74 Replies to “More In Today’s Broad Strata News”

  1. Yeah well, this had to end badly…..but it has not ended….
    The Marsaillaise has the inspiration for this momment.
    Aux armes cityoens, formes battalions, marchon, marchon, quand sang impure abreave nos sillions.
    God Save the Queen….

  2. Repeat after me, Islam is a religion of peace, Islam is a religion of of peace, Islam is a religion of peace.
    Question: when can we hang the politicians who have allowed this to happen?

  3. According to the Daily Mail, the soldier was off duty and in civilian clothes, and they ran him down with their car. They then dragged his body onto the street and attacked him with knives and a meat cleaver. He never had a chance to defend himself.
    mid island mike

  4. Close down the welfare state, end the warfare on the productive, problem goes away.
    I almost feel for the progressive types and our police, but when it hits the fan so sorry, you self identified with and as the “enemy”.
    Open carry will be compulsory in a few short years, as we the public recognize that our governments can neither serve or protect.

  5. The soldier, if he was one, wasn’t armed at the time. Besides, he was run over by them with a car first.

  6. Name even one Muslim dominated country that lives in harmony with a Christian minority. Don’t waste you time thinking because it doesn’t exist.

  7. There was a lawyer member of an Einsatzgruppen in Russia…..There were plenty of degreed murderers in Nazi Germany.

  8. I wonder when we might start considering the phrase ‘allahu ahkbar’ as hate speech? Also, the Fort Hood ‘domestic violence’ shooter has been paid something like $279,000.00 since the ‘incident’ while the victims have been fighting to get their costs covered. For 279 k we could have given the USA 3 or 4 senators. But that is another matter.

  9. They normally aren’t armed unless on active service, or if in garrison on guard duty or on a training exercise. That is common in first world democracies (e.g. Canada, U.S.A.) British forces also don’t normally wear uniform if off duty and out of their barracks, a security precaution that dates back through the modern Irish troubles. But in Britain, especially around garrisons, people are usually able to identify soldiers out of uniform.

  10. Takes a farmer to bring common sense to the table, nailed it farmerboy. Any politician listening? Just crickets, they are to busy engaged in ballooning their expense accounts to look up and see the future.

  11. Gee Melissa, you don’t think SOMEBODY ELSE ON THE BUSY STREET might have pulled out their personal defence weapon and helped the poor guy?

  12. What do you suggest we “do about it” 454guy?
    I ask non-facetiously.
    Inquiring minds ….

  13. Well, I wouldn’t post it here or anywhere else in the blogosphere. You’ll probably get audited by the CRA and your name will go on list.grc.ca

  14. Meanwhile, countdown for the inevitable backlash…5,4,3,2,1…..oh, not today?

  15. There is a Facebook group called, “Wear your poppy with pride” that included a memorial today for the murdered soldier, with photo, he had served in Germany, in Cyprus…
    “It is with great sadness that the Ministry of Defence must announce that the soldier killed in yesterday’s incident in Woolwich, South East London, is believed to be Drummer Lee Rigby of 2nd Battalion The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers (attached to the Regimental Recruiting Team in London).
    Drummer Lee Rigby or ‘Riggers’ to his friends was born in July 1987 in Crumpsall, Manchester. He joined the Army in 2006…”

  16. Oh, one more thing, anybody get some thoughts from Turdo le II about the root causes?

  17. “This story is from February, but it’s news to me. It didn’t make national media at the time, but people are pointing it out now, after yesterday’s savage Islamic beheading attack in London.

    In a crime that New Jersey authorities have described as heinous, a local man is believed to have shot to death two Coptic Christians before severing their heads and hands and burying their bodies in the backyard of a relative’s abandoned home.”

  18. 454guy, I salute you! And sit here guilty of doing absolutely nothing but bitch. Good on you, man.
