More Pavilions At Folkfest

Daily Mail;

Sweden is reeling after a third night of rioting in largely run-down immigrant areas of the capital Stockholm.
In the last 48 hours violence has spread to at least ten suburbs with mobs of youths torching hundreds of cars and clashing with police.
It is Sweden’s worst disorder in years and has shocked the country and provoked a debate on how Sweden is coping with youth unemployment and an influx of immigrants.

41 Replies to “More Pavilions At Folkfest”

  1. Ah yes, the annual Liberal left multi-cult car-b-que season is off with a real bang this year.
    Do you feel enriched? I know I do.

  2. I’ve read news reports from the BBC, the Hindu Times, from Canada, and from the US. None of them mention that these are Muslims who are rioting.

  3. If only there were some distinctive common attribute shared among these youths it would be easier to maintain social order. Oh well boys will be boys. Enjoy the carbecues, commie b1tches.

  4. Madman2001 >
    ‘……None of them mention that these are Muslims who are rioting.”
    Oh my god your right!
    It’s got to be middle aged white Christian republican voting males. Yea, that’s it, of course the CBC, BBC et al would never lie or cover up the truth.

  5. so how soon will it be before the mussies in
    canada take the hint and do like wise?

  6. Remember when Mark Steyn(America Alone), Melanie Philips(Londonistan) et al were just plain wrong.

  7. Not surprised one bit.
    They’re not nearly as prepared for this as France is…could be a long hot summer.
    “Won’t anyone think of the climate?” /

  8. Yet our Government allows them to flow into Canada like a river.
    No matter the evidence of hatred with violence. I don’t know about you,but I find that beyond Macabre. Spooky even.
    Our so called betters know what this does to Nations .Yet continues the Madness. That’s more than odd.

  9. Ahh, the wonderful sound of people getting the government they (so richly) deserve.

  10. at some point one of these gubmint genius’ will figure out U fight fire with fire, and then the rattle of an M-16 will rule the day, and quiet the night

  11. Yeah well, it’s not really that much of a mystery.
    The Socialists just are unable to grasp that the muzzies are unassimilatable, especially to the socialist agenda.
    The Scandanavian socialists have succeeded in transforming the scandanavians in their desired model but in the process of multiculturalism have imported the barbarians who are totally resistant to the socialists concept of tolerance and inclusion.
    In their insanity, when the imported barbarians rape, pillage and burn…..the socialists blame it on those of nordic ancestry….being intolerant racist etc.
    The end result is that with few exceptions, the prospect of a Holger Dansk (google it), leading a reformation/requonquista are remote.
    Note that there are few reports of these islamic offences in Finland…..but then Scandanavians generally consider the Finns as difficult people.

  12. The Federal Government should make inciting jihad the equivalent of murder. Any imam that does not denounce jihad should be deported if not a citizen; if a citizen arrested for being an enemy of the state, treason or whatever. Jail end result.
    We all know the unconstitutional guilty until proven innocent drinking and driving laws. They will never be rolled back so they could be extended (never a good idea, but) to Muslims, silence about jihad is guilt. Inciting jihad, anything, lying, cheating to advance jihad etc. guilty. Prove your innocence. Do not pass GO, you’re on the next flight out: or book em Danno….
    They’ll get the message if Liberals are not in charge……

  13. “…and provoked a debate on how Sweden is coping with youth unemployment and an influx of immigrants…”
    I betcha the debate doesn’t even touch the ‘influx of immigrants’ angle.
    No Sir! Rather, Sweden will only look at the politically acceptable root causes: unemployment, alienation, discrimination, etc.
    And Frank Q is right. The Canadian torchlight parades will start sooner rather than later…in a city that traditionally votes for the commies. Let’s do our best to suppress giggles….

  14. This is easy. All of the above.
    Long hot summer is right. There will probably be a few of them and occurring more often.
    Something about chickens coming home to roost.

  15. (This comment not directed at anyone in this thread)
    It’s the Muslims, STUPID!!!!!

  16. bureaucrat-ese precede any immigrant invasion
    in early 90’s my truck stolen, dumped in forest lawn
    a couple days later, tagged abandoned, by-law office
    towed 72 hrs later to impound.
    despite being a legally plated/registered vehicle, no attempt made to contact owner.
    had to phone impound to ask if vehicle there
    pay in-bound tow + impound fee + outbound tow to retrieve non-running vehicle.
    police & bylaw don’t talk to each other. Mayor doesn’t care.

  17. Don’t worry, the Islamification of Canada is only happening in the urban ghettos of the big cities. No big loss if they riot, disgruntled hockey fans have done worse.
    I will continue to live in the part of Canada that has no tolerance of people who want to live apart and not become Canadians.
    Someone wearing a veil or bhurka in my town would likely be greeted with a smile and “Happy Halloween”.

