74 Replies to “More In Today’s Broad Strata News”

  1. Justin, should we look into the cause of this? Englishmen are scheduled for extinction by letting savages occupy their country. Take it back before it’s too late or go the way of the dodos

  2. And so goes Canuckistan,unless we wake-up PDQ. Eff’n death cult.Just like the eco-cultists.Although the greenie scum sneak around and destroy science and steal tax payers $$$. We have all ready been dhimmituded.

  3. Prince Charles has said he’d like to include other faiths in his coronation.
    That he’ll be the “Defender of Faiths” , not the “Defender of the Faith”
    I think Canada / Oz should take a look at becoming a republic, perhaps after the next Quebec referendum.

  4. Well these brazen butchers take their craft seriously, they came with MEAT CLEAVERS to behead this soldier, and stopped for a photo-op from passersby!
    Is there any life blood left in the British body politic or are they just rolling over in the grave?
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  5. Justthinkin that’s unrealistic. If it gets anywhere near that point in Canada chief Theresa will go on a 2+ year hunger strike demanding she get a meeting with Mohammed. Nobody can be properly prepared for that sort of attack.

  6. Sure…maybe not,but carry concealed sure evens things up! Remember….don’t bring a knife to a gun fight.

  7. Time to bring the chopping block in the Tower of London out of retirement.

  8. Kinda puts a whole new spin on gun control, don’t it? If two pukes armed with kitchen cutlery took out a soldier in broad daylight, how’s your mum going to make out down at the mall by herself?
    On the other hand, its nice when the ratbags come out of hiding and stand up where we can get at them. How many broad daylight attacks before the dirk and the gentleman’s sword cane make a comeback?

  9. Meanwhile the “Youths” are setting the Saabs alight in Stockholm:
    Rioters have lit fires and stoned emergency services in the suburbs of Stockholm for the third night in a row after a man was shot dead by police.
    Incidents were reported in at least nine suburbs of the Swedish capital and police made eight arrests.
    On Sunday night, more than 100 cars were set alight, Swedish media report.
    Police in the deprived, largely immigrant suburb of Husby shot a man dead last week after he reportedly threatened to kill them with a machete.

  10. Like I have said here and elsewhere for sometime now. Islam is not a religion. It is a Murder Cult. Moslems’s are butchering, hacking, beheading, stoning, bombing, and killing 24/7/365 somewhere in the world constantly. Ban all Moslem Immigration, Deport as many as you can, and lock up any you can not deport…..As I have also said, our children and grandchildren will have to fight these people in OUR streets one day.

  11. Chickens coming home to roost in Britain and in Stockholm.
    To those mentioning Justin might want to look for root causes, you have it right.

  12. There will be no backlash. If there were to be a backlash, it would have happened long ago. I am afraid Westerners have simply been cowed by their own nanny states and a stultifying popular culture that makes heretics of any who ask perfectly reasonable questions about the received wisdom of liberalism.
    The Islamic mind sees this sort of effete, obsequious behavior as the West actually asking to be subjugated. In their warped mindset, they see waging jihad as a form of charity.
    No one in officialdom will ask the obvious question, i.e. why are all nations of the West pursuing suicidal immigration policies that not only permit but encourage colonization by 7th century barbarians? Instead we’ll hear the same insipid, regurgitated nonsense about economic disparities, lack of social services, and the legacies of institutional racism.

  13. side note: Our intellectual superiors don’t know a meat cleaver from a machete.

  14. Radical muslims did this? no no.. I think they were “devout” muslims.
    No motive yet Black Mamba, everything’s on the table.

  15. I recall some British stores having signs near their cutlery that plainly said that sales of sharp objects will not be made to those under the age of 18.
    So these devout people had better hope they’re of age to legally own this cutlery.

  16. *
    “Black Mamba asks… Do we have a motive yet?”
    Nope. London’s Mayor, Boris the Brave, has said it is
    too soon to draw conclusions.

  17. Jolly Olde Britain has had the jollies taken out of her through stupid immigration too long in the hands of the Left. To borrow a phrase from Newfoundland, “the arse is out of ‘er”

  18. Since the 2001 census, the Muslim population in Canada has doubled to more than 3 per cent. We are entering the danger area where Britain and several other European countries already exist, much to their regret. Unless we want this sort of barbarism in our country, we must stop importing Muslims. Their ideology is violent, intolerant and expansionist. It is NOT compatible with our free, democratic society.
    A society that becomes more Muslim becomes less everything else – less Jewish, less gay, less feminist, less artistic, less scientific, less free. – Mark Steyn, 2013

  19. Well. It appears that the Farmer Cameron has said he will not buckle to terrorism and will find out who did this. On Fox now(2:00 pm MDT)
    Yeah right. First he and all leftards have buckled long ago. Second. He will NOT attack or even ask probing questions of his pet voting bloc. Pretty stupid and gutless when the once “Great” Briton is down to importing and supporting a death cult just to keep leftards in power.

