enemies, why not its internal ones?
    Fact is there will be no answers on any of these scandals until one of two things happen:
    1. Obama is out of office and the henchmen have all been granted immunity. or
    2. A John Dean III steps forward and rats them all out.

  16. I am literally stunned by Shulman’s testimony as contained in the video excerpt. When I was in charge of a large number of people, when wrong-doing was clearly exhibited, my first reaction was to drop-kick their asses out of the door and wait for the investigation to verify my actions…and they always did.
    This lying little weasel is an astonishing example of prevarication, lying and evasivness.

  17. Where’s oblamer? I want his ass up there in front of these guys!! That’s what I want I wanna see the Chicago gangster sweating!!

  18. This was also my favourite part. Why were others walking on eggshells the entire time?