  18. *
    “madman2001 says… I’ve read news reports from the BBC,
    the Hindu Times, from Canada, and from the US. None of them
    mention that these are Muslims
    who are rioting.”

    i blame abba… “finally meeting our waterloo… ooh, ooh, ooh…”

  19. “… No big loss if they riot, disgruntled hockey fans have done worse.”
    We’ll see about that N of 60.
    I’m betting that when it happens, it’s going to make the spoiled little Vancouver bed-wetters look like a bunch of thumb-sucking Brownies.

  20. Ahhhhhh. you’ve hit it on the head, 454.
    There is value of course to airing things out on blogs and forums: it’s an educational process, and, there is value in venting.
    But our opinions, suggestions and demands achieve nothing unless they are communicated to our representatives. And although I believe that SDAers communicate with MPs and MPPs more frequently than our population as a whole, the number is still probably depressingly low.

  21. “…Don’t sit on your hands, don’t assume that venting in the blogs is going to do something good. Write letters! Write to everyone in sight…”
    And get angry, publicly and privately. Tell people they have a duty to get off their arses and do something. There’s one hell of a lot more to participatory democracy than making an X on a piece of paper every four years.
    We are starting to see the first hints of this open contempt for our institutions in our cities. In Ottawa, the incidents of Somali punks threatening, robbing and otherwise terrorizing people are rapidly rising in frequency, but no alarm bells are being rang.

  22. Maybe neither here nor there but…..
    Sault Ste Marie, Ontario YMCA just announced separate swimming facilities for muslim females. True, just one hour or so for one day. It seems nothing to write home about, but the problem maybe that it is a foot in the door. I hope I am absolutely wrong!

  23. No PETER GILES you are not “absolutely wrong”. You are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT.
    Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip.
    That’s the really dangerous jihad.
    Islam-in-the-news. Islam-in-the-news. Islam-in-the-news. Islam-in-the-news. Islam-in-the-news. Islam-in-the-news.
    7 days a week. 52 weeks a year. 366 days in a leap year.

  24. He, heeeeee, heeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
    Stockholm sure is more ‘progressive’ than Trawna, ain’t it?
    But don’t worry, Trawna’s in ‘catch-up’ mode.

  25. They are not Muslims in the reports:
    1) They are from North Africa
    2) They are from Southern Asia
    3) They are from Central Asia
    I mean everyone knows the means Mennonites, right?

  26. I am reading a fascinating book called “Crucified Again” by Raymond Ibrahim, a Coptic ,Christian who has great understanding of the muslim world and its history. He reminds us that Islam has been waging war on the west for 1,400 years, killing, enslaving the Christian west and only started to cease from 1785 when Napoleon invaded and easily defeated the muslims in Egypt with his modern weapons. Islam respected and feared the West and embraced our civilization with its wealth and power and from 1850 on Christians prospered in the Islamic countries that were all Christian before Islam attacked them. Jefferson started the US Navy to fight muslims in Tripoli.
    Since the 1960’s this has changed as Islam saw the attacking of our culture by leftist “intellectuals” and have joined with them as they see our decadence and weaknesses. This war has been rejoined by Islam as we see in countries like Nigeria, Mali, Malaysia and now Europe as their demographics increase and the killing of Christians and kafurs, us, begins anew. In 1900 20% of the Islamic world was Christian, now less than 2%. According to MI6 over 200 million Christians are persecuted in the muslim world.
    The blind stupidity of Cameron and other world leaders in continually placating Islam is insane and saying these killers betrayed Islam. This is Islam. How many incidents have to happen before reality is faced by these spineless leaders. Stockholm is burning, set by muslims, how long until we see that here.

  27. Let Stockholm burn.They have begged for it. Paid for it. Bowed down to barbarian ways for it.Please though start burning the hatching grounds of the left.
    If I sound insensitive.I am. No pity to those who see murder than walk away. They are as guilty as the murderer. Sweden has killed its own Nation. Let them bath is the flames of their ignorance, if not culpability.

  28. I’m afraid I have to agree with Revnant Dream. People aren’t going to wake up (at least not in sufficient numbers) until it’s their car or house on fire, or their relative beheaded. Same goes for the economic side of socialist fantasies, people aren’t going to clue in until they’re waiting in line for hours to buy a loaf of bread with a brick of worthless paper. Only real pain can cure someone of the Touchie Feelies.
    Let it burn indeed. You know, there’s a nice analogy to be had here. Consider how regular forest fires renew nature; civilizations are likewise renewed. It’s a pretentiously poetic metaphor, if nothing else. And maybe we can con the greens on-side.

  29. “…few reports of these islamic offences in Finland…..but then Scandanavians generally consider the Finns as difficult people.”
    The Red Army thought the Scandinavians were right.