  20. Mr. McClean’s murderer is out and about – I saw that information here at SDA – that creature beheaded a man on a Greyhound bus and was eating him. The police here had less spine than the London police who shot the bags of filth in this case.
    Where did those heaps of dung get a gun? I thought that guns were outlawed in GB. Somebody tell Piers Morgan!

  21. I don’t even think those numbers are accurate. It’s far higher. Canada also has more Somalis than any other country in the West. 1/4 more than the UK and twice more than the US.

  22. “Regular police officers in England are not allowed to carry guns and have to wait for armed response teams to show up in serous situations. It took the armed response team 20 minutes to get to the scene. The suspects had big knives and a illegal gun to carry out their crime.”
    If that doesn’t make you feel safe remember it took 1 1/2 hours for the cops in Oslo, Norway to travel to the scene of the slaughter. Breivik even wondered what was taking so long.

  23. And to think, it’s smug Europeans who scoff at Americans for being so protective of the 2nd Amendment. “Why can’t you paranoid crazies just phone the police?”
    Phone them for what? To come draw the chalk outlines 20 minutes later?

  24. Number of self-hating Brits on Twitter right now is depressing. Messages like “EDL is the real enemy” and so on.
    FAR more than angry tweets at least from what I can see. My tweets of outrage are attracting lefty young UK “men”, one a self-described bisexual goth rat-owner.
    England has been doomed for years. Wish I could sympathize more but they all seem so placid.

  25. No word on a motive yet, even though we have video of the guy who did it, literally red handed, and he won’t shut up for telling us all why he did it.
    One nice thing, the other guy who did it got himself shot by a CHICK. That’s not going to look good on his resume.

  26. what would justin do?
    CBCpravda has it watered down so no soldier ,no allah akbar crap

  27. One nice thing, the other guy who did it got himself shot by a CHICK.

    Maybe it took 20 minutes because the employment equity quota specified that the next vismin needed to be shot by a chick.

  28. The boldness, the brazenness is the thing. The brutality, routine.
    Only a few days ago I saw a clip of Anjem Choudary telling his fellow UK Islamist haters to max out the welfare and benefits while joking that he hoped the government wouldn’t hear his comments. He was laughing, calling it jizya, saying “you kuffar work, give us Muslims the money”.
    Choudary is, btw, a lawyer. I thought, ‘man if you can’t take a able bodied islamist professional off the dole, you’re DONE’.

  29. What should one expect from someone who’s prophet Mohammed was a murdering, thieving, village burning, bigoted, pedophile.
    “Relgion of peace” Was there ever a more over statement applied to the worlds largest cult religion?

  30. The western world has been at war unknowingly since the middle ages with this so call of religion of peace. Throw in the “progressive” propaganda of the last 50 or so years, the spiritual aspect of the western society is overwhelmed, withering, if not under direct attack.
    As I have said before this a spiritual battle.
    For those who espouse the Judeo Christian basis of our laws and way of life and then demand to ignore where credit to be given is due in order to appease the “progressives” (those who want their cake and eat it too), deserve to basically rot in Hades.
    We are at war and it will get uglier.

  31. The Police, TV personalities. You Name the Governmental Establishment will move heaven or hell to go after the EDL. Never Muslims though. Never Imams preaching hate. Cover-ups evasions, blasphemy courts (human rights courts) all bowing to Islamic Jihad.
    While their citizens are disarmed than prosecuted for self defence against monsters.
    Twenty Minute wait because the criminals are Muslim, while instantly going after the EDL.
    Britain is now a Land under rule of an invader. The BBC shrugs it off as just an other incident, not worthy of reporting. Mean while 50 rape gangs of “Asians” are operating. Prostituting the none Muslim Children of this once Great Nation.
    Yet they take this day in & day out.
    England is no more a free land. Its people have become slaves.
    This reminds me of the savage here in Canada while the cops watched him eat his victim, for 4 hours. Why? Because he was not white.The cops when forced to shoot these maniacs . Apologized that this might effect the Muslim Community. Insanity!!!
    How can people not see the madness in this?

  32. Global’s Dawna Friesen might have gotten herself kicked off Justin’s holiday card list – she described the attack as barbaric.
